Lubomir Rintel's avatar

Lubomir Rintel


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner

Apache Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and
reporting) project dependencies. It is designed as process agnostic and is
not tied to any methodology or structure. while available as a standalone
tool, Apache Ivy works particularly well with Apache Ant providing a number
of powerful Ant tasks ranging from dependency resolution to dependency
reporting and publication.

Maintainer Bugowner

This package is the backport of java.util.concurrent API, introduced in
Java 5.0, to Java 1.4. The backport is based on public-domain sources
from the JSR 166 CVS repository, and the dl.util.concurrent package.

Maintainer Bugowner

Gant is a tool for scripting Ant tasks using Groovy instead of XML to
specify the logic. A Gant specification is a Groovy script and so can bring
all the power of Groovy to bear directly, something not possible with Ant
scripts. Whilst it might be seen as a competitor to Ant, Gant uses Ant tasks
for many of the actions, so Gant is really an alternative way of doing
things using Ant, but using a programming language rather than XML to
specify the rules.

Maintainer Bugowner

A flexible groovy-based build tool.

Maintainer Bugowner

Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine,
built upon Java with features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and
Smalltalk. It seamlessly integrates with all existing Java objects and
libraries and compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere
you can use Java.

Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner

Jazzy is a pure Java library implementing a spell checking algorithm
similar to aspell. It may be used to spell check a variety of sources.

Maintainer Bugowner

Jettison is a collection of Java APIs (like STaX and DOM) which read
and write JSON. This allows nearly transparent enablement of JSON based
web services in services frameworks like CXF or XML serialization
frameworks like XStream.

Maintainer Bugowner

JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich,
and thoroughly documented open-source graph component
available for Java. It is accompanied by JGraphpad, the
first free diagram editor for Java that offers XML,
Drag and Drop and much more!

Maintainer Bugowner

Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date
and time classes. The design allows for multiple calendar
systems, while still providing a simple API. The 'default'
calendar is the ISO8601 standard which is used by XML. The
Gregorian, Julian, Buddhist, Coptic and Ethiopic systems
are also included, and we welcome further additions.
Supporting classes include time zone, duration, format
and parsing.

Maintainer Bugowner

Gant based build framework + dsl, with declarative project structure
definition and automatic IntelliJ IDEA projects build.

Maintainer Bugowner

Microba is a set of finely crafted & feature rich JFC (Swing) components,
including a date picker, calendar, gradient editor, palette editor and
jgraph bird view,

Maintainer Bugowner


Maintainer Bugowner

Patricia is a prefix-tree (trie) implementation written in Java.

Maintainer Bugowner

Lightweight and highly embeddable inversion of controll container for
components that honour dependency injection.

Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing
some new functionality, including flexible test configuration, and
distributed test running. It is designed to cover unit tests as well as
functional, end-to-end, integration, etc.

Maintainer Bugowner

XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML
and back again. A high level facade is supplied that
simplifies common use cases. Custom objects can be serialized
without need for specifying mappings. Speed and low memory
footprint are a crucial part of the design, making it suitable
for large object graphs or systems with high message throughput.
No information is duplicated that can be obtained via reflection.
This results in XML that is easier to read for humans and more
compact than native Java serialization. XStream serializes internal
fields, including private and final. Supports non-public and inner
classes. Classes are not required to have default constructor.
Duplicate references encountered in the object-model will be
maintained. Supports circular references. By implementing an
interface, XStream can serialize directly to/from any tree
structure (not just XML). Strategies can be registered allowing
customization of how particular types are represented as XML.
When an exception occurs due to malformed XML, detailed diagnostics
are provided to help isolate and fix the problem.

Maintainer Bugowner

Tools for managing package collections of Fedora and openSUSE build service hosted in non-native environment.

Maintainer Bugowner

Koji is a system for building and tracking RPMS. The base package
contains shared libraries and the command-line interface.

The libuser library implements a standardized interface for manipulating
and administering user and group accounts. The library uses pluggable
back-ends to interface to its data sources.

Sample applications modeled after those included with the shadow password
suite are included.

Maintainer Bugowner

Mock takes a srpm and builds it in a chroot

Maintainer Bugowner

Commandline client for the openSUSE Build Service.

See , as well as for a general

0 contributions in the last year
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