Revisions of libkvkontakte
Ludwig Nussel (lnussel)
(revision 5)
vrev freeze
Ludwig Nussel (lnussel_factory)
request 394631
Ludwig Nussel (lnussel)
(revision 4)
Pick from Factory for fix cmake issue - Update to version 4.12.0: NEW FEATURES: * Add new class VkApi to manage authentication OTHER CHANGES: * Relicensed all the code to LGPLv2.1+ * Use method account.getAppPermissions instead of deprecated method getUserSettings * Add enum AppPermissions::Value for application permissions, to replace string lists * VkontakteJob: Do not pass empty auth token to VK API * autotests: Request only necessary VK app permissions in each unit test * autotests: Prefer QList::at(0) over QList::first() to avoid deep copying - Added a patch (cmake_fix.patch) to fix cmake error about LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES properties and policy CMP0022.
Adrian Schröter (adrianSuSE)
(revision 3)
fork from 42.1
Stephan Kulow (coolo)
(revision 2)
vrev bump
Stephan Kulow (coolo)
(revision 1)
osc copypac from project:openSUSE:Factory package:libkvkontakte revision:b716626acdf9f00b25e82688df55674b, using expand
Displaying all 5 revisions