mfabian's avatar


Involved Projects and Packages

FontTools is a suite of tools and libraries for manipulating fonts
written in Python.

It currently reads and writes TrueType font files, reads PostScript
Type 1 fonts, and more. It contains two command line programs to
convert TrueType fonts to an XML based format (called TTX) and back.

Intelligent phonetic input method library for traditional Chinese.

This module implements encodings that covers JIS X 0213 charset (AKA
JIS 2000, hence the module name).

Perl modules to guess file types

Read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2

Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal

This module provides libkakasi interface for perl. libkakasi is a part
of KAKASI. KAKASI is the language processing filter to convert Kanji
characters to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji and may be helpful to read
Japanese documents. More information about KAKASI is available at


UIM Input Method Engine for SCIM.


The TeX-Guy package contains a device-independent DVI interpreter
library (DVIlib) and a set of device controlling programs for the X
Window System and printers.


Uim is a multilingual input method library. Uim's project goal is to
provide secure and useful input method for all languages. Currently, it
can input to applications which support gtk+'s immodule or XIM.


a2ps support for Korean PostScript filter (Python version).


This is a free Chinese-English dictionary that can be used, for
example, with Gjiten.

The objective of the CEDICT project is to create an online,
downloadable (as opposed to searchable-only) public-domain
Chinese-English dictionary. For the most part, the project is modelled
on Jim Breen's highly successful EDICT (Japanese-English dictionary)
project and is intended to be a collaborative effort with users
providing entries and corrections to the main file.


Japanese Morphological Analysis System, ChaSen

ChaSen version 1.0 was officially released on 19 February, 1997 by the
Computational Linguistics Laboratory, the Graduate School of
Information Science, and the Nara Institute of Science and Technology
(NAIST). It is a free Japanese Morphological analyser. It grew out of
JUMAN version 2.0 development and has made significant improvements in
system performance. Origin of Package Name:

Takayama, Nara (where NAIST is situated) is famous for producing a tea
whisk used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. The Japanese name
for the tea whisk is "chasen" and that is the reason for giving the
name ChaSen to this package developed in NAIST.


convmv is meant to help convert a directory tree and the contained
files or a whole file system into a different encoding. It just
converts the file names, not the content of the files. A special
feature of convmv is that it also takes care of symlinks and converts
the symlink target pointer in case the symlink target is converted.

All this comes in very handy when converting from old 8-bit locales to
UTF-8 locales. It is also possible to convert directories to UTF-8 that
are already partly UTF-8 encoded. convmv is able to detect if certain
files are UTF-8 encoded and skips them by default. To turn this
behavior off, use the --nosmart switch.

An interoperability issue that comes with UTF-8 locales is this: Linux
and (most?) other Unix-like operating systems use the normalization
form C (NFC) for UTF-8 encoding by default but do not enforce this.
Darwin, the base of Macintosh OSX, enforces normalization form D (NFD),
where a few characters are encoded in a different way. convmv is able
to convert files to NFC or NFD, which aids in interoperability with
such systems.


SKK (Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program) is a Japanese input
method for Emacs. ddskk (Daredevil SKK) is a version of SKK that is
aggressively developed.


Little Korean <-> English dictionary.

Intelligent phonetic input method library for traditional Chinese.

This module implements encodings that covers JIS X 0213 charset (AKA
JIS 2000, hence the module name).

Perl modules to guess file types

Read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2

Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal

This module provides libkakasi interface for perl. libkakasi is a part
of KAKASI. KAKASI is the language processing filter to convert Kanji
characters to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji and may be helpful to read
Japanese documents. More information about KAKASI is available at


Uim is a multilingual input method library. Uim's project goal is to
provide secure and useful input method for all languages. Currently, it
can input to applications which support gtk+'s immodule or XIM.


a2ps support for Korean PostScript filter (Python version).


This is a free Chinese-English dictionary that can be used, for
example, with Gjiten.

The objective of the CEDICT project is to create an online,
downloadable (as opposed to searchable-only) public-domain
Chinese-English dictionary. For the most part, the project is modelled
on Jim Breen's highly successful EDICT (Japanese-English dictionary)
project and is intended to be a collaborative effort with users
providing entries and corrections to the main file.

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