Revisions of python-beartype
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1170446
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 12)
- update to 0.18.5: * Beartype 0.18.5 resolves a critical low-level issue in @beartype's dynamic type-checking code generator for **nested beartype validator-in-container type hints** (e.g., type hints of the form `list[typing.Annotated[{type}, Is[{validator}]]]`). Someone, somewhere cares deeply about this. You might even be that someone.
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1169365
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 11)
- update to 0.18.4: * resolves a critical low-level issue in dynamic type-checking code generator for **nested tuple-in-dictionary type hints** - update to 0.18.3: * Beartype 0.18.3 is for @iamrecursion and @sylvorg. May their usernames live forever in `git log` infamy. In this release, a few more bugs die. - update to 0.18.2: * This patch release temporarily squelches (i.e., silences) a low-level `assert` statement erroneously performed during @beartype's dynamic code generation loop. - update to 0.18.0: * We're *finally* type-checking general-purpose Python containers.
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1144712
Daniel Garcia (dgarcia)
(revision 9)
- update to 0.17.0: * Emit non-fatal warnings on type-checking violations? Yup. We got that. Grep violation_*type, then win. * Raise custom exception types on type-checking violations? We got that, too. violation_*type grepping intensifies. * Raise custom exception messages on type-checking violations? Got that. __instancecheck_str() enters the chat emboldened and swaggering. * Modify the verbosity of type-checking violation messages? Got that. violation_verbosity + BeartypeVerbosity is snickering in the back. * Reduce complex type hints to simple type aliases in type-checking violations? That is a thing now. type {name} = {hard_stuff} | {moar_stuff}. * Blatantly lie about the types your API expects by instructing @beartype to internally transform source to target type hints matching various patterns with type hint overrides? You know we even got that. hint_overrides + BeartypeHintOverrides. It's best not to question this stuff.
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1124971
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 8)
- update to 0.16.4: * **`beartype.claw` + methods + PEP 526.** Previously, `beartype.claw` silently failed to type-check PEP 526-compliant annotated variable assignments in methods. Now, `beartype.claw` does so: e.g., - update to 0.16.3: * This bug-defying patch release adds official support for **hot module reloading,** **root superclass validators,** **forward reference `issubclass()` proxying,** **readable forward reference exceptions,** and **class redecoration eliding** as well as documenting a medley of topics and APIs first introduced with the `beartype.claw` subpackage under - update to 0.16.2: * **Plum** + **class methods** (i.e., `@classmethod`-decorated methods) + **PEP 563** (i.e., `from __future__ import annotations`). If you use Plum – which you surely do, of course – you want this. - update to 0.16.0: * @beartype 0.16.0 **[**codename: _Super Unsexy Stabilization Asinine Force (SUSAF)_**]** boringly stabilizes everything unstable about @beartype that made your coworker who only wears skinny jeans while squinting whenever you mention - Update to version 0.11.0
Ana Guerrero (anag+factory)
request 1100856
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 7)
- update to 0.15.0: * Like a cyberpunk phoenix whose intertube veins are made of pure honey and blueberry juic, 0.15.0 introduces the new `beartype.claw` API. * When you call import hooks published by the `beartype.claw` API, you enable **hybrid runtime-static type-checking.** * For many of you: "Yes. That is what this means." Pure-static type-checkers lie to you about everything, require maintaining fragile and unreadable `type: ignore[...]` and `pyright: ignore[...]` comment chatter throughout your once- pristine codebase, and fail to enforce anything at test- or runtime. In other words, they (mostly) suck; we should all stop using them, because they (mostly) fail at their core mandate.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1092181
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 6)
- update to 0.14.1: * **[PEP 517][PEP 517].** This release restores our [PEP 517][PEP 517]-compliant top-level `pyproject.toml` file in a vain and probably misguided attempt to restore the buildability of our documentation on the third-party ReadTheDocs (RTD) documentation host. Doing so nudges @beartype mildly closer towards abandoning the antiquated (and frankly objectionable) `setuptools` build system to Hatch, officially endorsed by the Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) as sane and *not* `setuptools`, which are the only criteria @leycec is looking for in a Python build system. The bar could *not* be lower. * **[PEP 544][PEP 544].** @beartype now officially supports *all* third-party `typing_extensions.Protocol` backports, resolving issue #241 kindly submitted by MIT machine learning guru @rsokl (Ryan Soklaski). This release also restores testing of the `typing_extensions.Protocol` superclass, which now passes under *all* `typing_extensions` versions. Let's not ask prying and uncomfortable questions about what exactly was resolved here, because then @leycec might break down and openly weep emoji tears live on GitHub. * **[PEP 585][PEP 585].** This release "undeprecates" the `beartype.typing.{Match,Pattern}` type hints deprecated by [PEP 585][PEP 585], resolving issue #240 kindly submitted by AI King @KyleKing (Kyle King). Specifically, the `beartype.typing` subpackage now imports those type hints from the standard `re` rather than `typing` module under Python >= 3.9. This is why @leycec sighs in his sleep while clutching a Bengal plushy.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1084451
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 5)
- update to 0.14.0: * This minor release brings exhilarating support for PEP 673 (i.e., `typing.Self`) and PEP 675 (i.e., `typing.LiteralString`) as well as substantially improved compatibility with PyPy. * This release resolves a significant incompatibility with PyPy, whose implementation of the `id()` builtin appears to occasionally [read: non-deterministically] return object identifiers that are negative integers. Specifically, @beartype now guaranteeably generates valid parameter names passed to type-checking wrapper functions regardless of the sign of the `id()` of the values of those parameters. Doing so resolves issue #232 kindly submitted by @jvesely (Jan Vesely) who purportedly lives in or around an ancient pork by-product that has calcified into stone -- which is quite impressive, really. Stoneham: it's like Stonehenge, only American and yummy in your tummy. Thanks so much for the heads up, @jvesely.
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1079737
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 4)
- update to 0.13.1: * The `test_pep561_mypy()` integration test validating that @beartype passes all mypy-specific static runtime type- checks * **Pandera (pandas) type hints** (i.e., ad-hoc PEP- noncompliant type hints validating pandas `DataFrame` objects, produced by subscripting factories published by the `pandera.typing` subpackage and validated *only* by user- defined callables decorated by the ad-hoc PEP-noncompliant `@pandera.check_types` runtime type-checking decorator), resolving feature request #227 kindly submitted by @ulfaslakprecis (Ulf Aslak) the Big Boss Typer. @beartype now: * Transparently supports pandera's PEP-noncompliant `@pandera.check_types` decorator for deeply runtime type- checking arbitrary pandas objects. * *Always* performs a rudimentary `O(1)` `isinstance()`-based type-check for each pandera type hint. Doing so substantially improves usability in common use cases, including: * Callables annotated by one or more pandera type hints that are correctly decorated by @beartype but incorrectly *not* decorated by the pandera-specific `@pandera.check_types` decorator. * (Data)classes annotated by one or more pandera type hints. * Pandera type hints passed as the second argument to statement-level @beartype type-checkers – including: * **Pseudo-callable monkey-patching support.** `@beartype` now supports **pseudo-callables** (i.e., otherwise uncallable objects masquerading as callable by defining the `__call__()` dunder method), resolving feature request #211 kindly
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1060970
Daniel Garcia (dgarcia)
(revision 3)
- Disable test_beartype_in_sphinx, broken with sphinx 6.1.3 gh#beartype/beartype#209 - Update to version 0.12.0 Change log -
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 1010199
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 2)
Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse)
request 975166
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 1)
Required by python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints
Displaying all 12 revisions