Revisions of saltbundlepy-markupsafe

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134248 from Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) (revision 3)
auto commit by copy to link target
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 2)
- Update to 2.1.3:
  * Implement ``format_map``, ``casefold``, ``removeprefix``,
    and ``removesuffix`` methods.
  * Fix static typing for basic ``str`` methods on ``Markup``.
  * Use ``Self`` for annotating return types. :pr:`379`
- Update to 2.1.2:
  *   Fix ``striptags`` not stripping tags containing newlines.
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 3 revisions
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