Revisions of cmake
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 2)
cmake-python311plus.patch for jsc#PED-68 is superseded by upstream changes. - update to 3.28.3: * Fixes for Freetype with ZLIB, execute_process, Autogen, Matlab, and various bugs - Fix python dependencies: python 3.11 is only needed for build (boo#1218125). - Added patch: * cmake-zerojvm.patch + fix JVM detection on JDKs with ZERO virtual machine, like java-21-openjdk for armv6l - fix incorrect requires on libuv1 on non-suse distributions - Revert "-Wl,--no-undefined" as it still breaks packages (boo#1218620) - macros: Set some more variables notable %{_docdir} so that GNUInstallDirs works fully on openSUSE. Packages using CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR fail otherwise. - Use new enough Sphinx on SLE (jsc#PED-7572 boo#1218125). - A quick note for the bots that boo#1217009 is already fixed in tumbleweed - Re-add "-Wl,--no-undefined" linker flags for executables and regular shared libraries. Shared library targets which are used as plugins/modules should use `add_library(... MODULE ...), which uses the "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS". - update to 3.28.1 * cmGeneratorTarget: disable C++ module scanning for verify targets * cmQtAutoGenInitializer: disable C++ module scanning for autogen sources * cmLocalGenerator: disable C++ module scanning for copied PCH sources
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 1)
initialize package
Displaying all 2 revisions