Revisions of python-moto

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1161288 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 52)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) committed (revision 51)
- Update to 5.0.3:
  # General:
    * New configuration options for:
      + Passing URL's through the proxy
      + Configuring Docker-less services in ServerMode
    * Removed the `python-jose` and `sshpubkeys` dependencies in favor of
  # Miscellaneous:
    * ApiGateway: update_usage_plan() now supports adding apiStages
    * Athena: get_query_execution() now returns exact OutputLocation file
    * Autoscaling: describe_auto_scaling_groups() now supports the
    * CloudFront: create_distribution() now supports CustomHeaders
    * CloudFront: update_distribution() now handles updates to
      DistributionConfig correctly
    * CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of
    * CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of
    * CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of
    * CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of
    * CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of
    * CloudFormation - Now supports deletion of AWS::Logs::LogGroup
    * CloudFormation: delete_stack() now handles resource dependencies better
    * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports large (compressed) requests
    * CognitoIDP: admin_initiate_auth() and respond_to_auth_challenge()
      now support SMS_MFA
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1145032 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 50)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) committed (revision 49)
- Update to 5.0.1:
  ## New Methods:
  * SecretsManager:
    * remove_regions_from_replication()
    * replicate_secret_to_regions()
  ## General:
  * All decorators have been replaced with a single decorator: `mock_aws`
  * The `mock_batch_simple` and `mock_lambda_simple` decorators can now be
    configured using the `config`-parameter:
  * It is now possible to configure methods/services which should reach out
    to AWS.
  * All requests now return a RequestId
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * AWSLambda: create_event_source_mapping() now supports Kinesis streams
    as targets
  * CloudFront: Removed error handling for InvalidOriginServer, as our
    validation was too strict
  * DynamoDB: batch_execute_statement() now supports for
  * DynamoDB: query() now correctly handles calls where both Limit and
    ScanIndexForward are supplied
  * EC2: Now supports availability zones for eu-central-2 (Zurich)
  * S3: list_objects_v2() can now return more then 1000 results max (again)
  * S3: copy_object() now allows in-place copies when bucket versioning
    is enabled
  * SecretsManager: create_secrets() now supports the parameters
    AddReplicaRegions and ForceOverwriteReplicaSecret
  * SecretsManager: list_secrets() now supports the filters primary-region
    and owning-service
  * IAM: The AWS managed Policies are no longer loaded by default.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1136175 from Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) (revision 48)
baserev update by copy to link target
Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) accepted request 1135539 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 47)
- Update to 4.2.12
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * AWSLambda: list_functions() now returns a default PackageType
    (ZIP) if not specified
  * CloudFormation: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resources now support
    Fn::GetAtt operations
  * CognitoIDP: admin_initiate_auth() now correctly returns a
    Challenge when 2FA is enabled
  * DynamoDB: execute_statement() now supports INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
  * EC2: describe_availability_zones() now supports the
  * KMS: encrypt() now validates payloads that are too large
  * ResourceGroupTaggingAPI: get_resources() now supports SQS
  * Route53: list_hosted_zone()/list_hosted_zones_by_name() now
    return the CallerReference
  * S3: copy() now respects the ExtraArgs-parameter when using
    MultiPart uploads
  * S3: list_object_versions() now supports pagination
  * S3: put_object_tagging() now validates the number of tags
- Update to 4.2.11
  ## New Methods:
  * Lambda:
    * DeleteFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
    * GetFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
    * ListFunctionEventInvokeConfigs()
    * PutFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
    * UpdateFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
  * Logs:
    * describe_export_tasks()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * DynamoDB: put_item() now returns old item for
    ConditionalCheckFailed exceptions
  * DynamoDB: scan() now returns the correct ScannedCount when
    passing the Limit-parameter
  * DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now validates that Keys in
    Update-queries are not empty
  * IOT: create_thing()/describe_thing() now returns the thingId
  * Logs: create_export_task() now actually exports the data to S3
  * ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: get_resources() now supports ACM
- Moto 4.2.10
  ## New Methods:
  * CognitoIdentity: list_identity_pools()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * Autoscaling: describe_tags() now supports the key/value filters
  * CloudFormation: AWS::Logs::LogGroup now supports tags
  * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() no longer throws an error when
    supplying >10 queries
  * CognitoIdentity: get_credentials_for_identity() now returns
    Expiration as a number, fixing compatibility with the GoLang
  * EFS: describe_access_points() now supports the
  * LakeFormation: list_permissions() now supports the
  * LakeFormation: register_resource() now throws an exception when
    registering an existing resource
  * SQS: Ensure all responses are in JSON-format when required,
    fixing compatibility with the Ruby SDK
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1128877 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 46)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1128624 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 45)
- Update to 4.2.9
  ## General:
  * Fix compatibility with botocore 1.32.1
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * ECS: Tagging is now supported for Tasks
  * LakeFormation: deregister_resource() now throws the correct
    error for unknown resources
  * LakeFormation: list_permissions() now supports Parameters
  * RDS: create_db_instance() now validates the engine parameter
  * Transcribe: TranscriptionJobs now support the
- Moto 4.2.8
  ## General:
  * Support for Python 3.12
  * Support for a Simple Lambda backend, that will mock functions
    without invoking a Docker container. Use the decorator
    `mock_lambda_simple` for this feature.
  ## New Methods:
  ### IdentityStore:
  * describe_group()
  ### Signer:
  * list_tags_by_resource()
  * tag_resource()
  * untag_resource()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * DynamoDB: create_table() now throws an error when supplying an
    unknown KeyType
  * DynamoDB: query() now throws an error when supplying a
    ExpressionAttributeValue that doesn't start with a ':'
  * EC2: describe_hosts() now returns the AllocationTime-attribute
Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) accepted request 1123453 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 44)
- Update to 4.2.7
  ## New Services:
  ### Inspector2:
  * associate_member()
  * batch_get_account_status()
  * create_filter()
  * delete_filter()
  * describe_organization_configuration()
  * disable()
  * disable_delegated_admin_account()
  * disassociate_member()
  * enable()
  * enable_delegated_admin_account()
  * get_member()
  * list_delegated_admin_accounts()
  * list_filters()
  * list_findings()
  * list_members()
  * list_tags_for_resource()
  * tag_resource()
  * untag_resource()
  * update_organization_configuration()
  ## New Methods:
  ### ECR:
  * batch_get_repository_scanning_configuration()
  * put_registry_scanning_configuration()
  ##  Miscellaneous:
  * Batch: submit_job() now returns the jobArn-attribute
  * DynamoDB: execute_statement() has now support for nested
    WHERE-clauses with functions
  * DynamoDB: update_item() now returns item for
  * EC2: create_key_pair() and describe_key_pair(s)() now support
  * Route53: get_hosted_zone() now returns the CallerReference
  * S3: get_object/put_object() now accepts AccessPoint ARN's
  * S3Control: create_access_point() now returns the correct Alias
  * SES: list_identities() now supports the IdentityType-parameter
  * SNS: create_platform_application has improved error handling
- Moto 4.2.6
  ## New Services:
  ### IVS:
  * batch_get_channel()
  * create_channel()
  * delete_channel()
  * get_channel()
  * list_channels()
  * update_channel()
  ## New Methods:
  ### LakeFormation:
  * add_lf_tags_to_resource()
  * get_resource_lf_tags()
  * remove_lf_tags_from_resource()
  * update_lf_tag()
  ### Sagemaker:
  * describe_model_package_group()
  * update_model_package()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * Batch: submit_job() now behaves correctly when passing the
  * DynamoDB: Improved PartiQL parser, with support for different
    types (Decimals/Booleans) and queries with quoted table-names
  * EC2: TagSpecifications now throw an error if the ResourceType is
    not provided
  * EC2: run_instances()/describe_instances() now always return the
    same attributes (before, both operations were missing different
  * EC2: associate_dhcp_options() now supports DhcpOptionsId=default
  * EC2: create_key_pair() now supports the KeyType-parameter
  * EC2: run_instances() now returns the Placement.HostId attribute
  * ELBv2: modify_target_group_attributes() now has additional
  * Events: put_events() now throws a warning when Detail field is
    not a dict
  * IOT: update_thing() now behaves correctly with empty attributes
  * S3: head_object() now raises a MethodNotAllowed for
- Moto 4.2.5
  ## General:
  * Introducing: MotoProxy! An alternative to the MotoServer. See
    the docs:
  ## New Methods:
  ### Sagemaker:
      * list_model_package_groups()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * CognitoIDP: update_user_pool() no longer overrides default
  * CognitoIDP: set_user_mfa_preference() now allows the settings to
    be cleared
  * EC2: Transit Gateway Peering Attachments are now supported
    across accounts
  * EC2: delete_fleets() now sets the correct status
  * ECS: The Task-statuses now automatically advance
  * Glue: get_databases/get_tables() now return the CatalogId
  * IAM: list_groups() now returns the CreateDate-attribute
  * Redshift: describe_clusters() now returns the
  * SES: Templates now support if/else constructs
- Moto 4.2.4
  ## New Methods:
  ### OpenSearch:
  * list_domain_names()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * DynamoDB: Fixed a bug where binary data could not be queried
    (introduced in 4.2.3)
  * EC2: VPC Peering Connections are now supported across accounts
  * ECS: register_task_definition() now validates the PidMode has
    the correct value
  * S3: put_bucket_notification_configuration() now supports SNS
    Topic targets
- Moto 4.2.3
  ## New Services:
  ### RoboMaker:
  * create_robot_application()
  * delete_robot_application()
  * describe_robot_application()
  * list_robot_applications()
  ## New Methods:
  ### ElasticBeanstalk:
  * delete_application()
  ### Events:
  * create_partner_event_source()
  * delete_partner_event_source()
  * describe_event_source()
  * describe_partner_event_source()
  * put_partner_events()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * Core: The mocked ACCESS_KEY has been changed from `foobar_key`
    to `FOOBARKEY`, to align with AWS guidelines
  * Core: set_initial_no_auth_action_count() now supports SSM
  * Core: Fixed a memory leak when comparing requests (introduced in
  * Athena: get_query_execution() now returns a StatementType
    dependent on the provided query
  * DynamoDB: query() now throws an exception when the
    KeyConditionExpression contains a literal value
  * EBS: put_snapshot_block() now supports random bytes
  * EC2: describe_transit_gateways() now supports filtering by tags
  * ELBv2: describe_target_groups() now throws an exception for
    invalid input parameters
  * ELBv2: describe_target_groups() now sorts the result before
    returning it
  * ELBv2: create_target_group() now has improved validation and
    default values
  * ELBv2: create_rule() now creates links between the TargetGroups
    and LoadBalancers
  * Events: put_events() now support HTTP targets
  * IAM policy validation now takes the provided Resource-argument
    into account when validating access to STS-resources
  * IAM: get_role() now returns the LastUsed-parameter, provided the
    role was assumed and used
  * KMS: sign/verify now uses the original message when signing, not
    the base64-version
  * Lambda: invoke() now loads any Layers provided in the
  * S3: put_bucket_logging() now supports bucket policies (as well
    as ACP's)
  * S3: Range requests are now more permissive (following AWS'
  * SFN: list_executions() now returns the StopDate-attribute
- Moto 4.2.2
  *  See 4.2.1 - no functional changes.
- Moto 4.2.1
  ## New Services:
  ### Sagemaker Runtime:
  * invoke_endpoint()
  ## New Methods:
  ### CognitoIDP:
  * describe_resource_server()
  * list_resource_servers()
  ### CognitoIDP:
  * create_cache_cluster()
  * delete_cache_cluster()
  * describe_cache_clusters()
  ### IdentityStore:
  * list_users()
  ### Logs:
  * describe_query_results()
  * get_query_results()
  * list_tags_for_resource()
  * tag_resource()
  * untag_resource()
  ### Sagemaker:
  * list_notebook_instances()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * EC2: describe_transit_gateways() now returns the ARN
  * IAM policies now allow S3 accesspoint arns
  * KMS: sign() now supports RSASSA_PSS_SHA_384, RSASSA_PSS_SHA_512
    and RSASSA_PKCS1_* algorithms
  * Logs: Now supports two subscription filters
  * RDS: Clusters now support the ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration
  * ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: tag_resource() now supports RDS
  * S3: CrossAccount access can now be disabled, using
  * SecretsManager: Allow creation/update of secrets without values
  * SES: set_identity_mail_from_domain() - the Identity can now also
    be an email
- Moto 4.2.0
  ## General:
  * The Docker image is now based on Python 3.11 (instead of 3.7)
- Moto 4.1.15
  ## New Services:
  ### APIGateway Management API:
  * delete_connection()
  * get_connection()
  * post_to_connection()
  ## New Methods:
  ### Autoscaling:
  * delete_warm_pool()
  * describe_warm_pool()
  * put_warm_pool()
  ### IdentityStore:
  * list_groups()
  ### IOTData:
  * list_named_shadows_for_thing()
  ### MQ:
  * list_tags()
  ### ServiceDiscovery:
  * update_private_dns_namespace()
  * update_public_dns_namespace()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * ACM-PCA: create_certificate_authority() now supports the
  * Batch: create_job_definition() now returns more default fields
    in the containerProperties field
  * CloudTrail: get_trail_status now works with MultiRegion trails
  * CognitoIDP: UserPools now return the
    AccountRecoverySetting-field by default
  * DynamoDB: query() now throws an exception when providing empty
  * EC2: describe_vpc_endpoint_services() now returns user-defined
  * EC2: run_instances() now supports the Monitoring-attribute
  * IOT: group names can now contain special characters
  * IOTData now supports named shadows
  * KMS: create_key() now supports KeySpecs RSA_3072 and RSA_4096
  * KMS: create_key() now validates the provided KeySpec
  * Lambda: create_function() now fails when creating a function
    with a name that already exists
  * Lambda: put_function_concurrency() now errors on a quota that
    exceeds the value set by MOTO_LAMBDA_CONCURRENCY_QUOTA
  * Lambda: update_function_code() now supports the
  * RDS: describe_db_cluster_snapshots() now returns the
  * ResourceTaggingsAPI: Now supports Glue resources
  * S3: Authentication now allows specific resources in the IAM
    access policy
  * S3: select_object_content() now takes RecordDelimiter into
  * Scheduler: create_scheduler() now errors on duplicate names
  * TimestreamWrite: create_table() now supports the
- Moto 4.1.14
  ## New Methods:
  ### SageMaker:
  * create_model_package()
  * create_model_package_group()
  * describe_model_package()
  * list_model_packages()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * CloudFormation: describe_stack_instances() now returns the
  * CloudFront: update_distribution() now supports the
  * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now support (simple) Expressions
  * CognitoIDP: initiate_auth() and admin_initiate_auth() now throw
    a NotAuthorizedError for disabled users
  * EC2 VPC's: Add CloudFront, Ground Station and Lattice prefix
  * IOT: search_index() now returns the connectivity-attribute
  * Organizations: Introduce more trusted service principals
  * RDS: create_db_cluster() now supports the
  * S3: Optional support for CRC32C checksums
  * SNS: publish_batch() now sends the required
    `MessageDeduplicationId` for FIFO queues
  * SQS: send_message_batch() now only throws a
    `BatchRequestTooLong` if the sum of all messages exceed the
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1100771 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 43)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) committed (revision 42)
- Update to 4.1.13, partial changes:
  * CloudFront: create_distribution() now correctly handles a single alias
  * CloudFront - CustomOrigins now have default timeouts if not supplied
  * IOTData: publish() can now handle non-Unicode bytes
  * RDS: Automated snapshots now have the appropriate SnapshotType
  * CloudFront: create_invalidation() now behaves correctly when supplying a
    single Path
  * CodeBuild: create_project() now accepts all ServiceRole ARN's, not just
    ARN's that end in /service-role/
  * DynamoDB now supports ProjectionExpressions on (nested) lists
  * EC2: create_flow_logs() now allows different LogDestinations for a
    single ResourceId
  * EC2: create_volume() now supports the Throughput-parameter
  * ECR: put_image() now correctly overwrites tags on images with multiple tags
  * Lambda: delete_layer_version() now also accepts function ARNs
  * RDS: Further improve Global Cluster behaviour
  * S3: GET/PUT requests now return Access-Control headers, if a CORS
    configuration has been set
  * S3: put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration() now supports multiple Transitions
  * SESv2: create_contact_list() now correctly reads Topics with special
  * SESv2: send_email() now correctly reads raw emails
  * Organizations: create_policy() now supports the Tags-parameter
  * RDS: creation times of all objects are now in UTC
  * Redshift: creation times of all objects are now in UTC
  * S3: Bucket names are now global, meaning they have to be unique across
  * S3: select_object_content() now supports None-values
  * SecretsManager - update_secret() now supports the Description-parameter
  * SNS: Topics are no longer accessible across regions (only across accounts)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1063333 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 41)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) accepted request 1060182 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 40)
- Update to 4.1.0
  * Dropped support for Py 3.6
  * Moto now uses setup.cfg to hold our packaging configuration,
    instead of, making Moto compatible with more recent
- Moto 4.0.13
  ## New Methods:
  * EC2:
    - get_password_data()
  * Sagemaker:
    - update_pipeline()
  * SecretsManager:
    - cancel_rotate_secret()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the
  * CognitoIDP: sign_out() now also invalidates the AccessToken
  * IAM: get_account_authorization_details() now returns the
  * IOT: create_keys_and_certificate() now creates valid
    certificates, instead of random data
- Moto 4.0.12
  ## General:
  * Fixes our Kinesis-compatibility with botocore>=1.29.31 -
    earlier Moto-versions will connect to AWS when using this
  # New Methods:
  * Athena:
    - get_query_results()
    - list_query_executions()
  * RDS:
    - promote_read_replica()
  * Sagemaker:
    - create_pipeline()
    - delete_pipeline()
    - list_pipelines()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * AWSLambda: publish_function() and update_function_code() now
    only increment the version if the source code has changed
  * CognitoIDP: Passwords are now validated using the
    PasswordPolicy (either supplied, or the default)
  * CloudFormation: create_stack() now propagates parameters
    StackPolicyBody and TimeoutInMinutes
  * CloudFormation: create_stack_instances() now returns the actual
  * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now validates the provided
  * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now supports the
  * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now actually creates the
    provided resources
  * CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now propagates parameters
    AdministrationRoleARN and ExecutionRoleName
  * CloudFormation: describe_stack_set() now returns the attributes
    Description, PermissionModel
  * CloudFormation: delete_stack_set() now validates that no
    instances are present before deleting the set
  * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now supports the Label-parameter
  * EC2: allocate_address() now has improved behaviour for the
  * EC2: create_volume() now supports the Iops-parameter
  * ECR: Improved ImageManifest support
  * KMS: describe_key() now returns an AccessDeniedException if the
    supplied policy does not allow this action
  * Route53: change_resource_record_sets() has additional
  * Route53: create_hosted_zone() now also creates a SOA-record by
  * S3: put_object() now returns the ChecksumAlgorithm-attribute if
  * SSM: describe_parameters() now has improved support for
    filtering by tags
- Drop remove-mock.patch -- fixed upstream
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1038213 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 39)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1037148 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 38)
- Update to 4.0.10
  ## New Methods:
  * CloudFront:
      * get_distribution_config()
  * Organizations:
      * delete_organizational_unit()
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * APIGateway: put_integration_response() now supports the
  * Cloudformation now supports the creation/update/deletion of
  * Cloudformation: create_stack() now returns the attribute
  * CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the
    MetricData.Values parameter
  * DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now supports the
  * RDS: describe_db_cluster now returns the
  * S3: get_object() and head_object() now correctly handle the

- Update to 4.0.9
  ## Miscellaneous:
  * CloudTrail: describe_trails() now returns the correct
    (MultiRegion) trails
  * CloudWatch:tag_resource() now allows tagting new Alarms that
    didn't have tags yet
  * EC2: create_instances() now supports the
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1032270 from John Paul Adrian Glaubitz's avatar John Paul Adrian Glaubitz (glaubitz) (revision 37)
baserev update by copy to link target
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz's avatar John Paul Adrian Glaubitz (glaubitz) accepted request 1031939 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 36)
- Update to 4.0.8

pyhton-moto fails to build for weeks in openSUSE:Factory. Please come down from your high mountain and review this a little bit faster than your usual pace.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 985785 from Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) (revision 35)
baserev update by copy to link target
Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) accepted request 985727 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 34)
- Update to 3.1.16
  * New Methods:
    * Autoscaling:
      * enable_metrics_collection()
  * Miscellaneous:
    * Fixes a dependency-error that popped up in 3.1.15.
- Release 3.1.15
  * Known bugs:
    * Some services will throw an error: Missing module
  * New Methods:
    * Databrew:
      * create_profile_job()
      * create_recipe_job()
      * delete_job()
      * describe_job()
      * list_jobs()
      * update_profile_job()
      * update_recipe_job()
    * Glue:
      * create_registry()
    * Greengrass:
      * create_group()
      * create_group_version()
      * delete_group()
      * get_group()
      * get_group_version()
      * list_groups()
      * list_group_versions()
      * update_group()
Robert Schweikert's avatar Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) accepted request 982813 from Yogalakshmi Arunachalam's avatar Yogalakshmi Arunachalam (yarunachalam) (revision 33)
- Update to 3.1.13
  New Methods:
    * EC2:
        * create_default_vpc()
    * Greengrass:
        * create_device_definition()
        * create_device_definition_version()
        * delete_core_definition()
        * delete_device_definition()
        * get_core_definition()
        * get_core_definition_version()
        * get_device_definition()
        * get_device_definition_version()
        * list_core_definitions()
        * list_core_definition_versions()
        * list_device_definitions()
        * list_device_definition_versions()
        * update_core_definition()
        * update_device_definition()
    * SSO Admin:
        * create_permission_set()
        * delete_permission_set()
        * describe_permission_set()
        * list_permission_sets()
        * update_permission_set()
    * Route53:
        * get_dnssec()
        * get_health_check()
    * Miscellaneous:
    * StateManager now supports `s3::keyrestore`, managing how long it takes to restore S3 objects from Glacier.
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 52
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