Dirk Mueller's avatar

Dirk Mueller


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Involved Projects and Packages

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project does not build, it is just for storing snapshots used for automated testing.

This project contain updates needed for openSUSE:12.2:ARM and/or openSUSE:12.2:PowerPC.
Future maintenance updates shall always merge these changes.
The sources in this project are always safe to be used on standard 12.2 i586/x86_64 distribution.

This update fixes the following issues:
- bnc: 737331

Package: tar

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