Revisions of wpa_supplicant
Marcus Rueckert (darix)
(revision 2)
- update to v2.11: jsc#PED-11271 - refresh patches: wpa_supplicant-dump-certificate-as-PEM-in-debug-mode.diff wpa_supplicant-sigusr1-changes-debuglevel.patch - drop patches including in release: CVE-2023-52160.patch dbus-Fix-property-DebugShowKeys-and-DebugTimestamp.patch - Revert "Mark authorization completed on driver indication during 4-way HS offload" because of WPA2-PSK/WPA-SAE connection problems with brcmfmac wifi hardware. (bsc#1230797) [+ Revert-Mark-authorization-completed-on-driver-indica.patch]
Marcus Rueckert (darix)
(revision 1)
initialize package
Displaying all 2 revisions