Qt5 Widgets for Technical Applications

Edit Package qwt6

The Qwt(Qt5) library contains GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Beside a 2D plot widget it provides scales, sliders, dials, compasses, thermometers, wheels and knobs to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000073 73 Bytes
qwt-6.1.3-rpath.patch 0000000967 967 Bytes
qwt-6.1.4-mkspecs.patch 0000001776 1.73 KB
qwt-6.2.0-qt6-libsuffix.patch 0000001479 1.44 KB
qwt-6.2.0-qt6-pkgconfig.patch 0000001392 1.36 KB
qwt-6.3.0.tar.bz2 0004737935 4.52 MB
qwt6-rpmlintrc 0000000066 66 Bytes
qwt6.changes 0000010359 10.1 KB
qwt6.spec 0000007544 7.37 KB
Latest Revision
H Brass's avatar H Brass (brassh) committed (revision 1)
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