Files could not be expanded: conflict in file python-pyproj.spec

Python interface to PROJ library

Edit Package python-pyproj

Performs cartographic transformations and geodetic computations.

The Proj class can convert from geographic (longitude,latitude) to native map
projection (x,y) coordinates and vice versa, or from one map projection
coordinate system directly to another.

The Geod class can perform forward and inverse geodetic, or Great Circle,
computations. The forward computation involves determining latitude, longitude
and back azimuth of a terminus point given the latitude and longitude of an
initial point, plus azimuth and distance. The inverse computation involves
determining the forward and back azimuths and distance given the latitudes and
longitudes of an initial and terminus point.

Input coordinates can be given as python arrays, lists/tuples, scalars or
numpy/Numeric/numarray arrays. Optimized for objects that support the Python
buffer protocol (regular python and numpy array objects).

This project has a git repository
where you may access the most up-to-date source.

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