Revisions of python-xarray

Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1199626 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 50)
- Update to 2024.7.0
  * Add test for rechunking to a size string by @dcherian in #9117
  * Update docstring in for open_mfdataset(), clarifying
    "chunks" argument by @arthur-e in #9121
  * Grouper refactor by @dcherian in #9122
  * adjust repr tests to account for different platforms (#9127) by
    @mgorny in #9128
  * Support duplicate dimensions in .chunk by @mraspaud in #9099
  * Update zendoo badge link by @max-sixty in #9133
  * Split out distributed writes in zarr docs by @max-sixty in
  * Improve to_zarr docs by @max-sixty in #9139
  * groupby: remove some internal use of IndexVariable by @dcherian
    in #9123
  * Improve zarr chunks docs by @max-sixty in #9140
  * Include numbagg in type checks by @max-sixty in #9159
  * Remove mypy exclusions for a couple more libraries by
    @max-sixty in #9160
  * Add test for #9155 by @max-sixty in #9161
  * switch to datetime unit "D" by @keewis in #9170
  * Slightly improve DataTree repr by @shoyer in #9064
  * Fix example code formatting for CachingFileManager by @djhoese
    in #9178
  * Change np.core.defchararray to np.char (#9165) by @pont-us in
  * temporarily remove pydap from CI by @keewis in #9183
  * also pin numpy in the all-but-dask CI by @keewis in #9184
  * promote floating-point numeric datetimes to 64-bit before
    decoding by @keewis in #9182
  * "source" encoding for datasets opened from fsspec objects by
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1154193 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 46)
- Skip Python 3.9. It requires pydap, which is not available any
- Update to 2024.2.0
  * This release brings size information to the text repr, changes
    to the accepted frequency strings, and various bug fixes.
  ## New Features
  * Added a simple nbytes representation in DataArrays and Dataset
    repr. (GH8690, PR8702). By Etienne Schalk.
  * Allow negative frequency strings (e.g. "-1YE"). These strings
    are for example used in date_range(), and cftime_range()
    (PR8651). By Mathias Hauser.
  * Add NamedArray.expand_dims(), NamedArray.permute_dims() and
    NamedArray.broadcast_to() (PR8380) By Anderson Banihirwe.
  * Xarray now defers to flox’s heuristics to set the default
    method for groupby problems. This only applies to flox>=0.9. By
    Deepak Cherian.
  * All quantile methods (e.g. DataArray.quantile()) now use
    numbagg for the calculation of nanquantiles (i.e., skipna=True)
    if it is installed. This is currently limited to the linear
    interpolation method (method=’linear’). (GH7377, PR8684) By
    Marco Wolsza.
  ## Breaking changes
  * infer_freq() always returns the frequency strings as defined in
    pandas 2.2 (GH8612, PR8627). By Mathias Hauser.
  * Deprecations
  * The dt.weekday_name parameter wasn’t functional on modern
    pandas versions and has been removed. (GH8610, PR8664) By Sam
  ## Bug fixes
  * Fixed a regression that prevented multi-index level coordinates
    being serialized after resetting or dropping the multi-index
    (GH8628, PR8672). By Benoit Bovy.
  * Fix bug with broadcasting when wrapping array API-compliant
    classes. (GH8665, PR8669) By Tom Nicholas.
  * Ensure DataArray.unstack() works when wrapping array
    API-compliant classes. (GH8666, PR8668) By Tom Nicholas.
  * Fix negative slicing of Zarr arrays without dask installed.
    (GH8252) By Deepak Cherian.
  * Preserve chunks when writing time-like variables to zarr by
    enabling lazy CF encoding of time-like variables (GH7132,
    GH8230, GH8432, PR8575). By Spencer Clark and Mattia Almansi.
  * Preserve chunks when writing time-like variables to zarr by
    enabling their lazy encoding (GH7132, GH8230, GH8432, PR8253,
    PR8575; see also discussion in PR8253). By Spencer Clark and
    Mattia Almansi.
  * Raise an informative error if dtype encoding of time-like
    variables would lead to integer overflow or unsafe conversion
    from floating point to integer values (GH8542, PR8575). By
    Spencer Clark.
  * Raise an error when unstacking a MultiIndex that has duplicates
    as this would lead to silent data loss (GH7104, PR8737). By
    Mathias Hauser.
- Release 2024.1.1
  ## Breaking changes
  * Following pandas, infer_freq() will return "YE", instead of "Y"
    (formerly "A"). This is to be consistent with the deprecation
    of the latter frequency string in pandas 2.2. This is a follow
    up to PR8415 (GH8612, PR8642). By Mathias Hauser.
  ## Deprecations
  * Following pandas, the frequency string "Y" (formerly "A") is
    deprecated in favor of "YE". These strings are used, for
    example, in date_range(), cftime_range(), DataArray.resample(),
    and Dataset.resample() among others (GH8612, PR8629). By
    Mathias Hauser.
- Release 2024.1.0
  * This release brings support for weights in correlation and
    covariance functions, a new DataArray.cumulative aggregation,
    improvements to xr.map_blocks, an update to our minimum
    dependencies, and various bugfixes.
  ## New Features
  * xr.cov() and xr.corr() now support using weights (GH8527,
    PR7392). By Llorenç Lledó.
  * Accept the compression arguments new in netCDF 1.6.0 in the
    netCDF4 backend. See netCDF4 documentation for details. Note
    that some new compression filters needs plugins to be installed
    which may not be available in all netCDF distributions. By
    Markel García-Díez. (GH6929, PR7551)
  * Add DataArray.cumulative() & Dataset.cumulative() to compute
    cumulative aggregations, such as sum, along a dimension — for
    example da.cumulative('time').sum(). This is similar to pandas’
    .expanding, and mostly equivalent to .cumsum methods, or to
    DataArray.rolling() with a window length equal to the dimension
    size. By Maximilian Roos. (PR8512)
  * Decode/Encode netCDF4 enums and store the enum definition in
    dataarrays’ dtype metadata. If multiple variables share the
    same enum in netCDF4, each dataarray will have its own enum
    definition in their respective dtype metadata. By Abel Aoun.
    (GH8144, PR8147)
  ## Deprecations
  * The squeeze kwarg to GroupBy is now deprecated. (GH2157,
    PR8507) By Deepak Cherian.
  ## Bug fixes
  * Support non-string hashable dimensions in xarray.DataArray
    (GH8546, PR8559). By Michael Niklas.
  * Reverse index output of bottleneck’s rolling
    move_argmax/move_argmin functions (GH8541, PR8552). By Kai
  * Vendor SerializableLock from dask and use as default lock for
    netcdf4 backends (GH8442, PR8571). By Kai Mühlbauer.
  * Add tests and fixes for empty CFTimeIndex, including broken
    html repr (GH7298, PR8600). By Mathias Hauser.
- Create subpackages for the python [extras], test dependencies
  with _multibuild
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1136895 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 45)
- Disable ROS3 tests, because hdf5 library was built without ROS3 support.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1134379 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 44)
- remove obsolete patch file xarray-pr8139-pandas-fill_value.patch
- update to version 2023.12.0:
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1089954 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 42)
- update to 2023.05.0:
  * This release adds some new methods and operators, updates our
    deprecation policy for python versions, fixes some bugs with
    groupby, and introduces experimental support for alternative
    chunked parallel array computation backends via a new plugin
  * Docstrings examples for string methods
  * Fix groupby_bins when labels are specified
  * Fix binning by unsorted array
  * This release includes support for pandas v2, allows
    refreshing of backend engines in a session, and removes
    deprecated backends for ``rasterio`` and ``cfgrib``.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1070561 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 41)
- update to version 2023.02.0:
 - This release brings a major upgrade to :py:func:`xarray.concat`, many bug fixes,:
 - and a bump in supported dependency versions. Thanks to our 11 contributors:
 - Aron Gergely, Deepak Cherian, Illviljan, James Bourbeau, Joe Hamman,:
 - Justus Magin, Hauke Schulz, Kai Mühlbauer, Ken Mankoff, Spencer Clark, Tom Nicholas.:
 - Breaking changes:
  - Support for ``python 3.8`` has been dropped and the minimum versions of some
    dependencies were changed (:pull:`7461`):
    ===================== =========  ========
     Package                    Old      New
    ===================== =========  ========
     python                     3.8      3.9
     numpy                     1.20     1.21
     pandas                     1.3      1.4
     dask                   2021.11   2022.1
     distributed            2021.11   2022.1
     h5netcdf                  0.11     0.13
     lxml                       4.6      4.7
     numba                      5.4      5.5
    ===================== =========  ========
 - Deprecations:
  - Following pandas, the `closed` parameters of :py:func:`cftime_range` and
    :py:func:`date_range` are deprecated in favor of the `inclusive` parameters,
    and will be removed in a future version of xarray (:issue:`6985`:,
 - Bug fixes:
  - :py:func:`xarray.concat` can now concatenate variables present in some datasets but
    not others (:issue:`508`, :pull:`7400`).
  - Handle ``keep_attrs`` option in binary operators of :py:meth:`Dataset` (:issue:`7390`, :pull:`7391`).
  - Improve error message when using dask in :py:func:`apply_ufunc` with ``output_sizes`` not supplied. (:pull:`7509`)
  - :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` now drops variable encodings that have been added by xarray during reading
    a dataset. (:issue:`7129`, :pull:`7500`).
 - Documentation:
  - Mention the `flox package <>`_ in GroupBy documentation and docstrings.
- update to version 2023.01.0:
 - This release includes a number of bug fixes. Thanks to the 14 contributors to this release:
 - Aron Gergely, Benoit Bovy, Deepak Cherian, Ian Carroll, Illviljan, Joe Hamman, Justus Magin, Mark Harfouche,:
 - Matthew Roeschke, Paige Martin, Pierre, Sam Levang, Tom White,  stefank0.:
 - Breaking changes:
  - :py:meth:`CFTimeIndex.get_loc` has removed the ``method`` and ``tolerance`` keyword arguments.
    Use ``.get_indexer([key], method=..., tolerance=...)`` instead (:pull:`7361`).
 - Bug fixes:
  - Avoid in-memory broadcasting when converting to a dask dataframe
    using ``.to_dask_dataframe.`` (:issue:`6811`, :pull:`7472`).
  - Accessing the property ``.nbytes`` of a DataArray, or Variable no longer
    accidentally triggers loading the variable into memory.
  - Allow numpy-only objects in :py:func:`where` when ``keep_attrs=True`` (:issue:`7362`, :pull:`7364`).
  - add a ``keep_attrs`` parameter to :py:meth:`Dataset.pad`, :py:meth:`DataArray.pad`,
    and :py:meth:`Variable.pad` (:pull:`7267`).
  - Fixed performance regression in alignment between indexed and non-indexed objects
    of the same shape (:pull:`7382`).
  - Preserve original dtype on accessing MultiIndex levels (:issue:`7250`,
 - Internal Changes:
  - Add the pre-commit hook `absolufy-imports` to convert relative xarray imports to
    absolute imports (:pull:`7204`, :pull:`7370`).
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1029886 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 38)
- Update to 2022.10.0:
  - This release brings numerous bugfixes, a change in minimum
    supported versions, and a new scatter plot method for
  - Also, temporarily import loop_in_thread fixture from
- Update to 2022.9.0:
  - This release brings a large number of bugfixes and
    documentation improvements, as well as an external interface
    for setting custom indexes!
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 997996 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 37)
- specfile:
  * updated requirements versions
  * added new requirements: packaging and flox (recommends)
  * require python >= 3.8
  * update line numbers in patches
  * changed README.rst->
- update to version 2022.6.0:
  * This release brings a number of bug fixes and improvements, most
    notably a major internal refactor of the indexing functionality,
    the use of flox in groupby operations, and experimental support
    for the new Python Array API standard. It also stops testing
    support for the abandoned PyNIO.
  * Much effort has been made to preserve backwards compatibility as
    part of the indexing refactor. We are aware of one unfixed issue.
  * New Features
    + Add Dataset.dtypes, core.coordinates.DatasetCoordinates.dtypes,
      core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates.dtypes properties: Mapping
      from variable names to dtypes. (PR6706) By Michael Niklas.
    + Initial typing support for groupby(), rolling(), rolling_exp(),
      coarsen(), weighted(), resample(), (PR6702) By Michael Niklas.
    + Experimental support for wrapping any array type that conforms
      to the python array api standard. (PR6804) By Tom White.
  * Bug fixes
    + save_mfdataset() now passes **kwargs on to Dataset.to_netcdf(),
      allowing the encoding and unlimited_dims options with
      save_mfdataset(). (GH6684) By Travis A. O’Brien.
    + Fix backend support of pydap versions <3.3.0 (GH6648,
      PR6656). By Hauke Schulz.
    + Dataset.where() with drop=True now behaves correctly with mixed
      dimensions. (GH6227, PR6690) By Michael Niklas.
    + Accommodate newly raised OutOfBoundsTimedelta error in the
      development version of pandas when decoding times outside the
      range that can be represented with nanosecond-precision values
      (GH6716, PR6717). By Spencer Clark.
    + open_dataset() with dask and ~ in the path now resolves the home
      directory instead of raising an error. (GH6707, PR6710) By
      Michael Niklas.
    + DataArrayRolling.__iter__() with center=True now works
      correctly. (GH6739, PR6744) By Michael Niklas.
  * Internal Changes
    + xarray.core.groupby, xarray.core.rolling,
      xarray.core.rolling_exp, xarray.core.weighted and
      xarray.core.resample modules are no longer imported by
      default. (PR6702)
- changes from version 2022.06.0rc0:
  * This pre-release brings a number of bug fixes and improvements,
    most notably a major internal refactor of the indexing
    functionality and the use of flox in groupby operations. It also
    stops testing support for the abandoned PyNIO.
  * Known Regressions
    + reset_coords(drop=True) does not create indexes (GH6607)
  * New Features
    + The zarr backend is now able to read NCZarr. By Mattia Almansi.
    + Add a weighted quantile method to DatasetWeighted and
      DataArrayWeighted (PR6059). By Christian Jauvin and David Huard.
    + Add a create_index=True parameter to Dataset.stack() and
      DataArray.stack() so that the creation of multi-indexes is
      optional (PR5692). By Benoît Bovy.
    + Multi-index levels are now accessible through their own, regular
      coordinates instead of virtual coordinates (PR5692). By Benoît
    + Add a display_values_threshold option to control the total
      number of array elements which trigger summarization rather than
      full repr in (numpy) array detailed views of the html repr
      (PR6400). By Benoît Bovy.
    + Allow passing chunks in kwargs form to Dataset.chunk(),
      DataArray.chunk(), and Variable.chunk(). (PR6471) By Tom
    + Add core.groupby.DatasetGroupBy.cumsum() and
      core.groupby.DataArrayGroupBy.cumsum(). By Vladislav Skripniuk
      and Deepak Cherian. (PR3147, PR6525, GH3141)
    + Expose inline_array kwarg from dask.array.from_array in
      open_dataset(), Dataset.chunk(), DataArray.chunk(), and
      Variable.chunk(). (PR6471)
    + Expose the inline_array kwarg from dask.array.from_array() in
      open_dataset(), Dataset.chunk(), DataArray.chunk(), and
      Variable.chunk(). (PR6471) By Tom Nicholas.
    + polyval() now supports Dataset and DataArray args of any shape,
      is faster and requires less memory. (PR6548) By Michael Niklas.
    + Improved overall typing.
    + Dataset.to_dict() and DataArray.to_dict() may now optionally
      include encoding attributes. (PR6635) By Joe Hamman.
    + Upload development versions to TestPyPI. By Justus Magin.
  * Breaking changes
    + PyNIO support is now untested.
    + The Dataset and DataArray rename" methods do not implicitly add
      or drop indexes. (PR5692). By Benoît Bovy.
    + Many arguments like keep_attrs, axis, and skipna are now keyword
      only for all reduction operations like .mean. By Deepak Cherian,
      Jimmy Westling.
    + Xarray’s ufuncs have been removed, now that they can be replaced
      by numpy’s ufuncs in all supported versions of numpy. By
      Maximilian Roos.
    + xr.polyval() now uses the coord argument directly instead of its
      index coordinate. (PR6548) By Michael Niklas.
  * Bug fixes
    + Dataset.to_zarr() now allows to write all attribute types
      supported by zarr-python. By Mattia Almansi.
    + Set skipna=None for all quantile methods
      (e.g. Dataset.quantile()) and ensure it skips missing values for
      float dtypes (consistent with other methods). This should not
      change the behavior (PR6303). By Mathias Hauser.
    + Many bugs fixed by the explicit indexes refactor, mainly related
      to multi-index (virtual) coordinates. See the corresponding
      pull-request on GitHub for more details. (PR5692). By Benoît
    + Fixed “unhashable type” error trying to read NetCDF file with
      variable having its ‘units’ attribute not str
      (e.g. numpy.ndarray) (GH6368). By Oleh Khoma.
    + Omit warning about specified dask chunks separating chunks on
      disk when the underlying array is empty (e.g., because of an
      empty dimension) (GH6401). By Joseph K Aicher.
    + Fixed the poor html repr performance on large multi-indexes
      (PR6400). By Benoît Bovy.
    + Allow fancy indexing of duck dask arrays along multiple
      dimensions. (PR6414) By Justus Magin.
    + In the API for backends, support dimensions that express their
      preferred chunk sizes as a tuple of integers. (GH6333, PR6334)
      By Stan West.
    + Fix bug in where() when passing non-xarray objects with
      keep_attrs=True. (GH6444, PR6461) By Sam Levang.
    + Allow passing both other and drop=True arguments to
      DataArray.where() and Dataset.where() (PR6466, PR6467). By
      Michael Delgado.
    + Ensure dtype encoding attributes are not added or modified on
      variables that contain datetime-like values prior to being
      passed to xarray.conventions.decode_cf_variable() (GH6453,
      PR6489). By Spencer Clark.
    + Dark themes are now properly detected in Furo-themed Sphinx
      documents (GH6500, PR6501). By Kevin Paul.
    + Dataset.isel(), DataArray.isel() with drop=True works as
      intended with scalar DataArray indexers. (GH6554, PR6579) By
      Michael Niklas.
    + Fixed silent overflow issue when decoding times encoded with
      32-bit and below unsigned integer data types (GH6589,
      PR6598). By Spencer Clark.
    + Fixed .chunks loading lazy data (GH6538). By Deepak Cherian.
  * Documentation
    + Revise the documentation for developers on specifying a
      backend’s preferred chunk sizes. In particular, correct the
      syntax and replace lists with tuples in the examples. (GH6333,
      PR6334) By Stan West.
    + Mention that DataArray.rename() can rename coordinates. (GH5458,
      PR6665) By Michael Niklas.
    + Added examples to Dataset.thin() and DataArray.thin() By Emma
  * Performance
    + GroupBy binary operations are now vectorized. Previously this
      involved looping over all groups. (GH5804, PR6160) By Deepak
    + Substantially improved GroupBy operations using flox. This is
      auto-enabled when flox is installed. Use
      xr.set_options(use_flox=False) to use the old
      algorithm. (GH4473, GH4498, GH659, GH2237, PR271). By Deepak
      Cherian, Anderson Banihirwe, Jimmy Westling.
  * Internal Changes
    + Many internal changes due to the explicit indexes refactor. See
      the corresponding pull-request on GitHub for more
      details. (PR5692). By Benoît Bovy.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 961121 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 36)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 953061 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 35)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 941018 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 33)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 933115 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 32)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 930552 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 31)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 50
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