Dirk Mueller's avatar

Dirk Mueller


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Involved Projects and Packages

Zim aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to your desktop. For example
every page is saved as a text file with wiki markup. Pages can contain
links to other pages, and are saved automatically. Creating a new page
is as easy as linking to a non-exiting page. This tool is intended to
keep track of TODO lists or serve as a personal scratch book.

Maintainer Bugowner

Devel project for rpmlint to avoid rpmlint breaking other packages

Maintainer Bugowner

Rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. Binary and
source packages can be checked.

Rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. Binary and
source packages can be checked.

Devel project for rpmlint to avoid rpmlint breaking other packages


Development project for RISC-V related things

Maintainer Bugowner

ALP RISCV build moved to SUSE:ALP:RISCV - this was Rebuild for RISCV

RISC-V Allwinner D1 boards.


All kind of developments tools. Esp. profiling and debugging tools.


Documentation for libdwarf.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner

This package is based on the package 'valgrind' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

Valgrind checks all memory operations in an application, like read,
write, malloc, new, free, and delete. Valgrind can find uses of
uninitialized memory, access to already freed memory, overflows,
illegal stack operations, memory leaks, and any illegal
new/malloc/free/delete commands. Another program in the package is
"cachegrind," a profiler based on the valgrind engine.

To use valgrind you should compile your application with "-g -O0"
compiler options. Afterwards you can use it with:

valgrind --tool=memcheck --sloppy-malloc=yes --leak-check=yes
--db-attach=yes my_application, for example.

More valgrind options can be listed via "valgrind --help". There is
also complete documentation in the /usr/share/doc/packages/valgrind/
directory. A debugged application runs slower and needs much more
memory, but is usually still usable. Valgrind is still in development,
but it has been successfully used to optimize several KDE applications.

Tools for building software

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system

Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer

to quote wikipedia:
Software Configuration Management (SCM) is part of configuration management (CM). Roger Pressman (in his book) Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, says that software configuration management (SCM) is a "set of activities designed to control change by identifying the work products that are likely to change, establishing relationships among them, defining mechanisms for managing different versions of these work products, controlling the changes imposed, and auditing and reporting on the changes made." In other words, SCM is a methodology to control and manage a software development project.

SCM concerns itself with answering the question: somebody did something, how can one reproduce it? Often the problem involves not reproducing "it" identically, but with controlled, incremental changes. Answering the question will thus become a matter of comparing different results and of analysing their differences. Traditional CM typically focused on controlled creation of relatively simple products. Nowadays, implementers of SCM face the challenge of dealing with relatively minor increments under their own control, in the context of the complex system being developed.


This package is based on the package 'git' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations and
full access to internals.

This package itself only provides the README of git but with the
packages it requires, it brings you a complete Git environment
including GTK and email interfaces and tools for importing source code
repositories from other revision control systems such as subversion,
CVS, and GNU arch.

Maintainer Bugowner

QGit is a git GUI viewer built on Qt/C++.

With qgit you will be able to browse revisions history, view patch
content and changed files, graphically following different development


View revisions, diffs, files history, files annotation, archive tree.

Commit changes visually cherry picking modified files.

Apply or format patch series from selected commits, drag and drop
commits between two instances of qgit.

Associate commands sequences, scripts and anything else executable to a
custom action. Actions can be run from menu and corresponding output is
grabbed by a terminal window.

qgit implements a GUI for the most common StGIT commands like push/pop
and apply/format patches. You can also create new patches or refresh
current top one using the same semantics of git commit, i.e. cherry
picking single modified files.


Subversion and related tools

Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as an open-source,
centralized version control system characterized by its reliability as a safe
haven for valuable data; the simplicity of its model and usage; and its ability
to support the needs of a wide variety of users and projects, from individuals
to large-scale enterprise operations.

This package contains the subversion book (see
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) and a configuration file to make this
book accessible via apache2.

Maintainer Bugowner

ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control
repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable
directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific
versions of files as well as diffs between those versions. Basically,
ViewVC provides the bulk of the report-like functionality you expect
out of your version control tool, but much prettier than the average
textual command-line program output.

ViewVC is the successor of ViewCVS.


Dynamips emulates Cisco 7200/3600/3725/3745/2691 Routers on a traditional PC. You can use dynamips to create labs. It uses IOS Images (which are not part of this package). Of course, this emulator cannot replace a real router. It is simply a complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their CCNA/CCNP/CCIE exams.

40135 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-11-01
9 commits
9 requests created
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