Diana Hille's avatar

Diana Hille


Involved Projects and Packages

Home Project of Horde 5 Distribution Packaging.


isv:B1-Systems:Horde5:rolling - semiautomated lab, may contain experimental builds
isv:B1-Systems:Horde5:stable - A collection of apps known to work.
isv:B1-Systems:Horde5:dependencies - Non-Horde Pear Packages which may be missing on certain target distributions

This container includes a runnable git checkout of Horde 5.
It is designed for interactive development and testing of libraries both from upstream and from custom projects.

You can get the container here:
docker pull registry.opensuse.org/isv/b1-systems/horde5/containers/opensuse/tumbleweed/container/opensuse/tumbleweed:current

I recommend to run the container parallel with a database container. Therefor I created a docker-compose yml, which you can find here:
git clone https://github.com/FrankFlorian/hordeOnTumbelweed.git

Then you can run the command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Now you should be able to access the container with:

docker exec -it hordeontumbelweed_php_1 /bin/bash

Also you should be able to see the Horde environment via your browser on http://loacalhost

To set up the database:

docker exec -it hordeontumbelweed_db_1 mysql -p -e "create database horde; grant all on horde.* to 'horde'@'%' identified by 'horde'";

docker exec -it hordeontumbelweed_php_1 chown wwwrun:www -R /srv/git/horde/base/config

Use the frontend for building the new configuration:
Go to the gear symbol select Administration->Configuration and then select the configuration for Horde.

Click on the database tab. Add the following settings:

SQL Database Settings:

$conf['sql']['phptype'] = MySQL/PDO
$conf['sql']['username'] = horde
$conf['sql']['password'] = horde
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = TCP/IP
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = hordeontumbelweed_db_1
$conf['sql']['port'] = 3306
$conf['sql']['database'] = horde
$conf['sql']['charset'] = utf-8
$conf['sql']['ssl'] = No
$conf['sql']['splitread'] = Disabled
$conf['sql']['logqueries'] = no checkmark

Save the settings.
To finish the database setup run:
docker exec -it hordeontumbelweed_php_1 /srv/git/horde/base/bin/horde-db-migrate

This container includes a runnable git checkout of Horde 5 (after git split).
It is designed for interactive development and testing of libraries both from upstream and from custom projects.


An internal web server is added, this can also test drive apps.

Load the image

docker pull registry.opensuse.org/isv/b1-systems/horde5/opensuse-appliance/images/horde5-developer:latest
docker tag registry.opensuse.org/isv/b1-systems/horde5/opensuse-appliance/images/horde5-developer:latest horde5-developer:latest

NOTE: URL might change if/when the docker feature of OBS is updated.

For Browser Usage from local desktop, exposing Horde on all interfaces port 80
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name horde5 horde5-developer /bin/start

For interactive usage

docker run -it --name horde5 horde5-developer /bin/bash

For unit testing
cd /srv/git/horde/$componentName/
/srv/git/horde/components/bin/horde-components qc

For development
First run the container and copy horde git, then restart and bind mount to use the code from your home dir

docker run -it --name horde5 horde5-developer /bin/bash
mkdir ~/horde
docker cp horde5:/srv/git/horde/ ~/horde
docker stop horde5; docker rm horde5; docker run -it -v ~/horde/:/srv/git/horde/ --name horde5 horde5-developer /bin/bash

This allows live editing with GUI tools

For Custom Apps / Libs
Bind mount or add a volume containing your horde checkout with added app/lib, then
docker exec /srv/git/git-tools/bin/horde-git-tools dev install

For version upgrades
/srv/git/horde/components/bin/horde-components update --new-api="2.0.0" --new-state=stable --new-version="2.0.0" --new-apistate=stable

For Changelog entries

/srv/git/horde/components/bin/horde-components changed "[xyz] Added Foo."

For snapshots

/srv/git/horde/components/bin/horde-components snapshot --keep-version

Add a database - development only, don't use this in public!

docker pull mariadb

docker network create horde
docker network connect horde horde5
docker run --name horde5-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=horde5 --hostname horde5-db --network horde -d mariadb
docker exec -it horde5-db mysql -p -e "create database horde; grant all on horde.* to 'horde'@'%' identified by 'horde'";

Add the mysql database to the horde backend, access the horde application via:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -v ~/horde/:/srv/git/horde/ --name horde5 horde5-developer /bin/start

Use the frontend for building the new configuration:
Go to the gear symbol select Administration->Configuration and then select the configuration for Horde.

Click on the database tab. Add the following settings:

$conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['password'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'horde5-db';
$conf['sql']['port'] = 3306;
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$conf['sql']['ssl'] = false;
$conf['sql']['splitread'] = false;
$conf['sql']['logqueries'] = false;
$conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';

Save the settings, maybe it is necessary to change the rights of the following directory:
docker exec -it horde5 chown wwwrun:www -R /srv/git/horde/base/config

Exit the container and use

docker exec -it horde5 /srv/git/horde/base/bin/horde-db-migrate

This should setup the database completely.


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