Revisions of OpenColorIO
request 1139917
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 58)
auto commit by copy to link target
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 57)
- Upstreamed patches 0001-Fix-detection-of-yaml-cpp-0.8.patch and gcc12_fix.patch removed
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 56)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 55)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 54)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 53)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 52)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 51)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 50)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 49)
- Python binding location changed
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 48)
- Update to version 2.3.1 + Bug fixes and minor enhancements: * PR #1898, Add Python 3.12 wheels * PR #1913, Improve heuristics for finding known color spaces * PR #1886, Fix missing Default View Transform on equal operator * PR #1904, Fix env serialization for v1 configs * PR #1873, Fix missing cache id reset on look update * PR #1896, Skip processor concatenation if the display color space is also data * PR #1855, Fix regression in cccid handling when no value is supplied * PR #1849, Python bindings source builds failing to load libOpenColorIO * PR #1905, Fix NamedTransform context var issue * PR #1845, Improve ocioview curve inspector * PR #1853, Improve ocioview mac support and simplify dependencies * PR #1882, Remove circular import caused by typing annotations * PR #1888, ICC Profile load issue caused by improper use of std::isspace * PR #1847, Add some small arm neon optimizations * PR #1842, Fix support for X86 32-bit * PR #1848, Add links to new release notes documentation * PR #1892, Fix spelling errors in documentation + Build enhancements: * PR #1907, Fix yaml-cpp build issues * PR #1902, Improve compatibility with minizip-ng COMPAT mode * PR #1901, Improve handling of pystring include dir * PR #1899, Restore GPU workflow and minor updates to CI
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 47)
converted link to branch
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 46)
- Add patch: * 0001-Fix-detection-of-yaml-cpp-0.8.patch
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 45)
- Update to version 2.2.1 + Bug fixes and minor enhancements: * PR #1743, Fix inverse Lut1D optimization issue (may affect identity Look transforms in camera log process spaces) * PR #1742, Improve naming of ICC-based virtual displays on Windows * PR #1741, Fix Python ARM Wheel (now works on M1-based Macs) * PR #1738, Update documentation for 2.2 release * PR #1734, Fix issue with isColorSpaceLinear function (to avoid crash when color space doesn't exist) * PR #1726, Processor cache does not detect context variable changes in FileTransform cccid string * PR #1723, Replace "texture2D" function with "texture" for GLSL 1.3 (allows use of GLSL 1.3) + Build enhancements: * PR #1736, OCIO CMake improvements * PR #1729, Hiding minizip-ng symbols on Mac * PR #1725, Fix issue with minizip build * PR #1721, CheckSupportSSE2: Fix sse flags unexpected propagation * PR #1720, Configure the OpenColorIO.pc file on Windows - Update to version 2.2.0 + This is the main new feature release for this year and is the base version for the CY2023 VFX Reference Platform (which specifies 2.2.x). + We anticipate making an ABI-compatible 2.2.1 release near the end of the year that will fix any bugs found with the new features as the 2.2.0 library gets more widely tested. + New features: * PR #1659, Build the new ACES CG and Studio configs into the
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 44)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 43)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 42)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 41)
- Update to version 2.2.1 + Bug fixes and minor enhancements: * PR #1743, Fix inverse Lut1D optimization issue (may affect identity Look transforms in camera log process spaces) * PR #1742, Improve naming of ICC-based virtual displays on Windows * PR #1741, Fix Python ARM Wheel (now works on M1-based Macs) * PR #1738, Update documentation for 2.2 release * PR #1734, Fix issue with isColorSpaceLinear function (to avoid crash when color space doesn't exist) * PR #1726, Processor cache does not detect context variable changes in FileTransform cccid string * PR #1723, Replace "texture2D" function with "texture" for GLSL 1.3 (allows use of GLSL 1.3) + Build enhancements: * PR #1736, OCIO CMake improvements * PR #1729, Hiding minizip-ng symbols on Mac * PR #1725, Fix issue with minizip build * PR #1721, CheckSupportSSE2: Fix sse flags unexpected propagation * PR #1720, Configure the OpenColorIO.pc file on Windows - Update to version 2.2.0 + This is the main new feature release for this year and is the base version for the CY2023 VFX Reference Platform (which specifies 2.2.x). + We anticipate making an ABI-compatible 2.2.1 release near the end of the year that will fix any bugs found with the new features as the 2.2.0 library gets more widely tested. + New features: * PR #1659, Build the new ACES CG and Studio configs into the
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 40)
Hans-Peter Jansen (frispete)
(revision 39)
- Update to version 2.2.1 + Bug fixes and minor enhancements: * PR #1743, Fix inverse Lut1D optimization issue (may affect identity Look transforms in camera log process spaces) * PR #1742, Improve naming of ICC-based virtual displays on Windows * PR #1741, Fix Python ARM Wheel (now works on M1-based Macs) * PR #1738, Update documentation for 2.2 release * PR #1734, Fix issue with isColorSpaceLinear function (to avoid crash when color space doesn't exist) * PR #1726, Processor cache does not detect context variable changes in FileTransform cccid string * PR #1723, Replace "texture2D" function with "texture" for GLSL 1.3 (allows use of GLSL 1.3) + Build enhancements: * PR #1736, OCIO CMake improvements * PR #1729, Hiding minizip-ng symbols on Mac * PR #1725, Fix issue with minizip build * PR #1721, CheckSupportSSE2: Fix sse flags unexpected propagation * PR #1720, Configure the OpenColorIO.pc file on Windows - Update to version 2.2.0 + This is the main new feature release for this year and is the base version for the CY2023 VFX Reference Platform (which specifies 2.2.x). + We anticipate making an ABI-compatible 2.2.1 release near the end of the year that will fix any bugs found with the new features as the 2.2.0 library gets more widely tested. + New features: * PR #1659, Build the new ACES CG and Studio configs into the
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 58