Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

Dominique Leuenberger


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Involved Projects and Packages

libXML++ provides a C++ interface for XML files. It presently uses
libxml2 to access the XML files.

GLib/GObject wrapper for the SkyDrive and Hotmail REST APIs


Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news
aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different
feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML. There are
many other news readers available, but these others are not available
for Linux or require many extra libraries to be installed. Liferea
tries to fill this gap by creating a fast, easy-to-use, easy-to-install
news aggregator for GTK and GNOME.

This package is created as the branding package for liferea


LibMemphis provides a GObject based API to render OpenStreetMap data on
a cairo surface. Libmemphis implements the 'Slippy Map Tilename'
specification, like Mapnik and Osmarender.

It supports zoom level 12 to 18, projected with the Mercator projection.

This package contains mobile broadband settings for different service
providers in different countries.

The Mousetweaks package provides mouse accessibility enhancements for
the GNOME desktop.


Mutter is a window and compositing manager based on Clutter, forked
from Metacity.

Nautilus is the file manager for the GNOME desktop.

This is a nautilus extension that allows you to open a terminal in
arbitrary folders.

This package provides the functionality to the Nautilus file browser to
send files over e-mail or instant messaging protocols via Evolution,
Empathy and Pidgin.

Application for the GNOME desktop integrated in Nautilus, that allows
simple use of Nautilus shares without signing in as root.

Features: * A new entry in your Nautilus right-click menu with a
nice icon.

* A simple dialog to share your folder, which allows you to choose a
name and decide whether to make it read-only.

* Possibility to access it from the Properties tab of your folder.

* Possibility to see whether a share name already exists by simply
typing it.

* Nautilus displays a palm icon to visually show you which folders are

NetworkManager attempts to keep an active network connection available
at all times. The point of NetworkManager is to make networking
configuration and setup as painless and automatic as possible. If
using DHCP, NetworkManager is intended to replace default routes,
obtain IP addresses from a DHCP server, and change name servers
whenever it sees fit.

This package contains GNOME utilities and applications for use with
NetworkManager, including a panel applet for wireless networks.

NetworkManager-openvpn provides VPN support to NetworkManager for

NetworkManager-pptp provides VPN support to NetworkManager for PPTP.

NetworkManager-vpnc provides VPN support to NetworkManager for vpnc.

D-BUS notification daemon.

nss-mdns is a plug-in for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS)
functionality of the GNU C Library (glibc) providing a hostname
resolution via Multicast DNS (aka Zeroconf, aka Apple Rendezvous, aka
Apple Bonjour), and effectively allowing name resolution by common
Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc mDNS domain .local.

nss-mdns provides only client functionality, which means that you have
to run a mDNS responder daemon separately from nss-mdns if you want to
register the local hostname via mDNS. I recommend Avahi.

By default, nss-mdns tries to contact a running avahi-daemon to resolve
hostnames and addresses and makes use of its superior record cacheing.

This package provides as much compatibility as possible for packages
installed into the old /opt/gnome prefix. The package installs the
/opt/gnome directory structure and configures system and GNOME
components to support this prefix.

This package deletes itself, if it does not find any useful files in
/opt/gnome. If you want to install this package, you need to have at
least one useful file in /opt/gnome or create it just now.


The Opus codec is designed for interactive speech and audio transmission over
the Internet. It is designed by the IETF Codec Working Group and incorporates
technology from Skype's SILK codec and Xiph.Org's CELT codec.


ORBit is a high-performance CORBA (Common Object Request Broker
Architecture) ORB (Object Request Broker). It allows programs to send
requests and receive replies from other programs, regardless of the
locations of the two programs. CORBA is an architecture that enables
communication between program objects, regardless of the programming
language they are written in or the operating system they run on.

You will need to install this package if you want to run programs that
use the CORBA technology ORBit implementation.


Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification.

PackageKit is a system designed to make installing and updating
software on your computer easier. The primary design goal is to unify
all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and
use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit to make the process
suck less.

PackageKit is a system designed to make installing and updating
software on your computer easier. The primary design goal is to unify
all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and
use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit to make the process
suck less.

This package provides the openSUSE default configuration for

33234 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-04-10
11 commits
5 requests created
59 reviews done
2 comments written
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