J-Pilot Plug-in for e-mail Synchronization

Edit Package pilot-mailsync-jpilot

The plug-in for J-Pilot is a simple hack, J-Pilot simply calls
pilot-mailsync. You should set up your .pilotmailrc so that it works
the way you want it to with the executable pilot-mailsync. If that
works you can use the plug-in.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1-gcc4.diff 0000000566 566 Bytes
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1-implicit.diff 0000000578 578 Bytes
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1-nostrip.patch 0000000242 242 Bytes
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1-warning.patch 0000000515 515 Bytes
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1.diff 0000002064 2.02 KB
pilot-mailsync-0.9.1.tar.bz2 0001474163 1.41 MB
pilot-mailsync-gnome-pilot.changes 0000003951 3.86 KB
pilot-mailsync-gnome-pilot.spec 0000005304 5.18 KB
pilot-mailsync-jpilot.changes 0000003727 3.64 KB
pilot-mailsync-jpilot.spec 0000004701 4.59 KB
pilot-mailsync.changes 0000003240 3.16 KB
pilot-mailsync.spec 0000004139 4.04 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
Revision 1 (latest revision is 6)
autobuild's avatar autobuild committed (revision 1)
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