Revisions of foot

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1194032 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 35)
- Update to v1.18.1:
  * foot.ini options:
    * desktop-notifications.command config can now also use "${muted}"
      and "${sound-name}" in its template value.
  * CSD buttons now activate on mouse button release, rather than press.
  * Desktop notifications via OSC-99 sequence can now choose to play
    a particular sound or mute the sound.
  * Fixed bug in OSC-111 sequence used to reset background color not handling
    alpha changes correctly, causing visual glitches.
  * See for more details.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1191244 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 34)
- Update to v1.18.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added cursor.blink-rate option to configure the rate the cursor
      blinks with.
    * Deprecated main.notify and main.notify-focus-when-inhibit options
      and added new desktop-notifications option group.
      desktop-notifications.command option replaces main.notify option,
      and also takes some new templated parameters.
      desktop-notifications.inhibit-when-focused option replaces
      main.notify-focus-inhibit option.
  * Changed scrollback to respect high-resolution mousewheel scroll events
    on compositors that send them. scrollback.multiplier config option
    may need to be adjusted for users of mice that emit such events.
  * Mouse wheel events now generate BTN_WHEEL_BACK and BTN_WHEEL_FORWARD
    instead of BTN_BACK and BTN_FORWARD. The defaults of
    mouse-bindings.scrollback-up-mouse, .scrollback-down-mouse,
    .font-increase and .font-decrease have been updated accordingly.
    This means dedicated mouse buttons that do generate BTN_BACK and
    BTN_FORWARD can now be bound independently from the scroll wheel.
  * Added support for rendering colored and styled (wavy) underlines
    ala Kitty, double underlines, color palette stack,
    in-band resize notifications to applications and
    Kitty desktop notifications protocol.
  * Added new themes: catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-latte,
    catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha, nvim-dark, nvim-light.
  * Fixed various crashes, compatibility issues with terminal codes
    and other bugs.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1168636 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 32)
- Update to v1.17.2:
  * OSC notifications with invalid UTF-8 strings are now ignored.
  * Fixed various crashes.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1166917 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 31)
- Update to v1.17.1:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added cursor.unfocused-style option to control the look of the cursor
      when the window is not focused.
    * Added key-bindings.quit option.
  * Fixed syslog logging from foot-server to respect log level option.
  * Fixed terminal to not shut down until the client application exits,
    even if the client application closed the PTY.
  * When closing the window, foot now sends SIGHUP to the client application
    before SIGTERM and SIGKILL. Previously it only sent SIGTERM and SIGKILL.
  * Fixed crash from malformed DECRQSS request.
  * Added new themes - dracula-iterm, noirblaze, xterm.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1164183 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 30)
- Update to v1.17.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added main.resize-by-cells option, enabled by default, that constrains
      the size of floating windows to multiples of the cell size.
    * Key bindings now support custom modifiers other than
      Ctrl / Shift / Alt / Super.
    * Added key-bindings.pipe-command-output option to copy the last command's
      output to clipboard.
    * ARGB color values that don't specify the alpha value now default
      to opaque rather than transparent.
    * key-bindings.font-increase and font-decrease now include
      Ctrl+wheel up and Ctrl+wheel down by default, in addition to the existing
      Ctrl-+ and Ctrl+-.
  * Added support for opening an existing PTY, e.g. a VM console.
  * Unicode input mode now accepts input from the numpad as well,
    numlock is ignored.
  * Various changes related to ANSI escape sequences, foot-extra terminfo,
    Kitty keyboard protocol implementation, and sixels.
  * Fixed various crashes.
  * See for more details.
- Fix rpmlint warning no-%check-section.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1118347 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 28)
- Update to v1.16.2:
  * Fixed bug in rendering some sixels with edges of the wrong color.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1117490 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 27)
- Update to v1.16.1:
  * Fixed rendering cells underneath erased sixels.
  * Fixed being unable to start on kernel versions before 6.3.
  * See for more details.

- Update to v1.16.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Mouse wheel scroll can now be bound to actions, as BTN_BACK for
      scrolling up and BTN_FORWARD for scrolling down.
    * Added mouse-bindings.scrollback-up-mouse and
      mouse-bindings.scrollback-down-mouse options to scroll contents.
      Default to BTN_BACK and BTN_FORWARD.
    * Changed default from BTN_LEFT-3
      (triple left click) to BTN_LEFT-4 (quadruple left click).
    * Added option to select an entire quote and
      copy it. Defaults to BTN_LEFT-3 (triple left click).
    * Added many search-bindings.extend-* options to extend the selection
      of a search match.
    * Added many search-bindings.scrollback-* options to scroll the contents
      in search mode.
    * Added bell.visual option to control if the BEL character will cause
      the window to flash. Defaults to "no".
    * Added colors.flash and colors.flash-alpha options to set the color of
      the window when it flashes.
  * Added support for grapheme cluster processing support to be
    queried and modified by applications that support it.
  * Changed URL mode to not strip file:// prefix from local file URIs.
  * Changed rendering to have lower latency in many cases, especially on
    high DPI monitors.
  * Fixed wrong baseline offset for some fonts.
  * Fixed foot-server systemd units to only start after the wayland session
    is fully initialized.
  * Fixed URL mode to work with URLs containing double-width characters and
    grapheme clusters.
  * Fixed margins to become non-transparent in full-screen mode, for
    compliance with the current Wayland protocol specification.
  * Fixed command-line configuration overrides to take effect even if
    the foot.ini does not exist or cannot be parsed.
  * Fixed some crashes related to fractional scaling, XDG activation and
    search mode.
  * Added new theme - panda.
  * See for more details.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1102747 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 26)
- Update to v1.15.3:
  * Fixed -f,--font command line option not affecting the font used for CSDs.
  * See for more details.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1101397 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 25)
- Update to v1.15.2:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added tweak.bold-text-in-bright-amount option.
  * Fixed various crashes related to copy-paste, font sizes, wayland support
    of compositor, and more.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1099851 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 24)
- Update to v1.15.1:
  * Background transparency (alpha) is now disabled in fullscreened windows.
  * systemd service and socket units of foot-server are no longer instanced
    on the WAYLAND_DISPLAY env var. They are now singletons and part of
    the standard This also means the socket path
    does not incorporate the WAYLAND_DISPLAY value. The list of socket paths
    that footclient tries to connect to has been updated accordingly.
  * Fixed various bugs related to fractional scaling, font sizes, and more.
  * See for more details.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1098718 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 23)
- Update to v1.15.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added csd.double-click-to-maximize option. Defaults to "yes".
    * Added touch.long-press-delay option.
    * Renamed main.utempter option to main.utmp-helper. main.utempter is still
      recognized, but will log a deprecation warning.
    * Changed default main.dpi-aware value from "auto" to "no", and "auto" is
      no longer an allowed value.
    * Default theme is now "starlight".
    * Changed default from Ctrl-Shift-U to
    * Changed default key-bindings.unicode-input from none to Ctrl-Shift-U.
  * Implemented support fractional scaling on compositors that implement
    the fractional-scale-v1 Wayland protocol. This also changes how fonts
    are scaled to be based on the output scale factor configured in
    the compositor rather than the output's DPI. To restore
    the original behavior, set main.dpi-aware to "yes".
  * Implemented support server side cursor shapes on compositors that implement
    the cursor-shape-v1 Wayland protocol.
  * Implemented support for touchscreen input.
  * Implemented XTQMODKEYS query (CSI ? Pp m).
  * Added new themes - aeroroot, ayu-mirage, srcery, starlight.
  * Fixed incorrect icon in dock and window switcher on GNOME.
  * Fixed various bugs in sixel output.
  * Fixed various crashes when resizing or scrolling.
  * See for more details.
- Patches:
  * Drop 0000-fix-scroll-damage-crash.patch
  * Drop 0001-fix-crash-when-reflowing-alt-screen.patch
  * Drop 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch
  * Drop 0003-keep-empty-bottom-scroll-margin-empty-after-resize.patch
  * Drop 0004-fix-non-utf8-complaint.patch
  * Drop 0005-fix-wayland-protocols-1.32.patch
Fabian Vogt's avatar Fabian Vogt (favogt_factory) accepted request 1097442 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 22)
- Add patch 0005-fix-wayland-protocols-1.32.patch.
  * wayland: handle enum value XDG_TOPLEVEL_STATE_SUSPENDED
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1096219 from Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar Soc Virnyl Estela (uncomfyhalomacro) (revision 21)
- Modify 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch
- Add patches
  * 0003-keep-empty-bottom-scroll-margin-empty-after-resize.patch
  * 0004-fix-non-utf8-complaint.patch
- Add 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch
  * render: ensure scroll region’s endpoint is valid after a window resize
- Add 0001-fix-crash-when-reflowing-alt-screen.patch
  * render: resize: fix crash when reflowing the alt screen
- Add 0000-fix-scroll-damage-crash.patch.
  * term: scroll: only record scroll damage when viewport is at the bottom.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1083658 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 20)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1077579 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 19)
- Update to v1.14.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added font-size-adjustment option to set the font size change increment
      when zooming in or out.
    * Added underline-thickness option to set underline height.
    * Changed default colors to correspond to the solarized-dark-normal-brights
    * Added main.utempter option to set path to utempter binary, used to
      create utmp records. Defaults to the path of that binary at build time.
    * Changed default grapheme-width-method option to double-width.
    * Changed default pad option to 0x0.
    * String values can now be quoted with double quotes (""), which can be
      used to set an option to an empty string value. For environment variables
      setting them to the empty string unsets them.
  * Added various terminfo capabilities to work better with vim, etc.
  * Fixed various crashes.
  * Added new themes - deus, material-amber, modus, moonfly, nightfly, onedark,
    rose-pine, zenburn.
  * See for more details.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1000508 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 18)
- Update to v1.13.1:
  * Window is now dimmed while in Unicode input mode.
  * Fix crash on some compositors like GNOME.
  * Fix crash when resizing the window or scrolling in scrollback history.
  * Fix empty cells being highlighted as selected when they shouldn't be.
  * Fix separate URLs being connected in URL mode if they have the same ID.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 993625 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 17)
- Update to v1.13.0:
  * foot.ini options:
    * Added and options.
    * Added new environment section to define custom environment variables for
      child processes.
    * Added key-bindings.prompt-prev and key-bindings.prompt-next options.
      These key bindings jump to the previous / next prompt with a cooperating
    * Added key-bindings.unicode-input and search-bindings.unicode-input
      options. They provide a way to input unicode using codepoints without
      an external IME.
  * Client-side decorations no longer show buttons that do nothing because
    the compositor doesn't support the button's feature. For example,
    the minimize button won't be shown if the compositor doesn't support
  * Added new themes - Monokai Pro, Catppuccin, Tokyo Night,
    Tokyo Night Day, Tokyo Night Storm.
  * See for more details.
- Mark foot-extra-terminfo and foot-themes packages as noarch.
- Remove redundant copy of doc files and license in $datadir/doc/foot/
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 973272 from Arnav Singh's avatar Arnav Singh (Arnavion) (revision 16)
- Update to v1.12.1:
  * foot.ini options:
    * search-bindings.clipboard-paste now includes Ctrl-Shift-V and XF86Paste
      by default.
  * search-bindings.extend-to-word-boundary command no longer stops at
    space-to-word boundaries.
  * Fixed some issues related to scrollback search mode.
  * See for more details.
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 35
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