Revisions of emacs-ess

Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 20)
- upstream update to 24.01.1
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 19)
- upstream update of lisp/Makefile
  should finally stop all usage problems
  (now includes all *el files again)
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 18)
- does no longer build for 12.3. Newer emacs required than available.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 17)
- upstream update to 18.10.2. Big feature update.
- Bug Fixes in 18.10.2:
   * ESS[R] Fix namespace evaluation in non-installed packages.
     Evaluation is directed into GlobalEnv as originally intended.
   * 'Makefile' fixes, notably for 'make install' and including full
     docs in the tarballs.
   Bug Fixes in 18.10-1:
   * New functions 'ess-eval-line-visibly-and-step' ('C-c C-n' and
     'ess-eval-region-or-line-visibly-and-step' ('C-RET') which behave
     as the old versions of 'ess-eval-line-and-step' and
   Changes and New Features in 18.10:
   * This is the last release to support Emacs older than 25.1.  Going
     forward, only GNU Emacs 25.1 and newer will be supported.  Soon
     after this release, support for older Emacs versions will be
     dropped from the git master branch.  Note that MELPA uses the git
     master branch to produce ESS snapshots, so if you are using Emacs <
     25.1 from MELPA and are unable to upgrade, you should switch to
   * ESS now displays the language dialect in the mode-line.  So, for
     example, R buffers will now show ESS[R] rather than ESS[S].
   * The ESS manual has been updated and revised.
   * The ESS initialization process has been further streamlined.  If
     you update the autoloads (which installation from 'package-install'
     does), you should not need to '(require 'ess-site)' at all, as
     autoloads should automatically load ESS when it is needed (e.g.
     the first time an R buffer is opened).  In order to defer loading
     your ESS config, you may want to do something like
     '(with-require-after-load "ess" <ess-config-here>)' in your Emacs
     init file.  Users of the popular 'use-package' Emacs package can
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 16)
- upstream updated the tgz
- (require 'subr-x) removed, therfore enabling work
  with older emacsen.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 15)
- upstrem updated to 17.11
- removed check for SuSE before 10.2
- Changes and New Features in 17.11:
   * The ESS initialisation process has been streamlined.  You can now
     load the R and Stata modes independently from the rest of ESS. Just
     put '(require 'ess-r-mode)' or '(require 'ess-stata-mode)' in your
     init file.  This is for experienced Emacs users as this requires
     setting up autoloads for '.R' files manually.  We will keep
     maintaining 'ess-site' for easy loading of all ESS features.
   * Reloading and quitting the process is now more robust.  If no
     process is attached, ESS now switches automatically to one
     (prompting you for selection if there are several running).
     Reloading and quitting will now work during a debug session or when
     R is prompting for input (for instance after a crash).  Finally,
     the window configuration is saved and restored after reloading to
     prevent the buffer of the new process from capturing the cursor.
   * ESS[R]: New command 'ess-r-package-use-dir'.  It sets the working
     directory of the current process to the current package directory.
   * ESS[R] Lookup for references in inferior buffers has been improved.
     New variable 'ess-r-package-source-roots' contains package
     sub-directories which are searched recursively during the file
     lookup point.  Directories in 'ess-tracebug-search-path' are now
     also searched recursively.
   * ESS[R] Namespaced evaluation is now automatically enabled only in
     the 'R/' directory.  This way ESS will not attempt to update
     function definitions from a package if you are working from e.g.  a
     test file.
   Changes and New Features in 16.10:
   * ESS[R]: Syntax highlighting is now more consistent.  Backquoted
     names are not fontified as strings (since they really are
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 14)
- upstream updated to 16.10
- Makefile from 1.11.2016, julia-mode.el manually added  
  Changes and New Features in 16.10:
   * ESS[R]: Syntax highlighting is now more consistent.  Backquoted
     names are not fontified as strings (since they really are
     identifiers).  Furthermore they are now correctly recognised when
     they are function definitions or function calls.
   * ESS[R]: Backquoted names and '%op%' operators are recognised as
     sexp.  This is useful for code navigation, e.g.  with 'C-M-f' and
   * ESS[R]: Integration of outline mode with roxygen examples fields.
     You can use outline mode's code folding commands to fold the
     examples field.  This is especially nice to use with well
     documented packages with long examples set.  Set
     'ess-roxy-fold-examples' to non-nil to automatically fold the
     examples field when you open a buffer.
   * ESS[R]: New experimental feature: syntax highlighting in roxygen
     examples fields.  This is turned off by default.  Set
     'ess-roxy-fontify-examples' to non-nil to try it out.
   * ESS[R]: New package development command 'ess-r-devtools-ask' bound
     to 'C-c C-w C-a'.  It asks with completion for any devtools command
     that takes 'pkg' as argument.
   * ESS[R]: New command 'C-c C-e C-r' to reload the inferior process.
     Currently only implemented for R. The R method runs
     'inferior-ess-r-reload-hook' on reloading.
   * ESS[R]: 'ess-r-package-mode' is now activated in non-file buffers
     as well.
   Bug fixes in 16.10:
   * ESS[R]: Fix broken (un)flagging for debugging inside packages
   * ESS[R]: Fixes (and improvements) in Package development
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 13)
- upstream updated to 16.04
  Changes and New Features in 16.04:
   * ESS[R]: 'developer' functionality has been refactored.  The new
     user interface consists of a single command
     'ess-r-set-evaluation-env' bound by default to 'C-c C-t C-s'.  Once
     an evaluation environment has been set with, all subsequent ESS
     evaluation will source the code into that environment.  By default,
     for file within R packages the evaluation environment is set to the
     package environment.  Set 'ess-r-package-auto-set-evaluation-env'
     to 'nil' to disable this.
   * ESS[R]: New 'ess-r-package-mode' This development mode provides
     features to make package development easier.  Currently, most of
     the commands are based on the 'devtools' packages and are
     accessible with 'C-c C-w' prefix.  See the documentation of
     'ess-r-package-mode' function for all available commands.  With
     'C-u' prefix each command asks for extra arguments to the
     underlying devtools function.  This mode is automatically enabled
     in all files within R packages and is indicated with '[pkg:NAME]'
     in the mode-line.
   * ESS[R]: Help lookup has been improved.  It is now possible to get
     help for namespaced objects such as pkg::foobar.  Furthermore, ESS
     recognizes more reliably when you change 'options('html_type')'.
   * ESS[R]: New specialized breakpoints for debugging magrittr pipes
   * ESS: ESS now implements a simple message passing interface to
     communicate between ESS and inferior process.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 12)
- Now with correct source file.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 11)
- upstream updated to 15.09-2
  It fixes small glitches with (the new more flexible and
  powerful) indentation engine.
  In addition
  - it improves Roxygen editing (line wrapping; filling);
  - knitr/Sweave interface cosmetics, notably a new
    M-x ess-swv-weave-PDF (bound to M-n v ('v' for 'v'iew)).
  - SAS and coda/BUGS improvements  
  - prevents infinite loops in some border cases
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 10)
- upstream updated to 15.09-1
  This is primarily a bug fix release for ESS 15.09 (released on Sep. 24).
  Notably it was reported by Jason Morgan to ESS-bugs, that Emacs
  typically can become *VERY* slow (yes, "up to looking frozen"),
  when you have several 1000's of lines (of R output) in your *R* buffer.
  Release 15.09-1 fixes this, and adds some indentation
  improvements, too. Remember that ESS' indentation system was
  basically completely refurbished for ESS 15.09.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 9)
- upstream updated to 15.09
Changes and New Features in 15.09:
   * ESS[R]: The indentation logic has been refactored.  It should be
     faster, more consistent and more flexible.  There are three types
     of indentation settings, those starting with 'ess-offset-' give the
     actual offsets, those starting with 'ess-indent-' are control
     (commonly Boolean) variables, and those starting with 'ess-align-'
     are vertical alignment overrides which inhibit default offsets in
     specific situations.  See 'ess-style-alist' for detailed
     description of the new indentation system and provided default
     indentation styles.
   * ESS[R]: Deprecation of old indentation settings.  As a consequence
     of the indentation re-factoring 'ess-brace-imaginary-offset',
     'ess-expression-offset' and all delimiter-specific offsets are
     deprecated.  The settings for indentation of continued statements
     have been replaced by 'ess-offset-continuations'.  It can be set to
     either 'cascade' or 'straight' (the default).
     'ess-arg-function-offset' has been replaced by
     'ess-indent-from-lhs' and has been generalised to assignements.
     This setting now works with both statement blocks and expressions
     and only takes effect for offsets set to 'prev-call' and
     'open-delim' in order to produce a consistent indentation.
   * ESS: A test framework has been set up.
   * ESS[R]: A new RStudio style is provided to mimic as closely as
     possible R files indented via RStudio.  To reproduce the setup of
     some of the RStudio users, the RStudio- style with
     'ess-offset-arguments' set to 'prev-line' is also provided.  In
     addition, the new RRR+ style is equivalent to RRR except it indents
     blocks in function calls relatively to the opening delimiter.  This
     style does not try to save horizontal space and produces more
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 8)
- source renamed ess-15.03.1.tgz
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 7)
- bug fix release by upstream 15.03-1
  Changes and New Features in 15.03-1:
  ESS[R]: An indentation bug has been fixed (github issue 163)
  ESS[R]: On windows, if 'ess-prefer-higher-bit' is non-nil (the
  default), then R-newest will try to run a 64 bit (rather than 32
  bit) version of R.
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 6)
- upstream updated to 15.03
  Changes and New Features in 15.03:
   * ESS[R]: Full native support for 'company-mode'.
   * ESS[R]: More efficient caching algorithm for R completion.
   * ESS: New offset variable 'ess-close-paren-offset' to control the
     indentation of the closing parentheses.
   * ESS[R]: Ask for CRAN mirror only once per emacs session.
   * ESS[R]: Detect 'library' and 'require' calls for better completion
   * Buffer display is now customizable ('ess-show-buffer-action').
   * Use 'y-or-n-p' instead of 'yes-or-no-p' throughout.
   * More support for ODS in ess-sas-graph-view.
   * Makefiles are now both UNIX and GNU friendly.
   * ESS[R]: Simplify directory lookup in 'ess-developer' (#137).
   * Make closed paren indentation consistent
   Bug Fixes in 15.03:
   * Fix open brace indentation bug (#27 in ess/R-ESS-bugs.R).
   * Fix git version lookup
   * Don't check directory modtime in R dialect.
   * Declare all ess macros for edebug.
   * Add 'ess-smart-comma' to eldoc message functions.
   * Inform users when retrieving RDA aliases.
   * Line ending in '~' is also a continuation line.
   * Filing roxy paragraphs works as expected now.
   * In 'ess-developer-add-package', remove incorrect 'wait' argument
     from 'ess-get-words-from-vector' call.
   * Fix #96, #117, #120, #125, #134, #137.
   * Fix ess-quit-r.  Call base::q() even if it is masked.
   * Fix 'ess-show-buffer' to always display the buffer in another
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 5)
- removed (require 'ess-site) from suse-start-emacs-ess-init.el
  now we just add the load path
  removed the version number from installation path
  now it´s emacs-ess and not emacs-ess-%{version} anymore
Darin Perusich's avatar Darin Perusich (deadpoint) committed (revision 4)
- Uncommented BuildRoot
- Moved old %changelog entries to .changes 

- Upstream releases 5.11

- Upstream releases 5.10

- Update for 5.4

- Update for 5.3.11 and Opensuse 11.1
- Use Docdir ideas from Daniel Sabanes <>

- Update for ESS 5.3.8

- Updated for ESS 5.2.11.

- Updated to ESS 5.2.10
- Changed Copyright tag to License
- Added texinfo to BuildRequires

- Updated to ESS 5.2.8

- Updated to 5.2.7

- Updated for ESS 5.2.5.

- Updated for ESS 5.2.4.

- Fixed permissions on ...-init.el file
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 3)
- upstream updated to 14.09
  Changes / Selected Bug Fixes in 14.09:
   * ESS[Julia]: Executable is changed to 'julia'.
   * ESS[Julia]: Completion and help system was adjusted to Julia
     v.0.3.0.  Julia v.0.2.x is no more supported.
   * ESS[R]: Running R with 'gdb' debugger now works as expected
   * iESS: Inferior ESS buffers are now derived from 'comint-mode'
   * ESS[R]: 'ess-execute-screen-options' uses correct screen width in
     terminal sessions
   * ESS: 'ess-build-tags-for-directory' works when no TAGS file name
     was provided
   * ESS: 'ess-continued-statement-offset' is now respected everywhere
     except inside of the 'if' test condition.
   * ESS: New variable 'ess-first-continued-statement-offset' for
     indentation of the first line in multiline statements.
   * ESSR: Starting ',' in multiline statements indentation is now
     ignored to achieve a more pleasant alignment.
   * ESSR: Improved behavior of 'RET' in roxygen blocks.
   * ESS[R]: command cleaning with 'C-u C-u C-y' was broken with lines
     containing " + "
   * ESS[R]: fixed "empty watch window bug"
   * ESS[R]: don't ask for help location on ac-quick-help (request of
     github #81)
   * ESS[R]: "importClassesFrom" and "importMethodsFrom" were added to
     the list of two-parameter roxygen commands
   * ESS[R]: fix vignetes display and hyperlinks (were broken in
   * ESS[Julia]: recognize function names ending with !
   * ESS[Julia]: fix indentation of "for" comprehension syntax within
Darin Perusich's avatar Darin Perusich (deadpoint) committed (revision 2)
add buildroot to fix sles builds
Detlef Steuer's avatar Detlef Steuer (dsteuer) committed (revision 1)
Moving to unified repo for all R components, supplements and packages
Displaying all 20 revisions
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