Sabrina Müller
Involved Projects and Packages
Drivers and Tools to support using T-Systems' OpenStack based Public Cloud.
The tools and drivers are built for various distributions.
Some of them get included in the public images available on OTC.
Cloud:OTC is the (empty) parent project for subprojects such as Cloud:OTC:Tools
which hold the real code.
This repository contains a collection of kernel drivers that for public images in the Open Telekom Cloud.
- Optimimized XEN drivers (xen_uvp -- these are only recommended for specific images/flavors)
- ixgbevf-2.16 (recommended version for i82599 VF SR-IOV networking on h1 flavor)
- scsi_ep_front (Huawei SD100 virtual SCSI to cinder driver for BMS flavors)
- toa (Unsupported: Parse TCP option header to extract real sender IP behind load balancer)
This repository may contain subrepos to create kernel headers with the right kABI version (RHEL7 has broken networking modules from 7.2 to 7.3 and agin with 7.4 and with 7.5, so we need multiple of them).
This is a collection of tools to support OTC.
It is consumed during the build and for updates of public images in Deutsche Telekom's Open Telekom Cloud.
Some useful tools for OpenTelekomCloud, a public cloud offering from T-Systems International based on OpenStack.
This project was created for package cloud-otc-keyring via attribute OBS:Maintained