Ludwig Nussel's avatar

Ludwig Nussel


Member of the groups
Involved Projects and Packages

TinyCA is a graphical tool to manage a small Certification Authority
(CA) using openssl.

TinyCA supports - creation and revocation of x509 - S/MIME

- PKCS#10 requests.

- exporting certificates as PEM, DER, TXT, and PKCS#12.

- server certificates for use in web servers, email servers, IPsec,
and more.

- client certificates for use in web browsers, email clients, IPsec,
and more.

The vdr-plugin-cutalot package


xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available - and
some of the most uncommon formats, too.


xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available - and
some of the most uncommon formats, too.


XSane does not support any scanners itself. XSane uses the SANE library
to talk to scanners that are supported by SANE.

XSane is designed for acquiring images with scanners (there are other
devices like cameras and video devices supported by SANE, but XSane is
not designed for that purpose). You can scan to file, make a photocopy,
create a fax, and start XSane from the GIMP as a GIMP plug-in.

XSane may not work correctly or you may not be able to take full
advantage of all functions if you do not configure XSane correctly. See
the documentation at /usr/share/sane/xsane/doc/sane-xsane-doc.html.

The XSane home page is

Firmware for USB WLAN sticks based on the ZyDAS ZD1211 chip

This project hosts packages from openSUSE:Factory which are not available on the SLE-12 product.

Contributors welcome, see

This project hosts packages from openSUSE:Factory which are not available on the SLE-12 product.

Contributors welcome, see

This project rebuilds selected SLE12 SP2 Updates to be able to build backported packages against them. This is mostly required for packages that got version updated such as mozilla-nss

This project hosts packages from openSUSE:Factory which are not available on the SLE-12 product.

Contributors welcome, see

This project rebuilds selected SLE12 SP3 Updates to be able to build backported packages against them. This is mostly required for packages that got version updated such as mozilla-nss

This project hosts packages from openSUSE:Factory which are not available on the SLE-12 product.

Contributors welcome, see

This project rebuilds selected SLE12 SP4 Updates to be able to build backported packages against them. This is mostly required for packages that got version updated such as mozilla-nss

This project hosts packages from openSUSE:Factory which are not available on the SLE-12 product.

Contributors welcome, see

This project rebuilds selected SLE12 SP5 Updates to be able to build backported packages against them. This is mostly required for packages that got version updated such as mozilla-nss

This project rebuilds selected SLE12 Updates to be able to build backported packages against them. This is mostly required for packages that got version updated such as mozilla-nss

The opensuse/leap-micro/5.1/ namespace on the registry

The opensuse/leap-micro/5.2/ namespace on the registry

The opensuse/leap-micro/5.3/ namespace on the registry

The opensuse/leap-micro/5.4/ namespace on the registry

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