Donnie Bhayangkara's avatar

Donnie Bhayangkara


Involved Projects and Packages

KPrayerTime displays the Islamic prayer times for the day

A KDE dictionary application that can read, add, modify and download various dictionaries.

KSmoothDock is a cool desktop panel (like KDE's kicker) for KDE 3.2 and above
with smooth zooming (2 modes: normal & parabolic). Its aim is to provide a cool
alternative/complement to kicker.

KTrafficAnalyzer is a KDE Tool designed to provide visual feedback
of the current network traffic, similar to e.g. DU Meter.


Kwlan is a simple gui to connect to various networks. It uses profiles to define multiple networks per interface.

Profiles allow you to preconfigure dhcp, encryption and other settings. You can configure profiles for your home network, your network at work and so on.


Fast and simple network monitor based on the famous wmnet WindowMaker applet.


GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library. It is an Open
Source Free Software Library intended to provide a set of useful
functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected

A brief summary of its main features:

Simple object-oriented structure giving easy access to topological properties.
2D dynamic Delaunay and constrained Delaunay triangulations.
Robust geometric predicates (orientation, in circle) using fast adaptive floating point arithmetic (adapted from the fine work of Jonathan R. Shewchuk).
Robust set operations on surfaces (union, intersection, difference).
Surface refinement and coarsening (multiresolution models).
Dynamic view-independent continuous level-of-detail.
Preliminary support for view-dependent level-of-detail.
Bounding-boxes trees and Kd-trees for efficient point location and collision/intersection detection.
Graph operations: traversal, graph partitioning.
Metric operations (area, volume, curvature ...).
Triangle strips generation for fast rendering.

This package is based on the package 'libqt4-devel-doc-data' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

This package is based on the package 'libqt4' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

This package is based on the package 'libqt4-sql-plugins' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

This package is based on the package 'libqt4' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

This package is based on the package 'man2html' from project 'Archiving:Backup:MondoRescue'.

Convert UNIX nroff(1) manual pages to HTML format with man2html.


A software for camera-projector interaction.
The software makes use of a low cost off-the shelf webcam that is calibrated against a standard projector screen. The webcam is used to determine the position of physical pointer (e.g. a pen) which is then used to virtually move the X11 pointer. Point-and-click functionality has also been implemented.


This package is based on the package 'newt' from project 'Archiving:Backup:MondoRescue'.

This package is based on the package 'newt' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

Newt is a programming library for color text-mode widget-based user
interfaces. Newt can be used to add stacked windows, entry widgets,
check boxes, radio buttons, labels, plain text fields, scrollbars,
etc., to text mode user interfaces.

This package also contains the shared library needed by programs built
with newt, as well as a Dialog replacement called whiptail.

Opaque Dark is a native window decoration for KDE desktop, based on the CGWD theme opaque dark.

A windows password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off using
rainbow tables.

File::RsyncP is a perl implementation of an Rsync client. It is
compatible with Rsync 2.5.5 (protocol version 26). It can send
or receive files, either by running rsync on the remote machine,
or connecting to an rsyncd deamon on the remote machine.

This package is based on the package 'python-qt4' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

This package is based on the package 'python-sip' from project 'KDE:Qt43'.

QamIDEN is a multiplatform English <-> Indonesian dictionary ported to Qt4 + SQLite3 from a
Win32 application named SATUVisi Indict.

QDevelop is a development environment entirely dedicated to Qt4.

This package is based on the package 'quassel' from project 'KDE:KDE4:UNSTABLE:Community'.

Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that
one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core -- much
like the popular combination of screen + irssi, but using a GUI. Re-attaching a
client will show your IRC session in the same state as you left it in (plus
whatever happened while you were gone), and this even if you re-attach from a
different location. QuasselTopia is the Qtopia-based, mobile edition of the
Quassel Client that allows you to connect to a Quassel Core from your cell phone
or PDA, thus giving you a rich IRC experience while still being lightweight.


This package is based on the package 'SDL' from project 'multimedia:audio'.

This is the "Simple DirectMedia Layer" library. It provides a generic API for access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms.

Serenity is a soft and quiet theme to ease your mind,
with a lot of options to make the Serenity yours.

Synkron is a simple Qt application designed for easy folder synchronisation, for example a flash disk with a folder on your hard disk.

Tools to automate tasks in X, even detecting on screen images.


YPOPs! is a free open source software that provides POP3 and SMTP access to Yahoo! Mail. You can use your favourite email client and connect to Yahoo! Mail seamlessly.

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