Jan Matejek's avatar

Jan Matejek


Involved Projects and Packages

This release supports the core PAM API. There is still some missing
functionality, but it should implement enough of the API for most
needs. There is not much in the way of documentation at this point. If
you are familiar with the PAM API, a quick glance at the sample program
should get you going.

These provide several pieces of "middleware" (or filters) that can be nested
to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the WSGI (PEP 333)
interface, and should be compatible with other middleware based on those

This tool provides code to load WSGI applications and servers from URIs; these
URIs can refer to Python Eggs for INI-style configuration files. Paste Script
provides commands to serve applications based on this configuration file.

pep8 is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style
conventions in PEP 8.

pip is a replacement for easy_install. It uses mostly the same techniques for
finding packages, so packages that were made easy_installable should be
pip-installable as well.

A small generic library for writing clients for Django's Piston REST APIs.

PLY is yet another implementation of lex and yacc for Python. Some notable
features include the fact that its implemented entirely in Python and it
uses LALR(1) parsing which is efficient and well suited for larger grammars.

PLY provides most of the standard lex/yacc features including support for empty
productions, precedence rules, error recovery, and support for ambiguous grammars.

PLY is extremely easy to use and provides very extensive error checking.
It is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.

polib allows you to manipulate, create, modify gettext catalogs (.pot, .po and
binary .mo files). You can load existing files, iterate through it's entries,
add, modify entries, comments or metadata, etc... or create new po/pot files
from scratch.

polib provides a simple and pythonic API, exporting only two convenience
functions 'pofile' and 'mofile', and the 4 core classes: POFile, MOFile,
POEntry and MOEntry for creating new files/entries.

This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to
display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that
processing is underway.

This is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming
language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but
then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on ASN.1

The package contains:

* Hash functions: MD2, MD4, RIPEMD, SHA256.
* Block encryption algorithms: AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES,
Triple-DES, IDEA, RC5.
* Stream encryption algorithms: ARC4, simple XOR.
* Public-key algorithms: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, qNEW.
* Protocols: All-or-nothing transforms, chaffing/winnowing.
* Miscellaneous: RFC1751 module for converting 128-key keys into a
set of English words, primality testing.
* Some demo programs (currently all quite old and outdated).

This module provides bindings for the cURL library.

Pygame is a Python wrapper module for the SDL multimedia library. It
contains Python functions and classes that allow you to use SDL's
support for playing CD-ROMs, audio and video output, and keyboard,
mouse and joystick input. Pygame also includes support for the
Numerical Python extension. Pygame is the successor to the pySDL
wrapper project, written by Mark Baker.

Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python.

It is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software
such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify
source code. Highlights are:

* a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported
* special attention is paid to details, increasing quality by a fair amount
* support for new languages and formats are added easily
* a number of output formats, presently HTML, LaTeX, RTF, SVG, all image
formats that PIL supports and ANSI sequences
* it is usable as a command-line tool and as a library
* ... and it highlights even Brainfuck!

The Pylons web framework is aimed at making webapps and large programmatic
website development in Python easy. Several key points:

* A framework to make writing web applications in Python easy
* Utilizes a minimalist, component-based philosophy that makes it easy to
expand on
* Harness existing knowledge about Python

High-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library, includes
* SSL.Connection objects, wrapping the methods of Python's portable
* Callbacks written in Python
* Extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes
... and much more ;)

High-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library, includes
* SSL.Connection objects, wrapping the methods of Python's portable
* Callbacks written in Python
* Extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes
... and much more ;)

This is the documentation for pyOpenSSL

Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython, IronPython

Python interface to SQLite 3

pysqlite is an interface to the SQLite 3.x embedded relational database engine.
It is almost fully compliant with the Python database API version 2.0 also
exposes the unique features of SQLite.

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