Revisions of python-Pygments
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1172327
Markéta Machová (mcalabkova)
(revision 46)
- update to version 2.18.0: * New lexers: + Janet (#2557) + Lean 4 (#2618, #2626) + Luau (#2605) + Mojo (#2691, #2515) + org-mode (#2628, #2636) + Promela (#2620) + Soong / ``Android.bp`` (#2659) + Tact (#2571) + Typst (#2596) * Updated lexers: + Awk: recognize ternary operator (#2687) + Bash: add ``openrc`` alias (#2599, #2371) + Coq: add keywords, lex more vernacular command arguments, produce fewer tokens on heading comments (#2678) + DNS zone files: Fix comment parsing (#2595) + Hy: Support unicode literals (#1126) + Inform6: Update to Inform 6.42 (#2644) + lean: Fix name handling (#2614) + Logtalk: add ``uninstantiation`` keyword and recognize escape sequences (#2619) + Macaulay2: Update to 1.23 (#2655) + Python: fix highlighting of soft keywords before ``None``/ ``True``/``False`` + reStructuredText: use ``Token.Comment`` for comments instead of ``Comment.Preproc`` (#2598) + Rust: highlight ``:``, ``::`` and ``->`` as ``Punctuation`` and whitespace as ``Whitespace``, instead of ``Text`` in both cases (#2631)
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1129077
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 45)
- update to 2.17.2: * Fix a packaging issue on macOS * Updated lexers: * TOML: Fix bug making lexing of single-quoted strings too eager * Cypher: fix comment matching, add missing keywords * Fortran: add ``elseif`` keyword * Lean: make it available as ``lean3``, in preparation for * a possible switch to ``lean`` highlighting as Lean 4 * JSON: add MIME types and file extensions for several line- delimited JSON formats * Nix: many improvements * OCaml: Add ``and`` keyword, remove ``value`` from keywords * Python: add ``starlark`` and ``bazel`` aliases * Snowball: Treat ``len`` like ``size`` * Spice: add ``panic`` keyword and ``->`` operator * squid.conf: fix catastrophic backtracking * TOML: rewritten, with many fixes * Turtle: support blank nodes * Wikitext: fix erroneous highlighting of LanguageConverter markup * CMake: support ``[=[ bracketed arguments ]=]``` * Fix ctags support and tests * Include ``Lexer.add_filter`` in the documentation * Add a ``Lean3Lexer`` alias * The ``pygments.styles`` module contains a new ``STYLES`` variable with a dictionary of built-in styles. The old ``STYLE_MAP`` variable, which uses a different format, is kept for backwards compatibility. * On Windows, add a new installation extra (``windows-
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1123390
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 44)
- Add skip-wcag-contrast-ratio.patch to make python-wcag-contrast-ratio just optional dependency (gh#pygments/pygments!2564).
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1109328
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 43)
it) (CVE-2021-20270, bsc#1183169, CVE-2021-27291, bsc#1184812): * drops cve_2021_20270.patch, cve_2021_27291.patch in older dists
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1083107
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 40)
- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68) - update to 2.15.1: * Updated lexers: + Java properties: Fix catastrophic backtracking (#2356, #2404) * Fix Python console traceback lexing being too strict and sometimes reordering output (#2407, #2410, #2412) - update to 2.15.0: * Added lexers: + Carbon (#2362, #2365, #2366, #2367, #2368, #2369, #2370) + Dax (#2335, #2345) + MediaWiki Wikitext (#2373, #827) + PostgreSQL Explain (#2398) + WGSL (WebGPU Shading Language) (#2386) + X++ (#2339) * Updated lexers: + AMDGPU: Add support for scratch_ instructions, the attr*.* argument, as well as the off modifier (#2327). + APDL: Miscellaneous improvements (#2314) + bash/tcsh: - Move break to keywords (#2377) - Improve bash math expansion lexing (#2255, #2353) + Chapel: Support attributes (#2376) + CMake: Implement bracket style comments (#2338, #2354) + CSS: Improve lexing of numbers inside function calls (#2382, #2383) + diff: Support normal diff syntax, as opposed to unified diff syntax (#2321) + GLSL, HLSL:
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1058308
Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer)
(revision 39)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 998096
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 38)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 989964
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 37)
- Add BR of wcag-contrast-ratio to enable more tests. - Removing a test file is too much a hack for me - Don't fall back to setuptools but to importlib-metadata for plugin loading. (If a package for 15.X would be build, but Pytest 7 is required for testing -- gh#pygments/pygments#2080)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 977386
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 36)
- update to 2.12.0: - Added lexers: * Cplint (#2045) * Macaulay2 (#1791) * Minecraft (#2107) * Qlik (#1925) * ``UnixConfigLexer`` for "colon-separated" config files, like ``/etc/passwd`` (#2112) - Updated lexers: * Agda: Update keyword list (#2017) * C family: Fix identifiers after ``case`` statements (#2084) * Clojure: Highlight ratios (#2042) * Csound: Update to 6.17 (#2064) * CSS: Update the list of properties (#2113) * Elpi: - Fix catastrophic backtracking (#2053, #2061) - Fix handling of ``->`` (#2028) * Futhark: Add missing tokens (#2118) * Gherkin: Add ``But`` (#2046) * Inform6: Update to 6.36 (#2050) * LilyPond: - Fix incorrect lexing of names containing a built-in (#2071) - Fix properties containing dashes (#2099) * PHP: Update builtin function and keyword list (#2054, #2056) * Scheme: Various improvements (#2060) * Spice: Update the keyword list, add new types (#2063, #2067) * Terraform: - Support non-idiomatic comments (#2065, #2066) - Fix class name lexing (#2097) - Add ``plugins`` argument to ``get_all_lexers()``. - Bump minimal Python version to 3.6 (#2059)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 952059
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 35)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 929733
Benoît Monin (benoit_monin)
(revision 34)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 906363
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 33)
- Update to 2.9.0: - This time the list of changes is truly too long, take a look at
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 853106
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 31)
- Revert to 2.6.1 (higher version break python-Pelican).
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 793948
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 29)
- Don't use %python3_only command, but properly use alternatives. - fix the path of non-oss licensed files to remove - set the minimal version of python to 3.5 to match upstream requirement - update to version 2.6.1: * This release fixes a packaging issue. No functional changes. - additional changes from version 2.6.0: * Running Pygments on Python 2.x is no longer supported. * Added lexers: + Linux kernel logs (PR#1310) + LLVM MIR (PR#1361) + MiniScript (PR#1397) + Mosel (PR#1287, PR#1326) + Parsing Expression Grammar (PR#1336) + ReasonML (PR#1386) + Ride (PR#1319, PR#1321) + Sieve (PR#1257) + USD (PR#1290) + WebIDL (PR#1309) * Updated lexers: + Apache2 (PR#1378) + Chapel (PR#1357) + CSound (PR#1383) + D (PR#1375, PR#1362) + Idris (PR#1360) + Perl6/Raku lexer (PR#1344) + Python3 (PR#1382, PR#1385)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 707618
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 28)
- Update to 2.4.2: - Fix encoding error when guessing lexer with given ``encoding`` option (#1438) - Updated lexers: * Coq (#1430) * MSDOS Session (PR#734) * NASM (#1517) * Objective-C (PR#813, #1508) * Prolog (#1511) * TypeScript (#1515) - Support CSS variables in stylesheets (PR#814, #1356) - Fix F# lexer name (PR#709) - Fix ``TerminalFormatter`` using bold for bright text (#1480)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 704316
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 27)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 46