Revisions of python-tomlkit
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1218797
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 19)
- update to 0.13.2: * Fix deleting keys from an out-of-order table does not remove all table parts. * Fix the `Table.is_super_table()` check for tables with dotted key as the only child. * Count table as a super table if it has children and all children are either tables or arrays of tables. * Expect a tomlkit-specific error instead of `TypeError` from a custom encoder. * Drop support for Python older than 3.8. Remove 3.7 from the CI matrix. * Fix the incompatiblity with 3.13 because of the `datetime.replace()` change. * Revert the change of parsing out-of-order tables. * Keep the nested out-of-order table.
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1179656
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 18)
- update to 0.12.5: * fix: don't add sign if the float is negative * fix: Construction of OutOfOrderTableProxy can cause newlines to be inserted
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1157519
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 17)
- update to 0.12.4: * Support `|` and `|=` operator for tables, and support `+` and `+=` operator for arrays. * Fix an index error when setting dotted keys in a table.
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1129195
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 16)
- update to 0.12.3: * Improve the performance when parsing a table with nested dotted keys. (#193) * Keep the newlines when replacing a table. (#323) * Fixed a bug that overwriting a sub table with a plain value raises an error. (#313) * Correct the return type of integer division. (#312)
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1109526
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 15)
- update to 0.12.1: * Make float and int hashable. * Allow users to specify encoders for custom types. (#296) * Fix the incorrect sort when building a table with dotted keys. * Complete the methods required for integer and float items. * Replace the deprecated usage of `datetime.utcnow()`. (#308) * Minor performance improvements when iterating over the escape sequences. (#304) - Update to 0.11.6 * Auto-determine if a table is a super table if not specified explicitly. (#245) * Added support for sorting keys when dumping raw * Keys are not longer sorted by default when dumping a raw
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1087083
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 14)
- update to 0.11.8: * Remove the extra indentations added when parsing nested sub- tables. * Ignore the CRLF immediately following a multiple basic string opening. * Stringifying subtables and nested tables in arrays of tables. * Messed table structure when building a table with dotted keys.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1083125
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 13)
- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1080076
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 12)
- Don't add dependency on full poetry, when poetry-core is enough. - update to 0.11.7: * Parse empty table name if it is quoted. (#258) * Fix a bug that remove last element of an Inline Table leaves a comma. (#259) * Parse datetime when it is followed by a space. (#260) * Fix the `unwrap()` method for `Container` children values which sometimes returns an internal object if the table is an out-of-order table. (#264) * Fix the wrong return type when doing arithmetic operations between integers and floats. (#270)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1035274
Markéta Machová (mcalabkova)
(revision 11)
Richard Brown (RBrownFactory)
request 1007720
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 10)
- update to 0.11.5: * Fix the type annotation of `unwrap()` and datetime parsing. * Clear the existing table header when it is adding to another table. * Fix a bug that escape chars are lost after concat with another string. * Fix a rendering issue of tables inside arrays or inline tables.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1005791
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 9)
- update to 0.11.4: * Fix a memory leak caused by `lru_cache` on methods. * Fix a regression issue that copying an array results in extra `None` items. * Fix a regression of `array.add_line` that it incorrectly adds a comma to non-value lines. * Fix adding float to an integer value. * Keep the end-of-array style when adding items to or removing items from an array. * Fix a bug of redundant table header shown when removing children from a super table.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 839722
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 6)
- Update to version 0.7.0 * Added support for sorting keys when dumping raw dictionaries by passing sort_keys=True to dumps() (#103). * Keys are not longer sorted by default when dumping a raw dictionary but the original order will be preserved (#103). * Fixed compliance with the 1.0.0rc1 TOML specification (#102).
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 822437
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 5)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 784176
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 4)
- Fix build without python2 - version update to 0.5.11 * Fix containers and our of order tables dictionary behavior (#82)) * Fixed out of order tables not behaving properly (#79) * Fixed the behavior for out of order tables (#68). * Fixed parsing errors when single quotes are present in a table name (#71). * Fixed parsing errors when parsing some table names (#76).
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 751845
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 3)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 736034
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 2)
- Update to 0.5.7: * Fixed handling of inline tables. * Fixed boolean comparison. * Fixed appending inline tables to tables. - Update to 0.5.5: * Fixed display of inline tables after element deletion. * Fixed the handling of inline tables. * Fixed date, datetime and time handling on Python 3.8. * Fixed behavior for sub table declaration with intermediate tables. * Fixed behavior of setdefault() on containers (Thanks to @AndyKluger). * Fixed tables string representation.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 681700
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 1)
Displaying all 19 revisions