Revisions of crash
Daniel Mach (dmach)
(revision 5)
- On ppc64 handle a CPU that is in an emergency stack when running in real mode or other special scenarios, including dedicated emergency stacks such as machine check and system reset interrupt. Added crash-ppc64-handle-backtrace-in-emergency-stack.patch Obtained by porting crash-utility/crash github commit: cdd57e8b16aba2f5714673368d6dbc7565d59841 A requested update via bsc#1210396
Marcus Rueckert (darix)
(revision 4)
- Fix the problem about crash-kmp-rt is being pulled out from sle_module_rt on SP5 after crash SR#289192 and kernels-source SR#288863 [2] are being accepted.
Daniel Mach (dmach)
(revision 3)
- Added crash-trace-2021-02-08.tar.bz2 and modified project to create the crash-trace package. If installed with crash installed the extension can be used for diagnosing kernel trace data. - BuildRequire %kernel_module_package_buildreqs (boo#1205149) - Require zlib-devel for crash-devel. - make of crash extensions was failing due to extension shared objects depending on extension source file plus defs.h. defs.h is hardlinked from the crash base source directory before the .so make rule but make reports it doesn't know how to make requirement defs.h. I added a rule for defs.h in the extensions Makefile that creates defs.h the same way as was previously used but satisfies the dependency resolution on demand then the make succeeded. * crash-extensions-rule-for-defs.patch (bsc#1204587) - Update to crash 7.3.1 - Refresh * eppic-switch-to-system-lib.patch - Remove patches present in version upgrade * 0001-Fix-for-kmem-s-S-option-on-Linux-5.7-and-later-kerne.patch * 0002-memory-Add-support-for-SECTION_TAINT_ZONE_DEVICE-fla.patch * 0003-memory-Fix-for-kmem-n-option-to-display-NID-correctl.patch * 0004-defs.h-Fix-the-value-of-TIF_SIGPENDING-macro.patch * 0005-Fix-waitq-command-for-Linux-4.13-and-later-kernels.patch * 0006-Handle-task_struct-state-member-changes-for-kernels-.patch * 0007-arm64-rename-ARM64_PAGE_OFFSET_ACTUAL-to-ARM64_FLIP_.patch * 0008-arm64-assign-page_offset-with-VA_BITS-kernel-configu.patch
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 2)
- Enable kmp-rt for SLERT15 SP5
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 1)
osc copypac from project:SUSE:SLE-15-SP4:Update package:crash revision:1, using expand
Displaying all 5 revisions