Revisions of libvpl
Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro (gyribeiro)
(revision 2)
- remove third-party-programs.txt during setup * When not building on Windows using Visual Studio, the Visual Studio runtimes are not needed to be installed so we can remove these licenses from being mentioned. On Linux we're using cmake/make/gcc for building/installation and we don't have any (need for) MS Visual Studio runtime. (oneapi-src/oneVPL issue#27) -->
Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro (gyribeiro)
(revision 1)
created package libvpl (jira#SLE/SLE-19361) * oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) dispatcher, tools, and examples: The oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) provides a single video processing API for encode, decode, and video processing that works across a wide range of accelerators.
Displaying all 2 revisions