Revisions of monit

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 243135 from Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) (revision 52)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 51)
Remove one more dangling white space.
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 50)
Remove superfluous whitespaces at the end of line.
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 49)
Readd lost prefixed '.' (rq242926, r47) to the idfile.
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 48)
Cosmetic change log cleanup and streamlining.
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) accepted request 242926 from Shawn Dunn's avatar Shawn Dunn (sfalken) (revision 47)
- update to 5.8.1:
  *  Changed all /var/run to /run to fix rpmlint check failure in Factory
  *  removed monit-page_shift.patch, as new version deprecates it.
  *  Added: monit-5.8.1.tar.gz
  *  Deleted: monit-5.6.tar.gz
  *  Updated: monit-better_default_monitrc.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 200801 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 46)
baserev update by copy to link target
Pascal Bleser's avatar Pascal Bleser (pbleser) committed (revision 45)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 178785 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 44)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 43)
- update to 5.5.1:
  * Info and debug messages are no longer sent to stderr, only to stdout.
  * Improved output from 'check program', If the program returns an error
    message, include only that message in alert $DESCRIPTION so users can
    compose their own alert format. If program provided no output on
    error, use a default message.
  * Improved "check system", $HOST can now be used as a service name.
    $HOST will expand to the system hostname. Example: check system $HOST
  * Fixed "Unable to read magic" which was reported on first Monit start.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 160765 from Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) (revision 42)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 159404 from Daniel Poelzleithner's avatar Daniel Poelzleithner (poelzi) (revision 41)
fix init script by using relative not absolute path names for dirname etc. dirname is not longer in /bin (at least on all systems we checked)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 140124 from Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) (revision 40)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) committed (revision 39)
- update to 5.5:
  * check program:
    - Multiple exit values can be tested within single program check
    - Exit value test supports multiple cycles option ("for X cycles")
    - If exit value test matches and the stderr has no data, try stdout
  * Renamed mail header (message-id and mime-version) to prevent
    triggering spam check of capitalization.
  * The 'check system <name>' statement sets the system hostname in mail
    alerts and initial hostname in M/Monit.
  * Increase the default mailserver timeout to 30 seconds.
  * Fix the rare hung on linux which may occur during program execution.
  * In the case that the process start/restart execution failed, monit kept
    "Execution failed" flag even if the process was recovered later (for
    example it was starting slowly or manually recovered).
  * Fix the mail alert (strict SMTP implementation) to pass MTA-side sanity
    checks like postscreen.
  * The -t option tests the configuration file syntax even if the
    file permissions are wrong.
  * Do not display the default non-existence test for the check
    program (not applicable in the check program context).
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 121384 from Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) (revision 38)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) accepted request 121383 from Lars Müller's avatar Lars Müller (lmuelle) (revision 37)
- update to 5.4:
  * New process uptime test added.
  * The monit hostname will fallback to plain machine's hostname if the lookup
    for FQDN hostname didn't found matching entry.  
  * The CPU usage for multi-threaded processes on multi-core machine was
    reported incorrectly in the case that the process used more CPU resources
    then equivalent to one core.
  * The content match test now sends one event per cycle and pattern.
  * The /proc/ files content match test was skipped, as the file size on the
     procfs is 0, so monit supposed that there is no content to read.
  * Allow reading status and perform Monit actions when using client SSL
  * When the process is starting/stopping, do the process state check more
    effectively to not stress the low power devices with aggresive polling.
  * Make the process start/stop wait resistant to large time changes.
  * Compilation: If PAM is enabled but the PAM headers or library are not
    found by the configure script, it will report error.
- BuildRequire pam-devel.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 108746 from Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) (revision 36)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 108115 from Ciaran Farrell's avatar Ciaran Farrell (babelworx) (revision 35)
license update: AGPL-3.0
My mistake - there is no entry for AGPL-3.0+ on The only available one is AGPL-3.0 (without the plus)
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 107560 from Ciaran Farrell's avatar Ciaran Farrell (babelworx) (revision 34)
license update: AGPL-3.0+
monit is AGPL-3.0 _not_ GPL-3.0
Pascal Bleser's avatar Pascal Bleser (pbleser) committed (revision 33)
- fix bnc#743289 by adding monit-dirs.patch to set the PIDDIR accordingly to
  what is preset in the monitrc configuration (and in the spec file), as well
  as to fix the default event directory
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 92
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