Revisions of python-pysnmp

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1202106 from Nico Krapp's avatar Nico Krapp (nkrapp) (revision 60)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nico Krapp's avatar Nico Krapp (nkrapp) accepted request 1202043 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 59)
- Update to version 7.1.4
  * Dumped pysnmpcrypto dependency and bind to cryptography if
- Update to version 7.1.3
  * Fixed a bulkCmd IndexError bug.
  * Cleaned up nextCmd/bulkCmd related code.
  * Revised docs and examples accordingly.
- Update to version 7.1.2
  * Revised v1arch hlapi and its docs/examples.
  * Revised nextCmd, bulkCmd, walkCmd, and bulkWalkCmd returned
  * Moved Slim class to v1arch.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1200832 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 58)
baserev update by copy to link target
Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) accepted request 1200703 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 57)
- Update to version 7.1.1
  * Reimplemented walkCmd and bulkWalkCmd.
- Update to version 7.1.0
  * Removed pyasn1.compat dependency.
  * Switched to async DNS resolver.
- Update to version 7.0.3
  * The high-level API (hlapi) extended to cover lightweight SNMP
    v1arch in hope to ease the use of packet-level SNMP API.
  * The signature of the hlapi .sendNotification() call has changed
    to accept *varBinds instead of a sequence of varBinds.
- Update to version 7.0.2
  * Fixed a duplicate item issue in bulkWalkCmd.
- Update to version 7.0.1
  * Many really old backward-compatibility code snippets removed.
    Most importantly, everything related to (non-standard) UNIX
    domain socket transport are gone.
  * The MIB instrumentation API overhauled in backward incompatible
    + MIB instrumentation methods signatures simplified to accept
      just var-binds (as var-arg), the rest of the parameters
      packed into opaque kwargs
    + CommandResponder application passes snmpEngine and optionally
      user-supplied cbCtx object throughout the MIB instrumentation
      methods. The goal is to let MIB objects access/modify whatever
      custom Python objects they need while being called back.
  * Cherry-picked many minor fixes from etingof/master branch.
- Update to version 7.0.0
  * Applied PEP8 recommended names.
    This breaks backward compatibility.
- Update to version 6.2.6
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1190192 from Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) (revision 56)
baserev update by copy to link target
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) committed (revision 55)
- Ignore broken tests
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) committed (revision 54)
- Update to version 6.2.4
  * Deleted more obsolete items.
- Update to version 6.2.3
  * Removed unused dependencies.
- Enable tests
- Get source from pypi, github tag doesn't have the latest version and
  looks like the releases are not done in the github.
- Update to version 6.2.2
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) accepted request 1188794 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 53)
- Update to version 6.6.2
  * Deleted more obsolete items.
  * Removed unused dependencies.
  * Cleaned up sync API leftover.
  * Retired temporary sync API.
  * Removed package postfix. A helper release to enable migration.
  * Merged changes from 4.4.13.
  * Fixed more access descriptors.
  * Initial work to support pysmi-lextudio 1.3.0 and above.
  * Removed package postfix. A helper release to enable migration.
  * Restricted pysmi-lextudio version to 1.2.0 to avoid
    breaking changes.
  * Fixed walkCmd bug.
  * Fixed bulkWalkCmd bug.
  * Added sync oneliner back.
  * Fix annotations.
  * Added walkCmd() and bulkWalkCmd() to hlapi.
  * Improved Slim class to support IPv6.
  * Added some sync API based on asyncio.
  * Added custom socket support in openServerMode.
  * Fixed various bugs in RFC3414 error handling.
  * Reverted some changes in 6.0.2 on asyncio dispatch.
  * Deleted asyncore related bits.
  * Simplified asyncio dispatch.
  * Added ignoreNonIncreasingOid option to nextCmd and bulkCmd.
  * Fixed a dispatch bug related to "Slim.close".
  * Improved asyncio "runDispatcher" method to support timeout.
  * Changed internal defaults to asyncio.
  * Converted asyncore samples to asyncio.
- Update to version 5.1.0
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1143200 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 52)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 51)
- use poetry-core for building
- Update to version 4.4.6
     +  Promote the use of dedicated classes for dealing with OID-value pairs.
        Instances of those classes resemble OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE and
     +  Oneliner API reworked to become more generic: its LCD configuration
        shortcuts and and var-bindings processing code split off SNMP apps
        classes to stand-alone objects. The whole API also moved up in package
        naming hierarchy and becomes ‘pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore’ (hlapi is
        apparently an African fish). Old oneliner API remains fully operational
     +  Synchronous oneliner apps redesigned to offer Python generator-based
     +  Twisted API moved entirely into high-level domain to be aligned with
  + Sphinx documentation added to source code and example scripts. Library
  + Execution Observer facility implemented to give app an inside view of SNMP
    (and modifying) various internal states of pysnmp engine. Previously
    introduced non-standard APIs (like getting peer’s transport endpoint which
    +   Responding to SNMP requests from exactly the same IP address the query
  + Internal oneliner apps configuration cache moved from respective apps
    objects to [a singular] snmpEngine “user context” object. That would allow
    for better cache reuse and allow for a single app working with many
  + Oneliner GETBULK Command Generator now strips possible excessive OIDs off
  + Constraints assignment shortcut added to some base rfc1902 types (Integer,
  + Examples on a single Transport Dispatcher use with multiple SnmpEngine
  + AbstractTransportDispatcher’s jobStarted() and jobFinished() methods now
  + Oneliner transport object now supports setLocalAddress() method to force
  + New public DgramSocketTransport.getLocalAddress() returns local endpoint
  + Change to rfc2576.v1tov2() logic: errorStatus = noSuchName is now
    on the platform. It would help handling a really large number (>1024)
    addV3User() functions as well as to their oneliner's wrappers.
    in both Generator and Responder modes and better follow RFC2576
    untagged snmpCommunityTable entries will *not* match tagged
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1101627 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 50)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) committed (revision 49)
- Switch to lextudio releases, and upgrade to 5.0.28:
  * Fixed SNMP engine ID generation on Windows.
  * SNMPv3 crypto operations that require external dependencies
    made dependent on the optional external
    package -- pysnmpcrypto.
  * Added Slim class and simplified some examples.
  * Fixed a #SNMP demo compatibility issue.
  * Fixed passwordToKeySHA.
  * Enabled Python 3.11 support.
  * Switched to pyasn1/pyasn1 package.
  * Removed legacy paddings in v3 packets.
  * Changed web site to
  * Inherited all changes made by Splunk team.
- Switch to pyproject macros.
- Add patch support-new-pyasn1.patch:
  * Support pyasn1 0.5.0.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 784881 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 48)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) committed (revision 47)
- Fix build without python2
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 733080 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 46)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 733015 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 45)
- Update to version 4.4.12
  * Fixed broken SNMPv3 `msgFlag` initialization on authoritative
    SNMP engine ID discovery. This bug causes secure communication
    with peer SNMP engines to stall at SNMP engine ID discovery
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 729835 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 44)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) committed (revision 43)
- Update to 4.4.11:
  - Added SNMPv3 USM master and localized keys support to LCD configuration
  - Improved initial and runtime USM debugging
  - Fixed a bug in USM configuration which did not allow the same user names
    to be added under different security names
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 720140 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 42)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 720117 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 41)
- Update to version 4.4.10
  * Reworked VACM access control function. Most important changes include:
    + Added subtree match negation support (vacmViewTreeFamilyType)
    + Added subtree family mask support (vacmViewTreeFamilyMask)
    + Added prefix content name matching support (vacmAccessContextMatch)
    + Added key VACM tables caching for better `isAccessAllowed` lookup
    One potential incompatibility may be caused by the `addContext()` call
    which now needs to be made explicitly during low-level VACM configuration
    rather than be a side effect of `addVacmAccess()` call.
  * Rebased MIB importing code onto `importlib` because `imp` is long
  * Received MIB objects resolution made more forgiving to errors, added
    optional `ignoreErrors` parameter to `ObjectType.resolveWithMib()` to
    control that behaviour.
  * Fixed asyncore main loop to respect non-default timer resolution
  * Fixed `.setTimerResolution()` behaviour of abstract main loop dispatcher
    to update call intervals of the existing periodic dispatcher jobs
  * Fixed `var-bindings` initialization to prevent pyasn1 encoder failures
    with newer pyasn1 versions where `SequenceOf` type looses its default
  * Fixed crash on uninitialized component serialization left out in
    SNMP v1 TRAP PDU to SNMPv2/3 TRAP PDU proxy translation routine.
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 60
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