Revisions of saltbundlepy-pyparsing

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134259 from Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) (revision 6)
auto commit by copy to link target
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 5)
Delete files before calling compileall
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 4)
Compileall different way
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 3)
Fix SLE12 build
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 2)
- Update to 3.0.9:
  * Added Unicode set BasicMultilingualPlane (may also be
    referenced as BMP) representing the Basic Multilingual Plane
    (Unicode characters up to code point 65535). Can be used to
    parse most language characters, but omits emojis, wingdings,
    etc. Raised in discussion with Dave Tapley (issue #392).
  * To address mypy confusion of pyparsing.Optional and
    typing.Optional resulting in error: "_SpecialForm" not callable
    message reported in issue #365, fixed the import in Nice sleuthing by Iwan Aucamp and Dominic
    Davis-Foster, thank you! (Removed definitions of OptionalType,
    DictType, and IterableType and replaced them with
    typing.Optional, typing.Dict, and typing.Iterable throughout.)
  * Fixed typo in jinja2 template for railroad diagrams, thanks for
    the catch Nioub (issue #388).
  * Removed use of deprecated pkg_resources package in railroad
    diagramming code (issue #391).
  * Updated example to parse examples at
- Update to 3.0.8:
  * API CHANGE: modified pyproject.toml to require Python version
    3.6.8 or later for pyparsing 3.x. Earlier minor versions of 3.6
    fail in evaluating the version_info class (implemented using
    typing.NamedTuple). If you are using an earlier version of
    Python 3.6, you will need to use pyparsing 2.4.7.
  * Improved pyparsing import time by deferring regex pattern
    compiles. PR submitted by Anthony Sottile to fix issue #362,
  * Updated build to use flit, PR by Michał Górny, added doc and removed old Windows build scripts - nice
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 6 revisions
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