Hendrik Vogelsang's avatar

Hendrik Vogelsang


Aggressive Humanist. Exotic Software Libre Dancer for SUSE.com on @obshq

Member of the group
Involved Projects and Packages

ez-ipupdate is a small utility for updating your hostname for any of
the dynamic DNS services offered at:

* http://www.ez-ip.net

* http://www.justlinux.com

* http://www.dhs.org

* http://www.dyndns.org

* http://www.ods.org

* http://gnudip.cheapnet.net (GNUDip)

* http://www.dyn.ca (GNUDip)

* http://www.tzo.com

* http://www.easydns.com

* http://www.dyns.cx

* http://www.hn.org

* http://www.zoneedit.com


fs-check checks file system sizes to see if they are getting too full.
It uses a configuration file that specifies the file systems to check,
e-mail contacts, trigger thresholds (percentage or amount used and
unused), and a report program to run. It includes fs-report, which
shows things like the largest files, the newest files, and core files.
It can be run from cron or as a daemon.


Gcal is a program for printing calendars. Gcal displays a calendar for
a month or a year, eternal holiday lists, and fixed date lists. The
program correctly omits the dates that were skipped when the current
Gregorian calendar replaced the earlier Julian calendar.


help2man is a script to create simple man pages from the --help and
--version output of programs.

Since most GNU documentation is now in info format, this provides a way
to generate a placeholder man page pointing to that resource while
still providing some useful information.

IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility. It connects to remote mail
servers using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), sends
searching queries to the server and processes mailboxes based on the
results. It can be used to delete, copy, move, flag, etc. messages
residing in mailboxes at the same or different mail servers. The 4rev1
and 4 versions of the IMAP protocol are supported.

IMAPFilter uses the Lua programming language as a configuration and
extension language.


The server part (package knockd) listens to all traffic on an ethernet
(or PPP) interface, looking for special "knock" sequences of port hits.
This client makes these port hits by sending a TCP (or UDP) packet to a
port on the server. This port does not need to be open. Since knockd
listens at the link-layer level, it sees all traffic even if it is
destined for a closed port. When the server detects a specific sequence
of port hits, it runs a command defined in its configuration file. This
can be used to open up holes in a firewall for quick access.

This library(libnldapx) dynamically links to OpenLDAP SDK(libldap) for
all basic SDK functionality and OpenSSL(libssl) present on platform and
provides the below mentioned featuears on top of it: SSL related
functionalities : Novell LDAP Extended Library provides the APIs to
setup the client SSL information which are not covered in the IETF
draft. These APIs implement the intent of the draft and simplify the
interface to the developer by providing functionalities like SSL bind ,
Interactive SSL. Schema functionalities : A set of APIs are
provided to modify (add, delete) and fetch the schema from an
eDirectory server over LDAP. LDAP Extensions : These are
the LDAP extensions which support the special features of Novell
eDirectory such as replication, partitioning and events. The
availability of these operations are subject to the specific
implementation of the LDAP Server .


This is an attempt at implementing a mailing list manager with the same
functionality as EZMLM, but with the MIT/X11 license and no mail server


Pdsh is a multithreaded remote shell client which executes commands on
multiple remote hosts in parallel. Pdsh can use several different
remote shell services, including standard "rsh", Kerberos IV, and ssh.

This is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming
language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but
then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on ASN.1

Ilya Etingof

This module provides a nearly complete wrapping of the Oracle/Sleepycat C API
for the Database Environment, Database, Cursor, Log Cursor, Sequence and
Transaction objects, and each of these is exposed as a Python type in the
bsddb3.db module.

A secure pickle-like module. It support basic types (int, string, unicode,
tuple, list, dict, set,...), old and new-style classes (you need to register
the class for security), object cycles, and it can be extended to support
C-defined type.

This module provides an additional log handler for Python's standard logging
package (PEP 282). This handler will write log events to log file which is
rotated when the log file reaches a certain size. Multiple processes can safely
write to the same log file concurrently.

Louie provides Python programmers with a straightforward way to dispatch
signals between objects in a wide variety of contexts. It is based on
PyDispatcher, which in turn was based on a highly-rated recipe in the Python

Changing the title is mostly useful in multi-process systems, for example when
a master process is forked: changing the children's title allows to identify
the task each process is busy with. The technique is used by PostgreSQL and
the OpenSSH Server for example.

The zc-lockfile package provides a basic portable implementation of
interprocess locks using lock files. The purpose if not specifically to
lock files, but to simply provide locks with an implementation based on
file-locking primitives. Of course, these locks could be used to mediate
access to other files

zdaemon is a Python package which provides APIs for managing
applications run as daemons. Its principal use to date has been to
manage the application server and storage server daemons for Zope / ZEO,
although it is not limited to running Python-based applications

An event publishing system and a very simple event-dispatching system on
which more sophisticated event dispatching systems can be built. For
example, a type-based event dispatching system that builds on zope.event
can be found in zope.component.

Proxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers
around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the
wrapped object only when necessary to apply the policy (e.g., access
checking, location brokering, etc.) for which the proxy is responsible.


This Perl script makes it easy to create MP3 files from an audio CD. It
tries to find the artist and song titles with the help of CDDB.


rlwrap uses the GNU readline library to allow the editing of keyboard
input for any other command. The input history is remembered across
invocations, separately for each command;history completion and search
work as in bash and completion word lists can be specified on the
command line.

Tails a given file anywhere on your X Window System root window with a
transparent background. It is customizable with regards to font, color,
and more.

rpmrebuild allows to build an rpm file from an installed rpm, or from
another rpm file, with or without changes (batch or interactive). It
can be extended by a plugin system. A typical use is to easy repackage
a software after some configuration's change.

rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility for making backups of local
and remote systems. Using rsync and hard links, it is possible to keep
multiple, full backups instantly available. The disk space required is
just a little more than the space of one full backup, plus
incrementals. Depending on your configuration, it is quite possible to
set up in just a few minutes. Files can be restored by the users who
own them, without the root user getting involved. There are no tapes to
change, so once it's set up, you may never need to think about it


tvtime is a high quality television application for use with video
capture cards. tvtime processes the input from a capture card and
displays it on a computer monitor or projector. Unlike other
television applications, tvtime focuses on high visual quality.

tvtime supports: * Deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of
59.94 frames per second for NTSC source or 50 frames per second
for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual

* Multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for
your video content and available processor speed.

* 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when
processing input from an external DVD player or digital satellite

* A super-slick on-screen display for the complete television
experience, with a feature-rich menu system.

* 2-3 Pulldown detection for optimal quality viewing of film content
from NTSC sources.

You can find more information at http://tvtime.net/.

321 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-05-02
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