
Request 121383 accepted

- update to 5.4:
* New process uptime test added.
* The monit hostname will fallback to plain machine's hostname if the lookup
for FQDN hostname didn't found matching entry.
* The CPU usage for multi-threaded processes on multi-core machine was
reported incorrectly in the case that the process used more CPU resources
then equivalent to one core.
* The content match test now sends one event per cycle and pattern.
* The /proc/ files content match test was skipped, as the file size on the
procfs is 0, so monit supposed that there is no content to read.
* Allow reading status and perform Monit actions when using client SSL
* When the process is starting/stopping, do the process state check more
effectively to not stress the low power devices with aggresive polling.
* Make the process start/stop wait resistant to large time changes.
* Compilation: If PAM is enabled but the PAM headers or library are not
found by the configure script, it will report error.
- BuildRequire pam-devel.

Request History
Lars Müller's avatar

lmuelle created request

- update to 5.4:
* New process uptime test added.
* The monit hostname will fallback to plain machine's hostname if the lookup
for FQDN hostname didn't found matching entry.
* The CPU usage for multi-threaded processes on multi-core machine was
reported incorrectly in the case that the process used more CPU resources
then equivalent to one core.
* The content match test now sends one event per cycle and pattern.
* The /proc/ files content match test was skipped, as the file size on the
procfs is 0, so monit supposed that there is no content to read.
* Allow reading status and perform Monit actions when using client SSL
* When the process is starting/stopping, do the process state check more
effectively to not stress the low power devices with aggresive polling.
* Make the process start/stop wait resistant to large time changes.
* Compilation: If PAM is enabled but the PAM headers or library are not
found by the configure script, it will report error.
- BuildRequire pam-devel.

Lars Müller's avatar

lmuelle accepted request


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