Revisions of saltbundlepy-pytz

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134262 from Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) (revision 3)
auto commit by copy to link target
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 2)
- Update to 2023.3:
  * Update to IANA 2023c
- Update to 2023.2:
  * Update to IANA 2023b
- Update to 2022.7.1:
  * fixes to documentation formatting
- Update to 2022.7:
  * In the Mexican state of Chihuahua, the border strip near the US
    will change to agree with nearby US locations on 2022-11-30.
    The strip's western part, represented by Ciudad Juárez, switches
    from -06 all year to -07/-06 with US DST rules, like El Paso, TX.
    The eastern part, represented by Ojinaga, will observe US DST next
    year, like Presidio, TX.
    A new Zone America/Ciudad_Juarez splits from America/Ojinaga.
  * Much of Greenland, represented by America/Nuuk, stops observing
    winter time after March 2023, so its daylight saving time becomes
    standard time.
  * Changes for pre-1996 northern Canada
  * Update to past DST transition in Colombia (1993), Singapore
- Update to 2022.6:
  * IANA 2022f
  * Squashed 'tz/' changes from c4eb3fcf2..623631d84
  * Upgrade unittest asserts
  * Bump GitHub Actions
  * Add support for Python 3.11
- Update to 2022.5:
   * IANA 2022e
   Squashed 'tz/' changes from 0fc8f915a..16bd7a384
   c4eb3fcf2 Release 2022e
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 3 revisions
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