Revisions of saltbundlepy-pyyaml

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134417 from Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) (revision 5)
auto commit by copy to link target
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 4)
Remove unnecessary anymore definitions
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134264 from Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) (revision 3)
auto commit by copy to link target
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 2)
- Update to 6.0.1:
  * pin Cython to < 3.0
- Update to 6.0
  * drop Python 2.7
  * always require `Loader` arg to `yaml.load()`
  * fix float resolver to ignore `.` and `._`
  * fix representation of Enum subclasses
  * fix libyaml extension compiler warnings
  * fix ResourceWarning on leaked file descriptors
  * remove remaining direct distutils usage
- Added:
  * setuptools.patch
Victor Zhestkov's avatar Victor Zhestkov (vizhestkov) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 5 revisions
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