Rafal Kwasny's avatar

Rafal Kwasny


Involved Projects and Packages

ERP5 Banking extend ERP5 core with bank-related core features.

This is a Catalog that filters catalog queries. It is based on ZSQLCatalog.

ERP5Form extends Zope Formulator and provides a very fast way to
create forms. ERP5Form forms can be designe with a web user interface
and rendered automatically by page template. Context variables (here,
form...) are provided to each field at rendering time. Together with
ERP5Type, ERP5Form defines a fast rapid application environment.

General purpose tools to parse and handle OpenOffice v1.x documents in ERP5.

This zope product is a plugin to Pluggable Auth Service, to manage roles,
groups and users in ERP5. It also add fine security management features to

This zope product provides a Subversion interface to ERP5.

ERP5Type contains most importants objects for ERP5. ERP5Type defines
most of methods that will be used by every object. It also implements
the Rapid Application Developpement feature used in ERP5.

ERP5Type contains most importants objects for ERP5. ERP5Type defines
most of methods that will be used by every object. It also implements
the Rapid Application Developpement feature used in ERP5.

A Zope product to store larges files outside the ZODB.

This product dynamically patches Zope to fix four problems: the global
request, the accept language, unicode for ZPT and mx.DateTime.

The LDAPMultiPlugins provides PluggableAuthService plugins that
interoperate with LDAP.

The LDAP User Folder is a user folder replacement for Zope that
authenticates Zope users against LDAP.

Note to Plone users: Please make sure to upgrade to Group User Folder
(GRUF) version 3 or higher to minimize problems.

Starting with LDAPUserFolder 2.6beta3, the former CMFLDAP package has
been folded into the LDAPUserFolder package.

Localizer is the de-facto standard to build multilingual applications with
Zope. It helps to internationalize and localize Zope products and to build
multilingual web sites through the Management Interface. It deals with
both user interfaces and content.

This product provides a Photo object and a Photo Folder object for
managing digital images in Zope. Photo objects provide multiple
configurable sizes of the photo. Photo Folders provide a way to manage a
group of Photo objects by providing a way to specify display sizes and
properties for all contained photos.

This Zope product is patched to add more options.

PluggableAuthService is a highly extensible replacement user folder for
Zope 2. It can manage arbitrary user, group, role, and property
definitions with ease, and works best in very heterogeneous environments
(users stored in MySQL, groups in LDAP, properties from the filesystem, etc).

For authentication, it supports HTTP Basic Auth, Cookie Auth, Domain Auth,
and can be extended to support just about any other mechanism.

PluggableAuthService is a highly extensible replacement user folder for
Zope 2. It can manage arbitrary user, group, role, and property
definitions with ease, and works best in very heterogeneous environments
(users stored in MySQL, groups in LDAP, properties from the filesystem, etc).

For authentication, it supports HTTP Basic Auth, Cookie Auth, Domain Auth,
and can be extended to support just about any other mechanism.

TimerService provides to Zope objects the ability to subsribe
to timer events. This can be useful for any object which has to process
tasks at regular interval in background. TimerService is a low level
implementation. It is used by ZopeScheduler. It is also used by
ERP5 and CMFActivity for cluster management.

Zope has a flexible, fine-grained security model that lets you configure
context-dependent mappings from users to roles and from roles to
permissions. The model fits most organizations' needs and has been used
all over the world, but the flexibility sometimes comes at a price of

One major difficulty in using the Zope security model is its lack of
clarity when access is denied. Because production sites should not reveal
too much about the site to those who are denied access, the lack of
verbosity in the default Zope security policy is appropriate for such
sites. But site developers need more details.

This product attempts to explain the complete reasoning for failed
access. It shows what object was being accessed, what permission is
required to access it, what roles map to that permission in that context,
the executable object and its owner, the effective proxy roles, and other
pertinent information. All of this information appears in the exception
message when access is denied.

This product allows developers to create through-the-web Selenium test suites
inside their Zope instance, in order to do browser-based functional testing
of their site.

ZMailIn is a Zope product to import emails into Zope sites.

ZMySQLDA allows to quickly connect to Mysql with Zope.

This Zope Product is a deferred of ZMySQLDA and follows the same API.

The main difference with ZMySQLDA is that the execution
of SQL expressions is deferred and executed during the Zope
commit time rather than immediately. This allows for example
to group INSERT and DELETE statements in a very short amount of
time, which reduces risks of lock. It also allows to use
MyISAM tables without raising useless exception messages related
to the non transactional nature of MyISAM.

ZopeTestCase is a unit testing framework and TestCase for Zope testing.
It is built on PyUnit and the Testing package shipping with Zope.

ZopeTestCase has features to support a wide range of test scenarios,
from small unit tests to running regression suites against existing
ZODBs. It supports testing in INSTANCE_HOME situations and is fully
testrunner compatible.

ZSQLCatalog is a Zope product which allows to search the Zope database
with SQL requests. It replaces the standard Zope Catalog with a meta-catalog
which can be connected to any SQL relationnal database through ZSQLMethods.

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