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Revisions of python-cotengra

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1177372 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 6)
baserev update by copy to link target
Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) accepted request 1177286 from John Paul Adrian Glaubitz's avatar John Paul Adrian Glaubitz (glaubitz) (revision 5)
- Update to version 0.6.2
  * Fix final, output contractions being mistakenly marked as not tensordot-able.
  * When `implementation="autoray"` don't require a backend to have both
    `einsum` and `tensordot`, instead fallback to `cotengra`'s own.
- from version 0.6.1
  * The number of workers initialized (for non-distributed pools) is now set to,
    in order of preference, 1. the environment variable `COTENGRA_NUM_WORKERS`,
    2. the environment variable `OMP_NUM_THREADS`, or 3. `os.cpu_count()`.
  * Add [RandomGreedyOptimizer](cotengra.pathfinders.path_basic.RandomGreedyOptimizer)
    which is a lightweight and performant randomized greedy optimizer, eschewing both
    hyper parameter tuning and full contraction tree construction, making it suitable
    for very large contractions (10,000s of tensors+).
  * Add [optimize_random_greedy_track_flops](cotengra.pathfinders.path_basic.optimize_\
    random_greedy_track_flops) which runs N trials of (random) greedy path optimization,
    whilst computing the FLOP count simultaneously. This or its accelerated rust counterpart
    in `cotengrust` is the driver for the above optimizer.
  * Add `parallel="threads"` backend, and make it the default for `RandomGreedyOptimizer`
    when `cotengrust` is present, since its version of `optimize_random_greedy_track_flops`
    releases the GIL.
  * Significantly improve both the speed and memory usage of [`SliceFinder`](cotengra.slicer.SliceFinder)
  * Alias `tree.total_cost()` to `tree.combo_cost()`
- from version 0.6.0
  * All input node legs and pre-processing steps are now calculated lazily,
    allowing slicing of indices including those 'simplified' away {issue}`31`.
  * Make [`tree.peak_size`](cotengra.ContractionTree.peak_size) more accurate,
    by taking max assuming left, right and parent intermediate tensors are all
    present at the same time.
  * Add simulated annealing tree refinement (in ``),
    based on "Multi-Tensor Contraction for XEB Verification of
    Quantum Circuits" by Gleb Kalachev, Pavel Panteleev, Man-Hong Yung
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1160043 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 4)
baserev update by copy to link target
Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) accepted request 1160040 from Guillaume GARDET's avatar Guillaume GARDET (Guillaume_G) (revision 3)
- Fix test for aarch64 with:
  * fix-check.patch
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1153600 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 2)
initialized devel package after accepting 1153600
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) accepted request 1152520 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 1)
required by quimb update
Displaying all 6 revisions
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