Attributes of Project openSUSE:Factory:zSystems

Attributes Values
  • pseudometa_package = openSUSE:Factory:zSystems:Staging/dashboard
    # packages in here are rebuild if their buildinfo changed
    rebuildpacs-leafs = branding-openSUSE PackageKit-branding-openSUSE xfce4-branding-openSUSE xfce4-branding-openSUSE installation-images:openSUSE installation-images:MicroOS rpmlint rpmlint-mini yast2-schema:default yast2-schema:micro perf
    pkglistgen-archs = s390x
    main-repo = standard
    # pkglistgen-delete-products = openSUSE-Addon-NonOss.product openSUSE-MicroOS.product
    # pkglistgen-delete-kiwis-target = openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-release.spec
    pkglistgen-delete-products = openSUSE-MicroOS.product
    pkglistgen-ignore-unresolvable = 1
    # busybox-misc has a few file conflicts:   /usr/bin/lspci, /usr/bin/mesg, /usr/bin/wall, /usr/bin/resize, /usr/bin/xxd
    # libstdc++6-gccX are non-installable, but they are also not really meant to be used (see
    # Please keep in sync with ports.
    installcheck-ignore-conflicts = busybox-misc libstdc++6-gcc7 libstdc++6-gcc12
  • last_seen:
      bsc#1196925: '20220314'
      poo#77935: '20201114'
      poo#81685: '20210103'
      poo#88491: '20210221'
  • 20240625
  • arch: s390x
    jobs_num: 1
    openqa_group: openSUSE Tumbleweed s390x
    product_repo: images
      - 000product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-s390x
      - 000product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-s390x
      - 000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-s390x
      - 000product:openSUSE-cd-mini-s390x
      - 000product:MicroOS-dvd5-dvd-s390x
      - butane-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-attacher-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-livenessprobe-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-node-driver-registrar-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-provisioner-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-resizer-image:
        - s390x
      - csi-snapshotter-image:
        - s390x
      - distribution-image:
        - s390x
      - git-image:
        - s390x
      - helm-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-coredns-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-coredns-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-coredns-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-coredns-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-etcd-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-etcd-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-etcd-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-etcd-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-flannel-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-hello-kubic-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-apiserver-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-apiserver-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-apiserver-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-apiserver-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-controller-manager-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-controller-manager-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-controller-manager-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-controller-manager-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-proxy-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-proxy-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-proxy-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-proxy-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-scheduler-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-scheduler-minus1-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-scheduler-minus2-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kube-scheduler-minus3-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-kured-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-nfs-client-provisioner-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-pause-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-rbac-manager-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-velero-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-weave-kube-image:
        - s390x
      - kubic-weave-npc-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-bind-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-dhcp-server-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-docker_auth-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-dovecot-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-fetchmail-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-haproxy-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-hugo-image:
        - s390x
    #  - opensuse-mariadb-client-image:
    #    - s390x
    #  - opensuse-mariadb-image:
    #    - s390x
      - opensuse-minidlna-image:
        - s390x
    #  - opensuse-nginx-image:
    #    - s390x
      - opensuse-nfs-server-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-openldap-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-postfix-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-redis-image:
        - s390x
    #  - opensuse-registry-image:
    #    - s390x
    #  - opensuse-rmt-server-image:
    #    - s390x
      - opensuse-spamassassin-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-squid-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-toolbox-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:docker-dnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:docker-microdnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-image:docker:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-wsdd-image:
        - s390x
      - php8-nginx-image:
        - s390x
      - trivy-image:
        - s390x
      - tumbleweed-busybox-image:
        - s390x
      - micro-image:
        - s390x
      - minimal-image:
        - s390x
      - busybox-image:
        - s390x
      - 389-ds-container:
        - s390x
      - alertmanager-image:
        - s390x
      - blackbox_exporter-image:
        - s390x
      - cups-image:
        - s390x
      - gitea-runner-image:
        - s390x
      - gcc-12-image:
        - s390x
      - gcc-13-image:
        - s390x
      - gcc-14-image:
        - s390x
      - go1.18-devel-container:
        - s390x
      - golang-oldstable-image:
        - s390x
      - golang-stable-image:
        - s390x
      - golang-unstable-image:
        - s390x
      - grafana-image:
        - s390x
      - httpd-image:
        - s390x
      - influxdb-image:
        - s390x
      - java11-devel-container:
        - s390x
      - keylime-control-plane-image:
        - s390x
      - microos-docserv-image:
        - s390x
    #  - mariadb-client-image:
    #    - s390x     
    #  - mariadb-image:
    #    - s390x     
      - nginx-image:
        - s390x
      - nodejs-20-image:
        - s390x
      - nodejs-22-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-11-devel-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-11-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-17-devel-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-17-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-21-devel-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-21-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-22-devel-image:
        - s390x
      - openjdk-22-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-memcached-image:
        - s390x
      - pcp-image:
        - s390x
      - php-apache8-image:
        - s390x
      - php-fpm8-image:
        - s390x
      - php8-image:
        - s390x
      - postgres-12-image:
        - s390x
      - postgres-13-image:
        - s390x
      - postgres-14-image:
        - s390x
      - postgres-15-image:
        - s390x
      - postgres-16-image:
        - s390x
      - prometheus-image:
        - s390x
      - python-3.10-image:
        - s390x
      - python-3.11-image:
        - s390x
      - python-3.12-image:
        - s390x
      - rmt-nginx-image:
        - s390x
      - rmt-server-image:
        - s390x
      - samba-ad-dc-image:
        - s390x
      - ruby-3.3-image:
        - s390x
      - rust-keylime-image:
        - s390x
      - rust-oldstable-image:
        - s390x
      - rust-stable-image:
        - s390x
      - samba-ad-server:
        - s390x
      - samba-server:
        - s390x
      - samba-client:
        - s390x
      - samba-toolbox:
        - s390x
      - samba-image:
        - s390x
      - tomcat-10-image:
        - s390x
      - tomcat-9-image:
        - s390x
      - init-image:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:lxc-dnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:lxc-microdnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:networkd-dnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-dnf-image:networkd-microdnf:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-image:lxc:
        - s390x
      - opensuse-tumbleweed-image:networkd:
        - s390x
    test_subproject: ToTest
    set_snapshot_number: True
  • failed: '20240625'
    published: '20240531'
    publishing: '20240531'
    testing: '20240625'
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