A collection of Swing components

Edit Package swingx

SwingX contains a collection of powerful, useful, and just plain fun Swing
components. Each of the Swing components have been extended, providing
data-aware functionality out of the box. New useful components have been
created like the JXDatePicker, JXTaskPane, and JXImagePanel.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
1.6.5-1.tar.gz 0016353538 15.6 MB
jdk17.patch 0000002722 2.66 KB
swingx-java7-swing-painter-compat.patch 0000000454 454 Bytes
swingx-java7-treepath-compat.patch 0000001407 1.37 KB
swingx-java8-compat.patch 0000001238 1.21 KB
swingx-remove-jhlabs-filters.patch 0000000954 954 Bytes
swingx-uititlelabel-test-failure.patch 0000000898 898 Bytes
swingx.changes 0000003026 2.96 KB
swingx.spec 0000003098 3.03 KB
Latest Revision
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1148633 from Gus Kenion's avatar Gus Kenion (gkenion) (revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
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