
Edit Package doublecmd
Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
_service 0000000699 699 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000240 240 Bytes
doublecmd-1.1.15.tar.gz 0009791865 9.34 MB
doublecmd.changes 0000010299 10.1 KB
doublecmd.rpmlintrc 0000000129 129 Bytes
doublecmd.spec 0000002589 2.53 KB
Revision 22 (latest revision is 27)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 22)
- Update to version 1.1.15:
  * UPD: Release workflow
  * ADD: Go highlighter
  * FIX: mouse Scroll Lines limit in Options (min=1 and max=0 before, not follow LCL specifications)
  * FIX: Delete-window auto-size (fixes #1667)
  * FIX: Open/Save dialogs all files filter
  * FIX: Build under Windows (fixes #1702)
  * FIX #1680: Internal Viewer crashes on macOS
  * FIX: Wrong default path for rar extension in WCX plugin for macOS (fixes #1697)
  * FIX: Deleting is extremely slow under KDE (issue #812)
  * FIX: Dark mode - don't cache theme data (issue #1238)
  * FIX: Dark mode - multiple rows of tabs
  * FIX: Right-click on the smartphone icon (fixes #1647)
  * FIX: Mark unsupported variable-width encodings
  * FIX: Copy extended attributes when move files (fixes #1670)
  * UPD: FTP - disable unavailable option
  * UPD: Belarusian language file
  * UPD: FTP - clean up
  * ADD: FTP - protocol drop-down list (issue #1604)
  * FIX: FTP - Access violation if you try to "Quick connect" when you are already connected (fixes #1664)
  * FIX: Wfx-plugins - don't allow forbidden symbols in the plugin name (issue #1655)
  * FIX: FTP - opens incorrect path when quick connection used (issue #1654)
  * FIX: FTP - don't print an error when not necessary (fixes #1656)
  * ADD: Debian source package build script
  * FIX: FTP - detect encoding before getting current directory
  * ADD: SSH+SCP - open current directory when remote directory is not specified
  * ADD: SFTP - open current directory when remote directory is not specified
  * ADD: Wcx-plugins - don't show file time for files with zero time (fixes #1634)
  * FIX: FTP - possible buffer overflow
  * FIX: Packing shows "Copying" instead of "Packing" (fixes #1626)
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