Revisions of libmfx
Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro (gyribeiro)
(revision 2)
- fixed JIRA number in previous changelog - Update to 21.3.4 * Fixed VPL run-time loading by MediaSDK dispatcher VPL doesn't provide In VPL Gen run-time we have as SONAME and use as a full name. * [VPP] Fix increasing num of input channels doesn't work * maximum and minmum qp setting for HEVC encoder. * Removed multiple calls vaGetConfigAttributes (github issue#2417) * [Jpeg]modify color range on Linux * [Jpegd] Enable HW to decode JPEG RGB444 on Linux - covers jira#SLE/SLE-19361 - Update to 21.3.3 * latest version - refreshed cmake-sle12.patch - supersedes u_gcc11.patch - u_gcc11.patch * fixes build against gcc11 (boo#1181871)
Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro (gyribeiro)
(revision 1)
initialize package
Displaying all 2 revisions