Revisions of kdiagram

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 863818 from Luca Beltrame's avatar Luca Beltrame (luca_b) (revision 25)
baserev update by copy to link target
Luca Beltrame's avatar Luca Beltrame (luca_b) accepted request 863714 from Wolfgang Bauer's avatar Wolfgang Bauer (wolfi323) (revision 24)
- Update to 2.8.0
  * KGantt:
    + Fix Bug 430452 - Printing with row labels on multiple pages
      does not work well (kde#430452)
    + Add support for single page printout
    + Add support for printing on multiple pages, both horizontally
      and vertical
    + Make it possible to use a printer friendly palette to allow
      for printing on white paper when using a dark theme
    + Add 'zoom' of datetime header using mouse
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 796432 from Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) (revision 22)
baserev update by copy to link target
Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) accepted request 796232 from Wolfgang Bauer's avatar Wolfgang Bauer (wolfi323) (revision 21)
- Update to 2.7.0
  * KGantt:
    + Add timeline and a settings dialog to enable user control
    + Let the selectionmodel control the selection of items
    + Fix crash when setGraphicsView() is called
  * KChart:
    + Fix Bug 420180 - Gaps not respected when x-axis is reversed
    + Legend: Add new paint method
    + Give Rulerattributes a ruler pen
    + Don't hardcode default text color but use the palette
    + Fix build issues when qreal == float
- Install license file
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 794475 from Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) (revision 20)
baserev update by copy to link target
Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) accepted request 794023 from Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) (revision 19)
- Update to 2.6.3
  * KChart: Mark layout as dirty when painting a rect != geometry()
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 789521 from Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) (revision 18)
baserev update by copy to link target
Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar Christophe Giboudeaux (cgiboudeaux) accepted request 789517 from Wolfgang Bauer's avatar Wolfgang Bauer (wolfi323) (revision 17)
- Update to 2.6.2
  * Reimplement Chart::paint() to fix printing issues
    The previous implementation did not take the headers and
    footers into account when resizing the diagram (kde#405075)
  * Fix painting bar diagrams with horizontal bars
  * Do not reference private headers in KChart convenience header
- Add full Source URL
- Use %lang_package macro
- Run spec-cleaner
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 599191 from Luca Beltrame's avatar Luca Beltrame (luca_b) (revision 15)
baserev update by copy to link target
Luca Beltrame's avatar Luca Beltrame (luca_b) accepted request 598791 from Wolfgang Bauer's avatar Wolfgang Bauer (wolfi323) (revision 14)
- Update to 2.6.1 bugfix release
  * KChart: Honor Orientation when laying out legend items
  * KGantt: Use old ForwardingProxyModel when setting new
  * KGantt: Also remove constraints from children of removed row
  * Replace constraint if data is not identical
  * Fix constraints not always removed
  * Don't leak the stacked plotter
  * Do not access graphics view after it is deleted
  * Avoid crash if leftView() is not a KGanttTreeView
  * Don't leak symbols of private classes
  * Shorten thick pens lines in legend
  * Optimize: do not call potentially detaching QVector::operator()
  * New: optional feature to create API dox QCH files during the
Fabian Vogt's avatar Fabian Vogt (Vogtinator) committed (revision 13)
- Unconditionally Recommend -lang subpackages
Fabian Vogt's avatar Fabian Vogt (Vogtinator) committed (revision 12)
Fabian Vogt's avatar Fabian Vogt (Vogtinator) committed (revision 11)
Add bug urls back
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 446495 from Raymond Wooninck's avatar Raymond Wooninck (tittiatcoke) (revision 10)
initialized devel package after accepting 446495
Raymond Wooninck's avatar Raymond Wooninck (tittiatcoke) committed (revision 9)
Raymond Wooninck's avatar Raymond Wooninck (tittiatcoke) committed (revision 8)
Raymond Wooninck's avatar Raymond Wooninck (tittiatcoke) committed (revision 7)
Raymond Wooninck's avatar Raymond Wooninck (tittiatcoke) committed (revision 6)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 25
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