Revisions of xinit

Frederic Crozat's avatar Frederic Crozat (fcrozat) committed (revision 2)
- xinit-nolonger-unset-dbus-session.patch
  * no longer unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable to prevent
    gnome-session (and probably other DEs or programs, except of
    Plasma) from launching a new D-Bus session, while systemd has
    already launched its own. Unsetting it broke user systemd
    services that use D-Bus (e.g. PulseAudio), because X uses
    another D-Bus session (boo#1108549) 

- Do not check /var/lib/X11/X anymore, it is obsolete
Frederic Crozat's avatar Frederic Crozat (fcrozat) committed (revision 1)
initialize package
Displaying all 2 revisions
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