Revisions of crafty
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
request 184274
Asterios Dramis (adra)
(revision 7)
Update to 23.4, Rearranged and updated sources for compiling/using crafty, Rebased/updated/added some patches, Updated build and runtime requirements
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 6)
try to build on fedora
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 5)
only do fdupes for openSUSE
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 4)
- re-take package from packman - use spec-cleaner to cleanup specfile and add tags to patches - use fdupes - updated to 23.2 * This release includes some Xboard compatibility updates as well as a small ELO increase over version 23.1 (about +10 ELO) - patches refreshed - updated to 23.1 - modified script "xcrafty" to use a smaller boardsize - added patch to set some paths according to the installed package crafty will now read /etc/crafty.rc and use books, endgame tables as well as the help file from /usr/share/crafty if no user-specific $HOME/.craftyrc and $HOME/.crafty/ exist - added smallbook.bin - updated to 23.0 - added new (and compatible) book.bin - changed make_books to build a bookc.bin file (computer opening book) - added minimal /etc/crafty.rc example-file - updated crafty-Makefile.patch for building with openSUSE >= 11.2 (thx to gentoo upstream for the decisive hint) - added security-203541.patch, see for more information
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 3)
disable Makefile patch
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 2)
- update to 23.2
Lars Vogdt (lrupp)
(revision 1)
Displaying all 7 revisions