Revisions of perl-Sys-Virt
Daniel Mach (dmach)
(revision 3)
Latest release of libvirt perl bindings - Update to 10.6.0 - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 10.6.0 - jsc#PED-8909
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 2)
Updated perl bindings for libvirt 10.6.0. Note that not every libvirt release requires a corresponding release of the perl bindings. 10.5.0 is the latest release of libvirt-perl. - Update to 10.5.0 - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 10.5.0 - jsc#PED-8909
Ruediger Oertel (oertel)
(revision 1)
initialize package
Displaying all 3 revisions