Revisions of webcamoid
Yuchen Lin (maxlin_factory)
request 955553
Luigi Baldoni (alois)
(revision 3)
- Update to version 9.0.0 * Now Qt 5.15 is the minimum required version. * More modern UI redesign. * Now the default theme can adapt to the current color scheme of the system. * Switched build system to CMake. * Redesigned plugins system to a more expandable one. * Photos and videos are saved in their default folders, and its also user customizable. * You can now open the last photo taken and the last video recorded from Webcamoid. * Added support for screen capturing in PipeWire/Wayland. * Added VLC as video playback backend. * The virtual camera is now fully customizable (format, resolution, default picture, etc.). * Improved error messages for the virtual camera. * Add face tracking plugin. * Add appstream data. * Fixed privilege escalation when creating the virtual camera. * Added support for background image replacement in FaceDetect plugin. * Fixed default masks rendering when selecting an image from file system. * Added more options to the FaceDetect plugin. * Added support for FFmpeg 5.0. * Fixed video recording with FFmpeg. * Added Otsu threshold, and other video effects plugins. * Improved FalseColor plugin UI. * Optimized Charify plugin. * Added donations links for people who wants to support the
Yuchen Lin (maxlin_factory)
request 938830
Yuchen Lin (maxlin_factory)
(revision 2)
Automatically create request by update submitter. This is trying to update package to openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP4 from openSUSE:Factory. Please review this change and decline it if Leap do not need it.
Wolfgang Engel (bigironman)
(revision 1)
osc copypac from project:openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3 package:webcamoid revision:2
Displaying all 3 revisions