Revisions of rssguard

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1177758 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 103)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1176489 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 102)
- Update to version 4.7.0
  * Added:
    - Full article content can now be fetched with a single button. Button is
      placed in article viewer toolbar right next to "Reader mode" button. This
      feature (just as "reader mode" feature) requires Node.js installation.
      The feature works both for articles and for regular websites opened in
      embedded web browser.
    - Article now can be marked (upon selection) as read with delay or only
      manually. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1017)
    - All RSS Guard plugins/services are now placed in their own library
      (DLL/SO/DYLIB) files and are loaded by main RSS Guard library
      dynamically. This means that unused services can now be removed from RSS
      Guard installation if not used by the user. Also it allows for a cleaner
      and slimmer common codebase. Refactoring of main RSS Guard library was
      also done and it is now more usable as regular dynamic-link library. I
      expect some regressions as this was HUGE change. Also, this change allows
      new potential interested people in writing new plugins easier as they now
      can just copy one of existing plugins and tweak for new service. Also
      this change now propagates to RSS Guard installer which allows you to
      only install plugins/services you want.
    - Application (Qt) style and icon theme now can be properly set to respect
      system style/icons and this setting is dynamic, meaning if you change
      system theme and restart RSS Guard, new theme is honored.
    - Button to copy system/app information to "About..." dialog.
    - All modal dialogs now remember their sizes forever.
  * Fixed:
    - Removed debugging forgotten code. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1354)
    - "Cleanup" button in downloader was greyed out when it should not be.
    - App crashes when changing notification sound.
    - Built-in user-agent was updated. You can also supply your own user-agent,
      see rssguard.exe --help for more info.
- Replace rssguard-4.6.6-add_library_version.patch with updated rssguard-4.7.0-add_library_version.patch
- Add fix_plugin_loading.patch from upstream
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1167064 from Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) (revision 101)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) accepted request 1166933 from Alexey Rochev's avatar Alexey Rochev (equeim) (revision 100)
Update to 4.6.6 and build with Qt 6
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134465 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 99)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 1134378 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 98)
- Update to version 4.6.3
  * Added:
    - Lite internal web browser now properly decodes all HTML pages according
      to their declared encoding.
    - Image downscaling in lite browser is faster.
    - Icon for classic RSS/ATOM accounts is now changeable.
    - If main window is active then "fetching started" notifications are not
      delivered. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#597)
    - Number of child feed/categories is now shown for each category.
  * Fixed:
    - MPV libs were moved to separate Git submodule.
    - Applied workaround to fix PC not sleeping after sound is played.
    - Fixed problem with disappearing tabs.
- Update to version 4.6.2
  * Fixed:
    - Fixed "Browse" button not working in "Media player" tab of settings
      dialog. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1245)
    - Was crashing on Linux. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1244)
- Update to version 4.6.0
  * Added:
    - Media/podcast player capabilities. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1226)
    - Indication of which feed is actually fetching at the moment can be
      enabled in settings. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1203)
    - Newspaper view was removed as it was slow and very buggy. It might be
      replaced by something better in the future.
    - Sections of settings now have icons.
    - Docs updated.
    - Layout of articles in default nudus-* skins was unified for full/lite
      versions. Formatting is now very similar.
    - Image size/wrapping behavior was greatly improved in article viewer,
      particularly in lite version.
  * Fixed:
    - Context menus in both full/lite article viewer are now more similar.
    - Fixed crashing when editing e-mail via Gmail plugin.
    - No more warning journal messages generated on Linux.
    - Updated and fixed some languages. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1205)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1126671 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 97)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 1126474 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 96)
- Update to version 4.5.5
  * Added:
    - Added feed manipulation for Google Reader API plugin - creating, editing,
      deleting feeds.
  * Fixed:
    - Fixed yellow background in nowebengine version.
    - No more double right mouse button click when closing notifications.
- Update to version 4.5.4
  * Added:
    - Toast notifications now have configurable width, margins and opacity.
      Couple of related GUI fixes are also there.
    - Standard RSS/ATOM account now can be renamed. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#824)
    - Aux nodes "Important", "Probes", "Unread" and "Labels" now can be
      disabled per-account separately in account settings dialog.
    - Toast notifications can be closed with right mouse button click.
    - Google Reader API plugin now offers OPML import and export function. See
      context menu for it.
  * Fixed:
    - Updated translations.
    - Fixed integration with Miniflux via Google Reader API plugin. This
      requires additional testing. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#837)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1123674 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 95)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1123581 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 94)
- Update to version 4.5.3
  + Added:
    - Article and feed toolbar heights are now normalized to same values.
  + Fixed:
    - Fixed couple of cases where feed multi-selection and/or batch operations
      were not taking multi-selection properly into account.
    - Fixed some unnecessary prompts to restart app in settings dialog.
    - Updated translations and readme.
- Update to version 4.5.2
  + Added:
    - Added new "Discover feeds" dialog which is automatically opened when user
      hits "Add new feed" button. In this dialog, use does not have to input
      exact feed address but can enter just regular website address and RSS
      Guard will try to discover all available feeds possible.
    - ATOM/RSS/JSON/Sitemap feeds now automatically use "ETag" HTTP headers
      which has potential speedup when fetching feeds with no new messages.
      This can bring 10-80 % speedup if user uses more feeds which do support
      "ETag". (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1136)
    - Support for Sitemap "sitemap.xml" files is added! Vast majority of
      websites have sitemaps and RSS Guard now can read them in the same way it
      does with RSS/ATOM formats. "Discover feeds" dialog has Sitemaps support
      integrated and it even is able to traverse sitemap indexes. GZipped
      sitemaps are supported too. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1129)
    - Added multiple/extended selection to feeds list! Now it is possible to
      select multiple items at once (feeds, categories, etc.) and perform batch
      actions on them - batch editing, deleting, marking read/unread,
      re-sorting - when some feeds are selected it is now in "Edit selected
      items" dialog possible to batch change only some properties in a very
      clean and universal way. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1010,
    - Localizations updated.
    - Documentation updated.
    - Arguments parsing is now totally overhauled. It is now possible to use
      both double and single quotes to quote arguments. Read "Scraping
      Websites" chapter in docs to know more.
    - Local files can now be used directly as sources for feeds, just select
      "Local file" in add/edit feed dialog.
  + Fixed:
    - Fixed OPML import/export when some feeds use custom script as source.
    - RSS/ATOM parsing is now greatly enhanced.
- Update to version 4.5.1
  + Added:
    - Completely new, custom "toast" notifications:
      - Configurable position on screen.
      - Can be displayed on secondary screens.
      - Automatically adopts look of currently active RSS Guard skin.
      - Can be close via close corner button or via Esc keyboard button.
      - When hovered with mouse, notification stays shown, when not hovered,
        it is automatically hidden after 15 seconds.
      - Displays list of newly fetched articles and offers some basic actions
        like marking as read, showing in article list or in web browser.
      - These notifications do not need "tray icon" to be activated.
      - Can be tweaked in Notifications section of settings.
    - pdb debugging file is now distributed with RSS Guard on Windows.
    - NPM packages updated to latest versions.
  + Fixed:
    - AppData file now does not contain <pre> tags.
    - HTTP redirection cycles are now solved.
    - Web cache is now stored in correct directory on Linux.
    - Fixed behavior of Google-based phrase suggestion in web browser
      navigation text box.
    - Many different features of RSS Guard got minor fixes, some parts of
      source code were refactored. Particularly, one nasty "semi-bug" was fixed
      which influenced speed of article switching in article list. It should
      now be faster. Much faster.
    - Article counting for "regex queries" is now disabled because this was
      very performance-hungry even with small number of regex queries, sadly.
    - Translations of some languages are now more complete.
    - Some unused source code was removed.
    - Some unused deps were removed.
- Update to version 4.5.0
  + Added:
    - List of article filters assigned to feed is now visible in feed details
      pane. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1045)
    - Right-to-left optional layout for feeds/articles. You can switch this in
      each feed properties.
    - Gmail: Labels are now fetched from the service too and they are
    - New feature called "regex queries" allowing users to have (persistent)
      regular expression based article list filters. See your feed list for
      "Regex queries" item and right click to add one.
    - "reader mode" feature now uses skin-based format & colors.
    - All features which generate random colors now use better HSV-based
    - Added application-wide and feed-wide ability to limit articles based on
      article date/time. This can be changed in application settings in "Feed
      fetching" section and in feed properties dialog in "Articles" section.
    - JavaScript code of article filters now has syntax highlighting.
    - Use non-standard "url" element as fallback for article URLs in RSS
    - Percentages of localization progres for each translation is now shown in
      "Localization" settings section.
    - "clang-format" updated.
    - User CSS styles can now be supplied via file
    - When fetching metadata during OPML import, there is now option to NOT
      fetch icons. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1009)
  + Fixed:
    - Icons in feed list are now correctly vertically centered.
    - Fixes related to word-wrap of long texts in article list and feed details
      pane. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#1033)
    - Multi-column sorting is now correctly persistent.
    - Fixed a problem where article filters are sometimes not applied correctly
      when feed is fetched.
    - Skin's pallete (dark) are now applied depending on slightly enhanced
    - Skin's custom colors are now applied depending on slightly enhanced
    - HTTP redirection was not working sometimes, breaking some feeds.
    - Docs updated.
    - Feedly: Fix errors when some feeds did not have titles.
    - Almost all localizations refreshed.
    - Fixed multiple crashes.
    - Correctly show numeric badge on Windows if RSS Guard starts in
      tray/minimized mode.
- Update to version 4.4.0
  + Added:
    - Read/unread state is now also shown by coloured dot in article list,
      inspired by similar feature of QuiteRSS. The behavior is switchable in
      settings. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#948)
    - Details of selected feed list item are now enhanced with new information.
    - Item (feed) ID is now visible in item details and in tooltips of feed
      list. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#965)
    - "nudus" skin is bit tweaked. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#942)
    - Added option to reorganize any folder in feed list alphabetically even in
      manual sorting mode. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#918)
    - Added shortcuts to scroll article up/down. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#408)
    - Added global option to open all hyperlinks by default in external web
      browser. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#386)
    - Email editor for Gmail now supports rich-text.
    - Added support for very fast feed fetching intervals.
    - Added button to clear web cache and storage.
    - Added some missing icons.
  + Fixed:
    - Application performance is now hugely improved when using big number of
      labels and/or article filters. There are some possibilities for extra
      performance fine-tuning which might be addressed in the future.
    - Behavior and visual representation of "article highlighter" and "article
      list filter" tool buttons is now fixed. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#943)
    - Newly created label is now placed in correct sort position in feed list.
    - Fixed html/plain auto-detection for
      "". (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#979)
    - Modal dialogs are also taken into account for feature "do not fetch feeds
      when main window is unfocused". (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#973)
    - Hamburger menu did not work in fullscreen mode in some cases.
    - Resizing of feed import dialog is now better. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#945)
    - Unwanted application restarts. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#940)
    - Main window fade-in effect on Windows OS is now consistent.
    - Many other smaller fixes.
- Refresh rssguard-4.2.2-add_library_version.patch
- Drop rssguard-4.3.4-fix-build.patch: merged upstream
- Add the Group tags
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1083780 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 93)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1083161 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 92)
- Update to version 4.3.4
  + Added:
    - Persistent article/item viewer. By default it is on. If no article is
      selected but feed/category is, then miscellaneous information about
      selected feed list item is displayed. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#424)
    - Reworked logic of determining which article states
      (read/unread/starred/unstarred) have changed when synchronizing states to
      remote feed servers. This concerns all synchronized plugins like Gmail,
      Greader, Feedly, etc. and show in theory lead to much better performance
      when you mark many articles as read or unread.
    - Couple of extra QoL enhancements for Gmail like proper encoding of
      attachment filenames, turned off displaying of "enclosures" as these are
      displayed in other way, etc.
  + Fixed:
    - Deadlock when fetching feeds in some corner situations is now resolved.
    - URLs of articles are now sanitized from leading and trailing spaces.
    - ATOM feeds were mistakenly changed to RSS feeds during OPML import.
    - Now compiles with GCC 13. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#911)
    - Freezing of GUI when fetching feeds should now be gone even on newer Qt
    - Correct account-wide proxy is used when importing feeds.
    - Article duplicity checks are now much more useful and actually working in
      article filters.
    - Translations synced.
    - All buttons from article toolbar now correctly follow tool button style.
- Add rssguard-4.3.4-fix-build.patch
- Drop rssguard-4.3.3-fix-build.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1078183 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 91)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 1076792 from Adam Mizerski's avatar Adam Mizerski (etamPL) (revision 90)
Update to version 4.3.3
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1064496 from Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) (revision 89)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) accepted request 1063902 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 88)
- Update to version 4.3.2:
  + Added:
    - Display total number of underlying feeds/categories in account's tooltip
      in feed list. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#881)
    - Press "CTRL+F" when article script textbox is highlighted in "Article
      filters" dialog to allow for text searching. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#889)
    - Filtering option in article list toolbar are now inclusive with checkbox
      like appearance. You can now thus select multiple filtering conditions
      and if article meets atleast one of them, it is displayed. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#468)
    - WebEngine disk cache now can be disabled in settings. If it is "disabled"
      then RSS Guard will use memory-based cache which is automatically
      destroyed when RSS Guard exits. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#725)
    - Help spoilers now can display HTML help with clickable hyperlinks.
    - Skins are now able to load custom TTF and OTF fonts and also skins now
      are able to specify application-wide font. You can see sample usage of
      this feature in sample skin.
  + Fixed:
    - Fixed crash when importing OPML files.
    - Fixed looooong-standing hidden bug which could cause that labels
      DEassigned from filters were not synchronized back to feed service if
    - Enhanced information about "resources" in "About" dialog.
- Update to version 4.3.1:
  + Fixed:
    - Reverted to Qt 6.3 for Windows 10+ builds due to some regressions AGAIN.
    - Fixed TT-RSS icons downloading when obtaining list of feeds/folders.
    - RSS Guard now converts all placeholders (for example "%data%") to native
      path folder separators.
- Update to version 4.3.0:
  + Added:
    - Massive update for feed fetching mechanism. It is now very parallelized
      and performance gain should be brutal. On my development PC with 4 cores
      (Intel i5) I observed 800 % performance boost. Note that this feature
      required huge number of changes on source code so there could be some
      corner case regressions or not so polished situations. File bug report
      when that happens. Also, number of threads used by this feature is
      configurable via --threads command line switch. This parallelization
      approach will also be applied to some other parts of application in the
      future, particularly for some massive batched network operations in some
      plugin - TT-RSS, Greader or Gmail - which will result in massive
      performance boost too.
    - RSS Guard is now available on Flathub in two distinct variants - "full"
      and "lite" (same as "nonwebengine").
    - Suffix ".xml" is also accepted for OPML 2.0 files.
    - Brutal speed enhancements when importing OPML 2.0 files. Whole
      functionality is now properly parallelized and performance boost is
      potentially massive, depending on number of your CPU cores/threads.
    - Qt 6 bumped to 6.4.2 version - this fixes some regressions.
  + Fixed:
    - Some random Mac OS X crash. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#866)
- Update to version 4.2.6:
  + Added:
    - Bunch of premade sample article filters added to "Article filters" window.
    - Placeholders in external tools definitions can be now arbitrarily placed.
    - Article RSS enclosures can now be added from within article filters.
    - Added customizable skin color for feeds with NEW articles. So now it is
      possible to distinguish between NEW and UNREAD (but old) articles. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#850)
    - Added application debug log dialog. See "Help" menu for more.
    - Too big fetched feed icons are now automatically scaled down to fixed
      size (48x48).
    - Now it is possible to run post-process script when importing OPML. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#848)
    - Now it is possible to change "User-Agent" HTTP header. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#835)
    - Added now column into article list which shows labels for each article. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#768)
    - Now it is possible to "suppress" feed. Suppressed feeds do not trigger
      notifications. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#745)
  + Fixed:
    - HTML detection on the QTextBrowser viewer is now more precise. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#813)
    - Article decoding for Nextcloud News works better. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#814)
    - Inoreader built-in API tokens are removed, because they were abused.
    - Default AdBlock lists now have corrected URL addresses.
    - Fixed full-article scraper "".
    - Do some preparations and code cleanups for adding "lite" RSS Guard
      variant to Flathub.
    - Nextcloud News plugin processes "mediaThumbnail" and "mediaDescription"
      when parsing articles. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#831)
    - Avoid appending empty RSS enclosures to articles. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#832)
    - AppImage reverted to Qt 5 as Qt 6 support in AppImage generator is very
      very buggy.
    - All dialogs where icons/images are selected now load their "formats"
      dynamically to support all possible image formats correctly. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#834) This
      effectivelly adds "webp" and other formats on systems where it is
    - Fixed crash. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#849)
    - Enable smooth-scrolling by default. (gh#martinrotter/rssguard#793)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1037359 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 87)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1037105 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) (revision 86)
- Update to version 4.2.5:
  + Added:
    - RSS Guard now can use super fast feed/article refresh rates.
      At this point it is possible to set refresh interval even to
      1 second to allow super fast checking for content changes.
  + Fixed:
    - Newspaper mode caused some GUI glitches.
    - Feedly crashed whole application when performing folder/feed
    - Some specific feeds are faulty but some adjustments were made
      to make RSS/ATOM parsing more loose.
    - Fixed HTML/plain article content auto-detection for some
      specific HTML cases.
    - Lessened severity of some debug messages.
- Rebase rssguard-4.2.2-add_library_version.patch.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 980986 from Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) (revision 85)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) accepted request 980527 from Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz's avatar Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz (jaimeMF) (revision 84)
- Update to version 4.2.3
  * Autostart feature is now overally better and works with Flatpak build too.
  * Added a switch to automatically reject all incoming HTTP cookies application-wide.
  * Gmail: Display proper "To" e-mail header when displaying e-mails.
  * Feedly: Correct article URLs are now fetched if possible.
  * Mac OS X: Fixed launching with error "invalid application".
  * External resources for non-web-engine article viewer are now resolved more correctly.
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 103
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