Profiles your system and emits JSON

Edit Package rubygem-ohai

Ohai detects data about your operating system and prints out a JSON data blob.
It can be used standalone, but it's primary purpose is to provide node data to

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
ohai-6.14.0.gem 0000109056 107 KB
rubygem-ohai.changes 0000000953 953 Bytes
rubygem-ohai.spec 0000002743 2.68 KB
Revision 3 (latest revision is 83)
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) committed (revision 3)
- Conflict with 'lsb' and require 'lsb-release' on SLE_11_SP2:
  /etc/lsb-release contains useless crap on SP2 which makes
  "ohai lsb" report nothing. However, if /usr/bin/lsb_release is available,
  it reports more useful stuff (altough the service pack patch level is 
  missing at the moment). Check lib/ohai/plugins/linux/lsb.rb if in doubt.
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