Rob Norris
Involved Projects and Packages
gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library. It makes the
basic features of Exiv2 available to GNOME applications.
Client library, development files and basic command line tools for interfacing with GPSD
GPS data editor and analyzer
32bit build version
gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library.
It makes the basic features of Exiv2 available to GNOME applications.
Client library, development files and basic command line tools for interfacing with GPSD
libnova is a general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library.
The intended audience of libnovais C & C++ programmers, astronomers and anyone else interested in calculating positions of astronomical objects or celestial mechanics.
GPS data editor and analyzer
64bit build version