Revisions of cmake
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 8)
- Use plain autosetup - DCMAKE_MODULES_INSTALL_DIR should be %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name} - Set CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=%{_libexecdir} - Use -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATHS:BOOL=ON instead of completely removing rpaths. boo#1172331 - cmake 3.17.3: * Selection of the Objective C or C++ compiler now considers the CC or CXX environment variable if the OBJC or OBJCXX environment variable is not set * The FindPkgConfig module now extracts include directories prefixed with -isystem into the *_INCLUDE_DIRS variables and INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target properties * FindOpenSSL: Detect OpenSSL 3.0.0 (bsc#1172267) - cmake 3.17.2: * fixes dealing with boost 1.73 - Add cmake-fix-png-include-dir.patch to fix the png include dir search. - cmake 3.17.1: * The :cpack_gen:`CPack NSIS Generator` now requires NSIS 3.0 or later - Fix mistake in previous change. - Many Leap packages don't build without -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=ON so leave this change to the next major version of Leap / SLE
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 7)
disable more tests
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 6)
add full build
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 5)
fix some patch rudiments
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 4)
add mini flavor
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 3)
no multibuild flavors
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 2)
fix autopatch glitch
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 1)
Displaying all 8 revisions