Revisions of LaTeXML

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1151959 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) accepted request 1151958 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 8)
- Update to version 0.8.8:
  * This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness,
    portability and output-quality issues.
  * breaking change: ltx:inline-para has been renamed
  * Improved CSS, html, accessibility affecting
    * framing, position & rotation, color
    * figure/subfigure grouping
  * MathML (closer to MathML Core)
    * avoid gratuitous math mode (simple sub/superscripts); mathvariant
    * option to avoid InvisibleTimes, when not certain (--noinvisibletimes)
  * Improved emulation of TeX internals
    * affecting registers, \chardef, accents, intarray, tracing
  * More TeX-like "scanning" of tokens affecting
    * expansion, input,
    * alignments (\halign,tabular)
  * improved block mode processing
    * affecting \parbox, {minipage}, \centering, \raggedright/left
    * More consistent set of block elements:
      * ltx:block, ltx:logical-block, ltx:sectional-block,
      * along with their inline variants:
        * ltx:inline-block, ltx:inline-logical-block, ltx:inline-sectional-block
    * breaking change: ltx:inline-para has been renamed
  * Improvements to processing alignments (\halign, tabular),
    * more TeX-like (processing templates, spacing)
  * Improved processing of images, graphics, svg generation
    * image post-processing
    * pgf, tikz, pgfplots, tikz-cd
  * initial support for Vietnamese, t5enc
  * improved Windows portability
  * improved schema documentation
  * Improvements to test cases.
  * New bindings: boxedminipage, cmap, ifdraft, marginnote, tikz-cd.
  * Improvements to bindings: aa, aas, algorithm2e, amsmath, amsthm,
    cleverref, comment, csquotes, elsarticle, enumitem, expl3, framed,
    hyperref, hyperxmp, IEEEtran, lineno, listing, longtable, mn2e, nicefrac,
    ntheorem, pdfpages, pgfmath, pgfplots, rotating, srcltx, sidecap,
    subcaption, subfiles, thmtools, tikz, url, xfrac, xypic.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1045412 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 7)
baserev update by copy to link target
Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) accepted request 1045409 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 5)
- Update to version 0.8.7:
  * This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness,
    portability and output-quality issues.
  * MathML (mostly) conforms to MathML Core, with more consistent spacing
  * More TeX-like dimensions & computation; font metrics used for (approximate)
  * Improvements to HTML5, ePub, JATS, CSS, frontmatter
  * Improvements to graphics and SVG
    * support for \includegraphics alt key
    * updated schema to SVG 1.1 2nd ed (roughly)
    * xy now supported, generating SVG
  * Windows & MacOS related improvements
  * Support for attributes in foreign namespaces; conversion to data-XXX
    attributes in html
  * Default to lang="en" unless told otherwise
  * title attributes now use UnicodeMath; also --unicodemath math format option
  * Enhancements to latexml.sty (see the code for details)
    * Package keywords
      - breakuntex, nobreakuntex: control linebreaks in tex attribute
      - dpi=number, magnify=number, upsample=number, zoomout=number: image
        conversion controls
      - tokenlimit=number, iflimit=number, absorblimit=number,
        pushbacklimit=number: limit execution
    * \LaTeXMLversion, \LaTeXMLrevision, \LaTeXMLfullversion: show the LaTeXML
    * \lxRegisterNamespace{prefix}{uri} : register a namespace w/ prefix
    * \lxAddAnnotation{keyvals} : add annotation attributes to current node
    * \lxWithAnnotation{keyvals}{thing} : Typeset thing with annotation attributes
  * New bindings: amsaddr, atveryend, auxhook, babel, bbding, bezier,
    bigintcalc, bitset, bookmark, doi, ed, expl3, fancyvrb, feynmf, fixme,
    gettitlestring, ifetex, ifsym, iftex, ijcai, infwarerr, intcalc,
    kvdefinekeys, kvoptions, kvsetkeys, l3keys2e, ltxcmds, nomencl, overpic,
    pdftexcmds, refcount, subeqn, subeqnarray, tcolorbox, tikzbricks, upquote,
    xurl, xy, xypic  and beamer.cls
  * Improvements to bindings: algorithm2e, amsmath, amsthm, babel, csquotes,
    deluxetable, enumitem, glossaries, hyperref, longtable, lstings, mathtools,
    physics, revtex, svmult, thmtools.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 988697 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 4)
initialized devel package after accepting 988697
Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) committed (revision 3)
- Recommend instead of requiring ImageMagick and texlive
Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) committed (revision 2)
- Add depndency on perl(UUID::Tiny)
Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) accepted request 983559 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 1)
LaTeXML is a TeX and LaTeX to XML translator. I would like to use the Publishing project as host and submit it to Factory
Displaying all 9 revisions
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